OMT TASKED BY UNCT TO: o Define the specific timeframe for mapping and implementation of CS the in country o Hold a OMT Retreat to decide on priority areas and agree on an annual work plan OUTCOME of THE UNCT RETREAT
o Identify all functions potentially suitable for more efficient and effective provision as CS (e.g. HIV/AIDS in the Workplace, ICT infrastructure and services, coordinated/ common procurement, Travel Services, Hotel Rates, Banking Services, Fuel Supplies, Airport Passes, Privilege and Immunities, Airport passes, UN House, Dispensary facilities, Medical Evacuations etc.) o Assess the current implementation level and relevance of CS in country o Conduct high-level assessment of potential cost-benefit of implementation of CS in the identified CS areas. OUTCOME of THE UNCT RETREAT
o Identify potential procedural constraints to joint-programming and develop common operational framework to harmonize Execution Modalities & Resource Transfer Modalities o Define timeframe for implementation o Define responsibilities and involved parties o Define monitoring process (e.g. reporting mode and frequency) OUTCOME of THE UNCT RETREAT
Need to harmonize rules and regulations, Cost Recovery issues, Different execution modalities, Host Country Agreements Brainstorming to get consensus on priority areas to be addressed in 2005 Sharing of best practices OUTCOME of THE UNCT RETREAT
OTHER BENEFITS: Simplifies billing and payment process - automated, transparent and direct to service user. Reduces headcount. Creates opportunity for Agency to streamline administrative tasks and assignments. Efficiencies and delivery of services expected to improve due to total mailroom solutions, particularly Spring's mailroom management software, in-house presence, document tracking and management reporting capabilities, very good postal knowledge and a scalable system. Better leverage with service provider as a result of consolidation of UN System requirements. Provides additional office space currently occupied by registry clerk. Optimizes time of Registry Clerk, drivers and messengers with technical support expected to be provided by outsourced service provider and the Courier Administrator.