Partners EASPD Fontys University of Applied sciences Lebenshilfe Graz Czech Republic Hungary Bulgaria Malta Romania
AIM To increase the number of persons with disabilities in open labour market employment, as well as to improve working conditions for them.
Ch 2: Supported employment The focus is no longer on the disability of the person, but rather on their ability, and on all the opportunities that are in reality available to them.
From a Place - Train - Maintain approach To an approach Choosing Jobs - Getting Jobs - Keeping Jobs
Ch 3: Legal Frameworks Key principles: Equal treatment, inclusion in the labour market and mainstreaming of disability issues in relevant policies
Ch 4: Partnership’s Need Hungary : has a need for a greater number of more innovative methods to measure skills and to train people to help both management and front-line staff to help pwd to choose, get (and especially) retain a job
Ch 5: Employers Must now put words into action when it comes to employing persons with disabilities. Positive action is essential!
Ch 6: Career Perspectives So may one finds what one is looking for. Being able to choose one’s own job is central to each individual’s needs, with or without a disability.
Ch 7: Life Long Learning Is important for everyone, especially for persons with disabilities who may be lacking some of the most basic skills.
Ch 8: Results of the projects ATLAS Conversion I Am 2003
Appendix Partners information Material of the project ATLAS Conversion I Am 2003