SIGIR Viability Review Chair: Jamie Callan(US) Vice-Chair: Fabrizio Sebastiani(EU) Secretary:David Lewis(US) Treasurer:Justin Zobel(AU) Regional Rep:Noriko Kando(AS)
Financial Assessment Target fund balance: $ K Significantly above ACM required balance We generally run a break-even budget Were not afraid to lose money occasionally ($38K last year) We should have a nice surplus this year Conferences vary in profitability, but none lose money Budgeted to break-even at 75% of normal attendance Membership costs being reduced significantly this year Switching Special Issue of SIGIR Forum from paper to DVD
Membership 61% NA 23% EU 13% AS 2% ANZ 1% SA (FY 2004) 2007 is a partial year * * Admin error
Volunteer Development: A Culture of Service SIGIR EC Early mid-career members recruited to run for some positions International members aggressively recruited to run SIGIR conference Junior members recruited for Posters Program Committee, occasionally Papers Program committee, Information Director, Forum editorships, SIGIR-List Many opportunities for senior members to serve 33-50% annual turnover encouraged at Senior level of SIGIR Program Committee Regional Program Chairs to SIGIR conference Americas, Europe, Asia/Australia/New Zealand
Conferences SIGIRCIKMJCDL Co-sponsorsSIGWEBSIGWEB, IEEE Acceptance rate~ 19%~ 18%~ 23% Quality#1 IR#2 IR, #4? DB#1 DL GrowingYes No ProfitsYesSmallBreakeven Accessible to jr membersYes ? AdministrationRotatingInsularSlow rotation ManagementDirectIndirect
Member Service Summary SIGIR Forum newsletter (paper, online) Optional JCDL+CIKM Proceedings Package Optional DiSC Package SIG-IRList electronic newsletter Access to SIGIR material in the Digital Library A Digital Preservation effort for early IR material At SIGIR conference Best Paper, Best Student Paper, and triennial Salton awards Student travel awards Doctoral consortium Optional mentoring for new authors Automatic 1-year ACM SIGIR registration of non-members At JCDL conference Co-sponsorship of Vannevar Bush best paper award
What Were Working On Were in the middle of revising the bylaws To match how we actually operate To increase EC terms from 2 years to 3 years The SIGIR conference rotation is transitioning from two-region (NA, EU) to three-region (+AS) Singapore in 2008 This EC retires on June 30 We have 3 good candidates for each elected position The slate has international and gender diversity