What were the challenges of the FACE ? 1. UN system has run out of three letter acronyms – 17,576 combinations 2. We needed a name which reflected the process which is the: 3. Feeding And Care of Expenditures 4. Seriously – FACE represents Funding Authorization and Certification of Expenditures
Objectives of the new RTM approach: Lower complexity of procedures and reduce transaction costs for partners; Improve capacity of partners to effectively manage aid; Minimize risks in the utilization of funds
Disbursements Based on activities and associated with budgets described in AWPs; Requested by Implementing Partner, as part of the FACE; Periodicity: – Direct cash transfers are requested and released on a quarterly basis to cover expected expenditures; – Direct payments are requested and released following the completion of activities; – Reimbursements are requested and released following the completion of activities (could be quarterly)
Reporting Direct payments: reporting by UN Agency based on its agreement with the Government; Reimbursement/Direct cash transfers: reporting by implementing partner (FACE) to UN Agency; Agency implementation: reporting by the implementing UN Agency to the Government and funding agency
Funding Authorization and Certification of Expenditures (FACE) Certifies expenditures and provides a basis for the disbursement of funds for the next period; Permits disbursement on the quarterly, not transaction basis; Same partner – same format; Cash disbursed, but not utilized – reprogrammed; No accompanying back-up documentation
FACE (continued) Bottom line – the FACE should replace all other documentation It is intended to serve as a request to spend, a verification of what was spent and as an invoice As a result, it supports advances, direct payments and reimbursements.
Guidelines 1. The FACE will be aligned with the AWP and will focus on recording expenditures at the activity level. These activities will be specified in the AWP. 2. The AWP will specify the signatory (or signatories) of the FACE. This is where the level of "delegation" for signing of the FACE is agreed by all parties. 3. In general, the entity which signs the AWP will be the entity who signs the FACE.
Guidelines (continued) 1. Requests for funding using a FACE will be accompanied by an itemized cost estimate based on individual agency guidelines. 2. The FACE will be used for the following types of resource transfer - Direct Cash Transfer, Reimbursement and Direct Payments. 3. The itemized list which accompanies the FACE will be negotiated at the country level and will depend on the nature of the activity. 4. The normal disbursement cycle FACE will be quarterly.