SIGMOBILE Viability Review David B. Johnson SIGMOBILE Chair August 2005 SGB Meeting
SIGMOBILE Summary New Executive Committee officers elected this year: Chair: Prof. David B. Johnson (Rice University) Vice Chair: Dr. Jason K. Redi (BBN Technologies) Treasurer: Prof. Tracy Camp (Colorado School of Mines) Secretary: Prof. Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome La Sapienza) Healthy conferences and solid member benefits: Four annual conferences: MobiCom, MobiHoc, MobiSys, and SenSys Stable, strong attendance, with at or near record submission levels Plus many co-located workshops & tutorials, plus many in-cooperation Quarterly MC2R journal / newsletter plus monthly Newsletter Steadily growing membership, with very high retention rates Outstanding Contribution Award recognizes leading researchers Strong finances but a little below required fund balance: Being conservative with budgeting, will soon be back above SIGMOBILE is a vibrant, healthy, and growing SIG, in a strong position now and for the future
Conferences and Workshops Sponsors or co-sponsors 4 healthy annual international conferences: MobiCom: Mobile Computing and Networking (since 1995) MobiHoc: Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (since 2000) MobiSys: Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (since 2003) –Jointly sponsored with USENIX, alternates annually SenSys: Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (since 2003) –SIGMOBILE and SIGCOMM (30% each); SIGARCH, SIGOPS, SIGMETRICS, SIGBED (10% each) All are widely recognized as the premier conferences in the field Also many co-located workshops and in-cooperation events: 7 sponsored co-located workshops in 2005, 7 workshops in 2004, … 9 in-cooperation in 2005, 10 in-cooperation in 2004, … Strong support from industry donations: 27 supporters in 2005: Boeing, DaimlerChrysler, Deutsche Telekom, HP, IBM, Intel, MSR, NEC, DoCoMo, Nokia, RSA, Sprint, Toyota, …
Publications SIGMOBILE is a major contributor to the ACM Digital Library Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R): Quarterly newsletter and scientific journal for SIGMOBILE members High-quality peer-reviewed research papers (double-blind reviewing) Plus news, standards updates, CFPs, features, book reviews, etc. All content is indexed in IEE INSPEC, increasing visibility and impact Editor: Prof. Mani Srivastava (UCLA), Associate Editors: Dr. S.-J. Lee (HP Labs) and Prof. Raghupathy Sivakumar (Georgia Tech), plus 15 Area Editors and 5 Feature Editors Fast turn-around time, generally less than 6 months to publication New SIGMOBILE Newsletter sent monthly to members: SIGMOBILE announcements, pointers to news articles, calendar of events, and pointers to articles for active developers Editor: Information Director Dr. Robert Steele (UT Sydney, Australia)
Membership and Finances SIGMOBILE membership remains very strong, steadily growing: Now at 855 (691 professional, 63 affiliate, 99 students, 2 institutional) Total retention now at 68.6% (between 63.7% and 71.4% since 2000) Anomalous small decrease in st-year retention (41.7% vs. 57.8% in 2003), but year retention remained very strong (81.0%) Planning survey of recently lapsed members Many volunteers active in program committees and MC2R Open annual SIGMOBILE business meetings are well attended Finances are strong but currently below required fund balance: Loss from MobiCom 2002, but other conference finances are healthy ACM increases in fund balance requirements are hurting too Our fund balance has been growing steadily again since the loss A race between balance growth and increases in balance requirements
SIGMOBILE Impact MobiCom is ranked as 5th highest impact Computer Science venue: By CiteSeer scientific literature digital library and search engine Based on the average citation rate of all articles published there MobiSys 2005 generated substantial international press interest: Over 35 articles in technical and popular press from 10 countries Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Romania, Scotland, and USA Several SIGMOBILE-started workshops grown to full conferences: MobiHoc: Now SIGMOBILE 3-day symposium WoWMoM: Now IEEE Computer Society 3-day symposium MSWiM: Now SIGSIM/IEEE Computer Society 3-day symposium Two new international Local SIGMOBILE Chapters: Nanyang Technological University Student Chapter (Singapore) Sydney Professional Chapter (Australia)