The ACM K-12 Computer Science Curriculum: Dissemination, Implementation, and Sustainability Fadi P. Deek
Agenda Current Status of K-12 Computer Science Education An Integrated CSE Environment Brief Overview of ACM K-12 Curriculum Recommendations Curriculum Model “Deliverable” Curriculum Standards and benchmarks Curriculum development Learning outcomes Program/content evaluation Grade Level Details Teacher Certification/Education Programs Funding Opportunities and Other Resources Computer Science Teachers Association Homework
K-12 Computer Science Education The ACM K-12 Model Curriculum is available at Where to next?
Integrated CSE Environment ACM Curriculum Model State Teacher Certification Teacher Preparation Programs State Content Standards/ Benchmarks Integrated K-12 CSE Environment Alignment w/ University Courses Technical/ Pedagogical Support from University Faculty
A Brief Overview of Recommendations Grade: K-8 9 or 10 10 or 11 11 or 12 Level I - Foundations of Computer Science Level II - CS in the Modern World Level III - CS as Analysis and Design Level IV - Topics in Computer Science
Foundations of Computer Science (Grade K-8) Foundational concepts Basic skills in technology + simple algorithmic thinking ideas (NETS standards) Hands-on activities Modules in science, mathematics, and social studies
Level I Examples Algorithm for finding your way out of a maze (Turtle graphics, robotics) Algorithm for alphabetizing a list of words How pixel arrays and other symbols are used to describe pictures, bar codes, etc. Text compression Battleships (basic search algorithms) The “orange game” (network traffic, deadlocks, etc.) See for examples
Computer Science in the Modern World (Grade 9 or 10) Introduction to computer science Computers and their place in the modern world Effective use of computers Integrating technology with emerging interests
Level II Topics Principles of computer organization and components Algorithmic problem-solving Components of networks Organization of Internet elements Fundamental hierarchy and abstraction in computing Mathematical elements of computer science Computer models of human behavior Utility of computers and algorithms in the modern world Ethical issues of computers and networks Careers in computing
Computer Science as Analysis and Design (Grade 10 or 11) One-year elective course that earns a curriculum credit Emphasis on scientific/engineering aspects of computer science Focuses on mathematical principles, algorithmic problem-solving/programming, software/hardware design, networks, and social impact Explores interest in computer science as a profession/major
Level III Topics Fundamentals: style, abstraction, correctness, efficiency Simple data structures and their uses Discrete math: logic, functions, sets, and their relation to computer science Usability: web pages, interactive games, documentation Elements of hardware design Characteristics of compilers, operating systems, and networks Limits of computing: computationally “hard” problem? unsolvable problem? Principles of software engineering: projects, teams, software life cycle Social issues: intellectual property, professional practice Careers: computer scientist/engineer, software engineer, information technologist
Topics in Computer Science (Grade 11 or 12) Topics of personal interest In-depth understanding Special skills Elective AP Computer Science Projects-based course Courses leading to Industry Certification
Acceptance and Ownership For acceptance, recommendations should be endorsed (e.g., ACM SIGCSE, ISTE SIGCS, ASCD, NEA, NASSP, state boards of education, National School Board Association) For ownership, teachers should embrace the proposed curriculum model and organize themselves as a coherent group
From a Curriculum Model to a “Deliverable” Curriculum Important steps beyond the curriculum model definition Partnership among teachers, professional organizations, school systems, higher education, and the government A cyclical curriculum process to deal with the constant change in computer science
Building Awareness for CS Learning and Teaching Effective CS teaching and learning environment Administrative and community support for the CS program Understand how CS programs improve opportunities for students’ achievement and attitudes Strategies and resources to develop standards-based CS curricula
Standards Standards are guiding principles for making a judgment of quality Content standards specify what students should know and be able to do Indicate the knowledge and processes essential to teach and learn
The Role of Content Standards Not a curriculum Not a policy or a mandate A vision A guide Not a test, but can define learning outcomes
But the Outcome is not Guaranteed!
Standards-based Curriculum Is a non-linear process Represents the concept of “backward design” Begins at different points Requires rubrics and assessments
Learning Objectives, Outcomes, and Standards Concept to be addressed and related standards (or benchmarks) Learning objectives/expectations Lesson that meets the standards. Learning outcomes to assess achievement (or meeting of standards).
Evaluating and Selecting Standards-Based Instructional Materials Evaluate and select instructional materials that align with a standards-based approach to CS Develop a process for evaluating and selecting high quality instructional materials Strategies for piloting and making selection of instructional materials
Grade-Level Details Integrated K-12 CSE Environment District Curriculum Guidelines Commercial/Web Material Program Evaluation Integrated K-12 CSE Environment Grade-Level Instructional Units/Assessment Tools
Teacher Certification/ Education Programs
Current State State-Level Certification Standards Continuing education A few states have standards for CS teachers Continuing education In-service workshops and courses for recertification in CS Schools of Education Limited Teacher Education Programs in CS (Standards endorsed by NCATE
Information Technology -Teacher Education at NJIT The IT concentration in Teacher Education, offered in conjunction with Rutgers-Newark Department of Education, is designed for students interested in obtaining teacher certification in either elementary or secondary education. Students will study foundations of education and teaching methodology in addition to practical issues of technology and technology education. Students will culminate the concentration with a student teaching experience.
Professional Development for Curriculum Implementation Implementing standards-based instructional materials requires on-going professional development initiatives and qualified trainers to provide it who need to be identified, developed, and supported
Computer Science Teachers Association A Community of CS Educators A semi-autonomous organization under the auspices of ACM Opportunities for high quality, relevant professional development Comprehensive CS curriculum Communicate the excitement of CS and its opportunities Research about CS Education Policy recommendations
Integrated CSE Environment ACM Curriculum Model Teacher Preparation Programs State Content Standards/ Benchmarks State Teacher Certification Technical/ Pedagogical Support from University Faculty Alignment w/ University Courses Community of CS Educators Integrated K-12 CSE Environment
Supporting Resources Existing global resources (e.g., The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse, Ontario Association for Computer Studies Educators, the Computer Science Unplugged Project). See,, and Dissemination (e.g., ACM K-12 repository, the JETT project and other forums for sharing and exchanging ideas). See and Funded initiatives (e.g., NSF, DOE, foundations). See and
Opportunities for Funded Initiatives NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) - fellowships and associated training to enable graduate students and advanced undergraduates to serve as resources in K-12 schools Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) - to improve the quality of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education for all students Centers for Learning and Teaching (CLT) - address the need to enrich and diversify the national infrastructure by increasing the number of K-12 educators prepared in content, pedagogy, and assessment methodologies Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) - addresses needs regarding the recruitment, preparation, enhancement, and retention of K-12 teachers
Homework Obtain a copy of and read The ACM K-12 Education Task Force Computer Science Curriculum Report Become an active member of CSTA Read articles in conference proceedings/journals Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (ACM SIGCSE) Journal of Computer Science Education - ISTE SIGCS Journal of Computer Science Education - Swets