PUBLICATIONS BOARD REPORT Joe Konstan SGB Publications Advisor
MUCH TO DISCUSS Operational Issues 2012 Computing Classification System Social Computing Journal ACM Press Books Proposal Single-Column Proceedings Format Policy Proposals, Changes, and Discussions Prior Publication Policy Discussion Copyright Expanded Access
OPERATIONAL ISSUES Ongoing review of journals, magazines, etc. Management of editorial searches Thanks for input and participation A number of searches in progress
2012 CCS 2012 ACM CCS is complete! Mapping old categories to new in DL accomplished Autotagging old works (non-indexed) in 2013 Author profile tag cloud cut-over – still in progress 2013 rollout for authors
SOCIAL COMPUTING JOURNAL NSF and CCC have co-funded, with ACM support, a workshop on Social Computing more generally, with one planned outcome to be a proposal for an ACM-wide, cross-specialty journal or transactions in social computing Representation from many SIGs Workshop will be in September 2013
ACM PRESS BOOKS Background: open niches for reviving ACM Press with tie-ins to digital library and electronic distribution Status: proposals from three publishers, two considered strong; next steps by HQ Starting program in 2013
SINGLE-COLUMN Pubs is hiring a designer to design a visually distinctive single- column format for proceedings papers (Word and LaTeX templates). I will be seeking volunteers from SIGs to provide feedback; this will be an iterative process. Deferring decision on whether we really need two new one- column templates (to distinguish posters, abstracts from papers) until we have one – and have further input on need.
PRIOR PUBLICATION Question: Given the advent of no-page-limit conference proceedings, and the norms of some fields, does it still make sense to require a journal paper to have a significant amount of new content? Is the conference paper already archival? Is the value-add of the journal paper the more detailed reviewing? Context: Policy on Publication of Proceedings as Journals On the agenda next week. Discuss.
COPYRIGHT Pubs Board has already approved replacing copyright transfer. License will include all existing author rights New rights related to: Bundling paper with open-source software distributions Control of permissions of software and algorithms Author grants ACM: Exclusive publication rights in aggregations or collections (*) Authority to act on authors behalf to defend copyright.
PRE/POST-CONFERENCE SIGs now have the option to make DL proceedings open for up to one month prior to/during/after conference. Up to two weeks in advance with notice to authors in CFP During the conference (which may help for conferences that do not have print proceedings) As long as a total of one month Access through normal DL channels (free to all) Note: Already able to provide permanent DL access to registered attendees, given their ACM IDs
AUTHOR PAYS OA Author can choose to pay a cost per article (member discount, cost different for proceedings/journal) to make it permanently OA under CC3.0. ACM working on pricing and revenue management model to: Transparently avoid double-dipping Ensure that the DL is fully sustainable at any adoption level Pubs Board explicitly rejected conference-pays option
SMALL ITEMS Technical support for off-campus access by individuals with institutional access Publicizing open research access to metadata and full-text Better communication of ACMs Fair Access Policies
SIG ACCESS EXPERIMENT Three Year Experiment SIG Option (may be delegated to conference) Most current proceedings of a conference series available for open access through Author-Izer links at one designated site: SIG site or Conference site. Next proceedings replaces prior; one-offs can be open 12 months. Lots of tracking and analysis