Usage Board meetings Members in attendance: –Tom Baker (chair), Haruki Nagata, Diane Hillmann, Andy Powell, Traugott Koch, Stuart Sutton, Roland Schwaenzl (absent: Rebecca Guenther) Meetings in Tokyo: Mon morning, Tues evening, Wed lunch, Saturday morning Participation of members in relevant breakout groups
UB agenda items - done 1) DC-Government profile –Uses existing DC terms, proposes 9 new terms –Result: some proposed terms rejected (reasons given); some returned to "revise/resubmit" –Follow-up: UB representative met with DC- Government WG, which plans revisions
UB agenda items - done 2) Registration of vocabulary encoding schemes –Purpose: to facilitate creation of DCMI- maintained qualifiers for popular subject vocabularies (eg, "DDC" for "Dewey Decimal Classification") –Result: agreement on and documentation of policies, procedures, and Web form
UB agenda items - still to do 3) Clarify/document process issues –Basic processes were discussed May 2001, approved by AC 4) Clarify workflow and Web structure for Usage Board documentation 5) Other business 6) Schedule next meeting circa Mar 2002