NEW JICA and Project Evaluation Ryutaro Koga Evaluation Department Japan International Cooperation Agency 4/22/2017
Presentation points Reorganization of JBIC and JICA on Oct.1,2008 New JICA’s Organization Change of ODA project evaluation in Japan Evaluation System of New JICA Current issues of evaluation in New JICA 4/22/2017
Reorganization of JBIC and JICA Restructuring of government financial institutions (triggered by Prime Minister Koizumi’s initiative) OOF wing of JBIC is merged with other 3 domestic banks establishing JFC ODA wing of JBIC is merged with JICA ODA agency reform One stop service window of ODA 4/22/2017
Reorganization of JBIC and JICA 3 domestic banks MOFA Grant JICA JBIC S&M National. Agri. ODA operations 60% OOF operations 40% NEW JICA JBIC JFC MOFA 4/22/2017
Organization of New JICA One stop ODA agency of Japanese Gov. : Technical assistance, Grant assistance and Loan assistance Synergy is expected, as well as coherence of evaluation method, but to what extent? 4/22/2017
The Vision and 4 missions Inclusive and dynamic development Tackling issues caused by globalization Equitable growth and poverty reduction Governance improvement Realization of Human security 4/22/2017
Strategies for fulfilling missions Inclusive assistance: 3 schemes, policies, institutions, human developments, infrastructure development Successive assistance:each stage of disaster prevention, emergency assistance, early rehabilitation, mid-term or long-term assistance Promoting development partnership:trying to become a best partner, understanding needs, effectively and speedily support self-help of partner countries, universities, NGOs, private companies, local governments, international players. Research and its external dissemination:establishing JICA Institute, provision of intellectual values in the development assistance arena based on fields experiences with collaborations with int’l partners 4/22/2017
Change of Implementation Entities of ODA operations in Japan Before Grant Assistance By MOFA (160 Bil. Yen) (about 1.6 Bil. US$) Technical Assistance By JICA (170 Bil. Yen) (about 1.7 Bil. US$) ODA Loan Assistance By JBIC (770 Bil. Yen) (about 7.7 Bil. US$) 60% 40% After Grant/Technical/ Loan Assistance By New JICA (1040 Billion Yen) (About 10 Billion US$) Grant Assistance By MOFA 4/22/2017
Evaluation System of New JICA Target: Technical cooperation projects Loan assistance projects Grant assistance projects Program assistance 4/22/2017
Evaluation System of New JICA Methodologies: Ex-ante to Ex-post evaluation External Evaluation Publication DAC 5 principles for Loan projects and Project Technical Assistances 4/22/2017
“Plan Do Check Action” Cycle Preparation Phase Ex-Ante Evaluation: - Examine the project’s relevance, its scope, expected impacts, and evaluation indicators Implementation Phase Mid-Term/ Terminal Evaluation: - Review the project’s relevance and its progress, prospects for realizing results, and factors affecting realization of effects After Completion Ex-Post Evaluation / Ex-Post Monitoring - Evaluate the project’s relevance, its impact, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, etc. Feedback Phase -Use feedback as means for better planning & implementation of future similar projects, as well as the evaluated project itself Aid Scheme Mid-Term Review Terminal Evaluation Ex-post Evaluation Ex-post Monitoring Technical Cooperation ○ - ODA Loans Grant Aid
Issues of evaluation in New JICA Program evaluation (3 scheme coordinated programs) Coordination and coherence of evaluation methods between 3 schemes (ex. ratings) Impact evaluation (more robust measuring of results, result based evaluation, cost efficiency) Thematic evaluation (ex. contributions of big scale infrastructures on non-hardware related aspects) Grant projects evaluation (transfer from MOFA) 4/22/2017
A Sample Evaluation : Bangladesh 4 donor evaluation Since 2005, Evalunet of DAC advocated country level evaluation in order for verifying AID impacts. Bangladesh, as a suitable target. Participants: World Bank ADB DFID Japan (JICA) Which, share about 60% to 80% of all AID to Bangladesh. Sept. 2009 CAE (expected) of WB is axis and other donors participate by inputting to CAE or conducting sector related evaluation. JICA (previous JBIC) takes part of transport sector evaluation based on its experience. ( on going by Feb 2009) 4/22/2017
4-donor Joint evaluation : Scheme chart (3)4-donor Joint Evaluation Report (June,2009) Focused on aid coordination Feed in to CAE FY2008 and after Feed in WB CAE (Governance, Growth, Human Development, Agriculture, Environment, gender, Aid Effectiveness) (2) ADB Sector Survey (Urban, Water, Education) (2) JICA Sector Survey (Transport) ADB CAPE (FY 2008 ) Japan CAE (After FY2008) Feed in Addition by DFID, ADB 4/22/2017
For further information on our evaluation Thank you. For further information on our evaluation 4/22/2017