Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education Viability Han Reichgelt Chair
Introduction SIGITE is a small SIG whose mission it is to provide a forum for the interaction of practitioners, educators and others in the field of Information Technology Education to exchange ideas and engage in activities that advance the knowledge of its members, the curriculum and teaching of information Technology and the development and transfer of innovative concepts and applications in teaching and pedagogy.
Financials and Membership Finances Since being granted permanent status in October 2003, the balance has grown from $21K to just over $46K. Membership Membership currently stands at 425 up from 319 when the SIG was granted permanent status. Roughly 20% of the membership plays an active role and volunteers for the various SIG activities.
Conferences SIGITE holds annual conferences, which are attended by approximately 35% of its membership. In general, between 40-50% of submissions are accepted for full presentation and 15-20% as posters. Attendance at the last conference was slightly down because of a change in the deadline for paper submissions. SIGITE has made the decision to revert to the original submission date.
Member Benefits Publications Newsletter (twice per year) News bulletin (monthly) Opportunity to participate in SIGITE projects. Reduced rates at SIGITE conference.
Current Initiatives Curriculum related Maintenance of the 4 year IT Model Curriculum Development of a 2 year IT Model Curriculum Development of an exit exam based on the core of the 4 year model curriculum. Further definition of the field Formulation of an IT research agenda. Survey of IT programs Women in IT.