National Library of New Zealand : strategies for interoperability: metadata projects and activities Karen Rollitt Douglas Campbell DCMI Localisation and Internationalisation Working Group Meeting, September 13, 2005, Madrid Spain.
Overview National Library of NZ Frameworks and principles Projects Activities Future
National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aoteaora Collect, maintain, and make accessible literature and information resources that relate to New Zealand and the Pacific Alexander Turnbull Library Preserve New Zealand's documentary heritage for generations to come Develop and deliver services for schools to support teaching and learning National Library Act 2003 mandates legal deposit of electronic materials
Metadata Framework at National Library of New Zealand (2000) Focus on resource discovery Focus on interoperability Crucial adherence to standards Dublin Core as significant 2004 Principles for NLNZ metadata in a collaborative environment DC implementations must comply with DCMI recommendations DC terms (ISO15836) must be the common layer Application Profiles for sector specific and local requirements include the DC layer Frameworks and principles
Projects : Discover A database of over 2,500 multimedia items selected for use in the Visual Arts and Music disciplines in New Zealand schools Pilot project for the Digital Library Programme MARC and ISAD exported and mapped to DC and qualified DC and also contains EAD elements and local extensions Expressed in XML and uses the recommended RDF framework for DC metadata
Projects : Matapihi Contains 50,000 objects, including images, some 3-d virtual museum objects and sound and textual items. All are about, made created by New Zealanders, or held in New Zealand collections First cross sector collaborative project using DC based metadata 3 libraries, 1 art gallery and 1 museum Centralised metadata repository Skim of the DC layer of partners metadata Expressed in XML and uses the recommended RDF framework for DC metadata Bilingual
DC Metadata DC Metadata URL Other Metadata Other Metadata Other Metadata Other Metadata Matapihi DC Metadata DC Metadata URL DC Metadata DC Metadata URL Other Metadata Other Metadata Other Metadata Other Metadata DC Metadata DC Metadata URL DC Metadata DC Metadata URL Other Metadata Other Metadata Other Metadata Other Metadata DC Metadata DC Metadata URL Web sites Aggregation of Dublin Core metadata
Metadata Conversion Engine Descriptive Records MARC ISAD(G) Picture Australia Matapihi Govt Portal Digital Archive CROSSWALK DC XML METS DC RDF/XML Discover Additional Data DRD RDF AP NZGLS DC RDF/XML Metadata Conversion Engine
DCMI dcterms in Te Reo Māori – official language of New Zealand /Aotearoa Authorised by the New Zealand Maori Language Commission / Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Plans : translate element refinements, encoding schemes and vocabularies and Pacific languages National Library Metadata Developments
DCMI Affiliation June 2005 – National Library of New Zealand, State Services Commission and Archives New Zealand signed DCMI affiliate agreement Dublin Core Australia/New Zealand (DCANZ) Promotes the use of standards based metadata in the region Biennial Conferences Metamatters:
E-Government 2 representatives on the New Zealand Government Locator Service (NZGLS) Working Group maintain the New Zealand standard for the creation of discovery-level metadata in the government sector Application profile – dcterms & AGLS (Australian Government Locator Service) Education National Library delivers services to schools Contributing to the New Zealand Education Sector Architecture Framework (ESAF) Working on a project to develop a Core Education Sector Metadata Schema Monitor DC-Education Working Group National Library collaboration and interoperability in other sectors
New Zealands National Digital Strategy
Enablers Information on Content and where it can be accessed to enrich the quality of lives. Give Confidence to use ICT and in a secure environment Connecting to and using ICT Agents of change information for and about Communities – tools available to access content Government – easy to use Businesses – create value and connect Creating a digital future
New Zealands National Digital Strategy National Library of New Zealand contribution: Communities - deliver content to public libraries and citizens advice bureaux through The Peoples Network Continuity - Electronic legal deposit - Preserving New Zealands digital heritage for future generations of learners Content - National Content Strategy - Includes mapping the content landscape. E-content will be from a variety of sources and repositories.
Connection Libraries of NZ The Peoples Network Skilling New Zealand New Zealands National Digital Strategy National standards-driven ICT infrastructure with high levels of interoperability and a seamless across-sector framework Continuity $24 million for digital preservation Electronic legal deposit Content Matapihi, EPIC, Te Ara. Asset mapping, elearning, egovernment, ehealth, elaw, eresearch, etc