Goals 1. Talk about some visual quality topics and techinques
Antialiasing Reducing pixelation on sharp, oblique edges Three basic methods: Full-screen post-process filters (basically blurring the image) Rarely satisfactory Edge antialiasing Render wireframe, “fuzzing” or blending the edges only Coverage-based antialiasing [D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS::MultiSampleType] Most popular nowadays Coverage: maps parts of the pixel “covered” by the triangle Multiple techniques: MSAA, SSAA, CSAA, A-buffer
Antialiasing quirks Full-screen filters: the only comprehensive method Edge and coverage AA only improve triangle edges Most bang for the buck, anyway Edge AA requires rendering the meshes twice Twice the vertex shader cost Coverage AA requires serious changes in rasterizer Triangle touches pixel if it touches a single sample Turning on AA can reveal mistakes MSAA: center of the pixel might be outside of the triangle! Use centroid if appropriate, but use it responsibly [semantic: TEXCOORD0_centroid] Use responsibly: there is always a cost
Multiple Render Targets (MRTs) Output more than one color from pixel shader COLOR1, COLOR2, COLOR3 Four render targets can hold 16 components SetRenderTarget(DWORD RenderTargetIndex, …) Use components for any imaginable purpose Depth (for depth-of-field focusing) Velocity (for motion-blur) Mesh index (for some shadowing techniques)
Deferred rendering Implements per-pixel lighting by design Same lighting model over the entire scene Only opaque geometry Transparent triangles must be handled entirely separately Render all geometry first Using fast vertex and pixel shaders Multiple render targets to hold all the information Then apply lighting and shadowing as post-process
Deferred rendering implementation Three steps: Step 1: Render (encode) geometry into render target(s) Depth, normal, material parameters Step2: Apply lights in one or more full-screen passes Point lights are cheaper (only cover portions of the screen) Shadows, too – using shadow maps or volumes Step 3: Render transparent stuff using regular methods Doesn’t work well with coverage or edge AA
Multi-tap filters Bilinear filter is a kind of multi-tap filter Fetch multiple times around the texture coordinates for (int y = -2; y <= 2; ++y) for (int x = -2; x <= 2; ++x) Accum = Kernel(x, y) * tex2D(Sampler, coords + float2(x, y)); That’s a 25-tap filter (25 calls to tex2D) The filter kernel determines the type of filter Gaussian bell, box filter, etc Most symmetric filters can be done in 2 passes Turn a 25-tap filter into two 5-tap filters
Dependent reads from scene Render scene into a texture Create a texture that contains displacement vectors Use a 2-component signed texture format, like D3DFMT_V8U8 In shader, fetch displacement vectors Use the vectors to fetch again, from scene texture Many uses: Magnifying glass, imperfect windows, heat shimmers, water wobble, raindrops on the camera, refraction…