WP2 – I NFORMATION, AWARENESS RISING AND CAPITALISATION Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Sha.p.e.s. Communication plan
C OMMUNICATION STRATEGY Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Defines the elements of internal and external communication : objectives target groups messages tools & actions budget time plan
INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 The internal communication should help to consolidate the institutional links and the work relationships among the partners, whereas the actions of external communication should promote the visibility of the project at the territorial level.
OBJECTIVES Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 The activities of the communication component have the main purpose to help achieve objectives and to give visibility to Sha.p.e.s. project, therefore they will widely disseminate activities and results among various groups of targets. definire obiettivi specifici
T ARGET GROUPS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Two main predefined groups through implementation of most appropriate tools and actions: Public relevance: institutions, social parts Private relevance: economic actors, categorized in 3 broad groups – Arts and Culture; Design and Media definire target groups lists
T ARGET GROUPS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Don’t forget the Sha.p.e.s. network: 13 official partners 11 external partners 93 partners from previous projects capitalised in Sha.p.e.s. other 12 capitalization projects MED Authorities
TOOLS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Logo and visual identity manual Internet web site E-magazine Conference Kit and Gadgets Social media
L OGO AND VISUAL IDENTITY MANUAL Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 The logo and more generally the brand represent the main graphic layout that will give the project a coherent and memorable image. The visual identity manual sets up the principles of the logo usage on different type of communication material as well as type of characters and editing styles. It will include the templates of the headed paper and ppt presentation WHEN: July 2013
I NTERNET WEB SITE Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Public Area – provides an overview of the project, its objectives and partners. News, meetings and events, E- magazine, documents, FAQ, multimedia, links and contacts pages Intranet pages – password protected area for exchange of documents and information among partners. WHEN: Web site structure defined: July 2013 Web site published: October 2013 Web site updating: till December 2014
WEB DOMAIN Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Free domains: OK!!!
E MAGAZINE Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 A tool for dissemination to inform TGs about the project, new initiatives, events, Sha.p.e.s. tools & services … HTML and pdf. versions / published quarterly 2 E magazine issues for institutions 2 E magazine issues for SMEs WHEN: October 2013; February 2014; June 2014; November 2014
E MAGAZINE - CONTENTS OF ISSUE N ° 1 Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 MED Programme, including capitalisation process Introduction to Sha.p.e.s. Project Presentation / conclusions from Seville conference Projects / outputs to be capitalized Focus on Europe 2020 News&events, including other CAP projects
C ONFERENCE KIT AND GADGETS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Project leaflet (general information about the project / partnership) Project folder Gadgets WHEN: Conference kit – ready for Sevilla conference – October 2013
S OCIAL MEDIA Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 As part of SHA.P.E.S. online communication strategy, social media will be used as a tool to enable dialogue with different stakeholders and share information with each other, especially with general public. As a most effective means to generate interactive communication social media will represent a multi-way channel between partners and specific target groups. Possible social media: Facebook / You Tube / LinkedIn / Twitter
ACTIONS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Media and press releases/conferences Project conferences and events External Events
M EDIA AND PRESS RELEASES / CONFERENCES Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 During all project activities local, regional and national media (broadcast, press conferences and printed media) as well as specialist magazines, web portals and other means of communication will be used to inform about project activities. The information will be targeted towards specific audience when possible and it will be transmitted mainly in local languages.
P ROJECT CONFERENCES AND EVENTS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Communication and dissemination events: Launch conference in Sevilla: 1-2 October 2013 Final conference in Rome, late 2014 Thematic WPs related events – not realted to WP2 but a good occasion to communicate: Knowledge fairs and seminars, training classes, creativity marketplaces….
E XTERNAL EVENTS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 The project partners will also participate in and be presented at other external events – such as, those organized by the JTS, the EU authorities, local, regional and national organizations as well as on special international events taking place in partners’ regions.
E XTERNAL EVENTS CALENDAR Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 OPEN DAYS 2013: 7-10 October 2013, Brusseles (BE) MED Annual Event: october 2013, Lisbon (PT) DIRE & FARE Fair for PAs, October 2013, Florence (IT) Innovation Day – 15 October 2013, Prato (IT) PICNIT Conference: Prato ICT district for creative entreprises – November 2013, prato (IT) Conference for IPA Countries – Creative MED Project, 2-3 December 2013, Zagreb (HR) CONAMA (National Congress of Environment), November / December 2013, (ES) Ideandando: July 2014 BIZ Barcelona – June 2014 Barcelona (ES)
BUDGET Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 PARTNERBUDGET/€ Municipality of Prato € ,00 Regional Association of Lazio Municipalities - ANCI Lazio€ ,00 Province of Lucca€ 3.500,00 Andalusian Institute of Technology (IAT)€ ,00 National Council of Research – IRPPS€ ,00 BIC LAZIO€ 9.000,00 Algarve University€ 4.000,00 Associazione Eurokom€ ,00 Federation of, Regions and Provinces – FAMCP€ 6.000,00 Urban Planning Institute of the€ 5.700,00 Centre for Research and Technology – CERTH€ 5.200,00 Development Agency of the Region of South Aegean (READ )€ 8.000,00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY OF MARSEILLE€ 8.000,00 TOTAL€ ,00
P UBLICITY OBLIGATIONS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 The Regulation (EC) 1828/2006, art 2, 3, 4, 5 on information and publicity measures, carried out by the beneficiaries receiving assistance from the Structural Funds must be followed in all circumstances. In conformity with the Art. 7 of the Subsidy Contract and Art. 8 of the Partnership Agreement, all communication or publication regarding the project, including a conference or a seminar, must state that it has received a subsidy from the ERDF through the MED Programme. In organising information dissemination events (conferences, seminars, fairs, exhibitions, competitions…) related to a project partly financed by the Structural Funds, the organizers must indicate the community participation to these projects through the presence of the European flag in the meeting room, of the European emblem and the logo of the programme on the documents. In general, the LP will guarantee the respect of the Regulation (EC) 1828/2006 of the Commission for the information and publicity actions on the European Structural Funds.
P UBLICITY OBLIGATIONS – NEW MED CAP LOGO Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013
I NFORMATION FROM PARTNERS FOR COMMUNICATION PURPOSES Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Full name and acronym of your institution /organization Contact person (address, phone number and e mail) Web site and high resolution logo of your organization Brief description of your organization (1500 characters max) Detailed list of target groups List of possible external events
C ONTACT DETAILS Sha.p.e.s. Kick off Meeting – Rome July 2013 Lorena Vidas Letizia Benigni