Robert A. Walker ACM EC / Council Report Background ACM Council is comprised of the ACM President, Vice-President, Secretary / Treasurer, Past President, SGB Chair, 3 SGB Representatives, Publications Board Chair, and 7 Members-at-Large Chairs of Education Board and Membership Board also typically attend Council meetings SGB Council Reps are Jim Cohoon (outgoing), Mark Scott Johnson (outgoing), and Jennifer Rexford Council meets twice each year (the next meeting is a retreat at the beginning of April 2005) Supplemented by conference calls of the ACM Executive Committee (officers plus SGB Chair)
Robert A. Walker ACM EC / Council Report October 2004 EC / Council Meeting CSTA Update Council supportive Presidents concerns Appoint more young people to Boards/Committees More publicity for computing, via Turing Award Executive Directors report Budget, Queue, Job Migration Task Force Membership Satisfaction Survey, ACM Branding Board reports SGB request to recognize Fellows at conferences
Robert A. Walker ACM EC Report February 2005 EC Meeting Executive Directors report Budget Membership Satisfaction Survey, ACM Branding Plans for April 2005 Council retreat Professions Task Force China / India Task Force Formation of Education Council
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting Baglio to inform appropriate HQ staff that SIGBED will have an election in 05 Baglio to inform appropriate HQ staff that SIGGROUP is to be dechartered Baglio to work with SGB EC to work out the details of dechartering to include informing the SIGGROUP membership, giving them membership alternatives, fulfilling any remaining membership commitments, distributing the SIG's assets, and helping SIGGROUP's conferences find a home in other SIGs
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting Outcome of … dechartering … SIGGROUP … Letter sent to SIGGROUP members & subscribers Conferences are healthy and will continue Members will be sent recent proceedings to fulfill newsletter obligations Members are offered 1-year membership (or extension) in another SIG of their choice, with some related SIGs listed as suggestions Thanks to current Chair and Vice Chair for their success in maintaining excellent conferences and for their efforts to revitalize SIGGROUP Bulletins in progress were sent out as well
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting Baglio to inform appropriate HQ staff that SIGITE will have an election in 05 Baglio to schedule SIGITE viability report for September 06 Baglio to schedule SIGBED viability report for September 06 Baglio to schedule SIGecom viability report for September06 Baglio to schedule SIGMOBILE viability report for September 05
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting Frawley to work with SIGecom leadership to provide an update to the SGB EC at the Sept'05 meeting following the Ecom'05 conference Hanson to provide a written update to SGB EC on status of SIGACCESS by February 25, 2005 Lawson to provide SIGITE Nominating Committee Chair contact information to Monique Chang R. Walker to appoint task force to put together a recommendation on CSTA to include opinions from the leaders of SIGITE and SIGCSE and make a concrete proposal to the SGB regarding funding by late November
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting R. Walker to appoint SGB representative to PD Committee to oversee the pilot test and fully develop the operations and budget models for the PDC program R. Walker to solicit names for and appoint task force to examine and produce a report for the spring 2005 SGB meeting on the large scale of conference submissions and recommendations on how to address the issue Stipanovits to provide SIGBED Nominating Committee Chair contact information to Monique Chang at ACM HQ
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting R. Walker to discuss recognition of Fellows that have SIG backgrounds with K. Gotlieb and J. Horning
Robert A. Walker SGB Actions from October 2005 Meeting Outcome of … recognition of Fellows … Request endorsed by ACM Council, then taken to ACM Awards Committee Awards Committee will give the SGB Chair an early list (~ October) of new Fellows, with SIG affiliations, before the official announcement (~ December) SIGs may use that list to consider additional recognition of new Fellows at their conferences, but: Primary recognition must remain at ACM Awards Banquet in June, where they officially receive their Fellow award Additional recognition must be after that Banquet
Robert A. Walker New ACM Fellows Bella Bose: ACT; ARCH (3/97- 2/05) Janis Bubenko: No SIG Memberships Luca Cardelli: PLAN (8/97-7/05) Andrew Chien: ARCH (8/97-7/05); OPS (8/98-7/05); PLAN ((8/97-7/05) George E. Collins: SAM (3/97-2/05) Joel Emer: ARCH (2/97-1/05): OPS (2/97-1/05) Allan J. Gottlieb: APL; ARCH (7/97-6/05) Vicki Hanson: ACCESS (12/99-11/05); CHI (8/00- 11/05)
Robert A. Walker New ACM Fellows (cont.) Mark D. Hill: ARCH (12/96-11/05); METRICS ( 96-05); MICRO (97-05); Yannis Ioannidis: KDD (10/99-9/00); MOD (1/97- 12/04) M. Frans Kaashoek: ARCH; COMM; OPS; PLAN (8/97-7/05) Paul (Per-Ake) Larson: MOD (2/97-1/05) Peter Lee: PLAN (3/98-2/99) Paul Mockapetris: COMM (3/97-2/05)
Robert A. Walker New ACM Fellows (cont.) Peter Lee: PLAN (3/98-2/99) Paul Mockapetris: COMM (3/97-2/05) Simon Peyton Jones: ARCH (11/96-10/97); PLAN (online/print) (11/96-10/05) Richard E. Schantz: No SIG Memberships Michael Schroeder: OPS (1/97-12/05) Stamatis Vassiliadis: ARCH (4/97-3/31/00) Benjamin Wah: ARCH (4/97-3/99) David S. Wise: ACT; NUM (2000); PLAN; SAM (2/97 - 1/05)