UN Reform Perception Survey II Early 2009
Overview Online and hardcopy survey for ALL UN Staff at country level Online and hardcopy survey for ALL UN Staff at country level 675 respondents (approximately 31% of Pop.) an increase of 2% from last survey 675 respondents (approximately 31% of Pop.) an increase of 2% from last survey Post interventions as Communicating as One Post interventions as Communicating as One Looks at Perceptions of staff regarding UN Reform and One UN to assess the impact of the communication efforts Looks at Perceptions of staff regarding UN Reform and One UN to assess the impact of the communication efforts
Main Findings There has been an increase in the awareness levels with respect to UN Reform There has been an increase in the awareness levels with respect to UN Reform Job losses because of the UN reform is no longer a concern Job losses because of the UN reform is no longer a concern The core concept of the UN Reform in Pakistan – the 4 Ones -is well embedded The core concept of the UN Reform in Pakistan – the 4 Ones -is well embedded The necessity of the UN Reform is increasingly questioned The necessity of the UN Reform is increasingly questioned The Staff comprehends that UN Reform will not eliminate the agencies The Staff comprehends that UN Reform will not eliminate the agencies Most of the staff is thinking once again that the UN Reform may not be the best solution for the UN Most of the staff is thinking once again that the UN Reform may not be the best solution for the UN The staff continues to be dissatisfied with the levels of briefing given on UN reform by the Management, especially in the provinces The staff continues to be dissatisfied with the levels of briefing given on UN reform by the Management, especially in the provinces The staff feels that the momentum of the UN Reform has died down The staff feels that the momentum of the UN Reform has died down Although there is an increase in knowledge on what the UN Reform is, they are not knowledgable of the When, Where and How Although there is an increase in knowledge on what the UN Reform is, they are not knowledgable of the When, Where and How Under the comments section the staff felt that in the security situation and political situation the priority on the UN Reform has diminished Under the comments section the staff felt that in the security situation and political situation the priority on the UN Reform has diminished The trend has shown a decline from last year which is in line with the activities conducted The trend has shown a decline from last year which is in line with the activities conducted
UN Reform will lead to reduction in jobs
UN Reform in Pakistan is working around the 4 Ones – One Leader, One Program, One Fund, & One Office
UN Reform is necessary for the survival of the UN
UN Reform means that there will be no more agencies, only one UN Office
UN Reform will negatively effect work of the UN
My management briefs us on UN reform in regular staff meetings
There are continuous and regular activities around the UN Reform
My Knowledge about UN Reform has increased in the last year
I know when and how the Joint Programmes will be implemented