Delivering as One Viet Nam Country-led Evaluation Kigali, 20 October 2009
Background July 05: Ha Noi Core Statement on Aid Effectiveness Feb 06: Start of One UN Initiative Viet Nam Feb 07: 8 DAO pilot countries volunteered Nov 07: Evaluability Study Viet Nam April 09: 6 DAO pilot countries agreed to conduct country-led process evaluations
Purpose of Country-led Evaluation Inform decision-makers on how to enhance the strategic role and contribution of the UN System to the achievement of national development priorities Focus on the progress in implementing the UN reform process Major input for Ha Noi Conference May 2010
Objectives of the Evaluation 1. Assess whether the One UN Initiative in Viet Nam is on track to achieve its targets against the strategic intent 2. Assess contribution to the Ha Noi Core Statement principles and recommendations. 3. Identify challenges and lessons learned 4. Make specific recommendations on actions required to ensure more effective DAO implementation at country and global levels
Target Audiences Government of Viet Nam UN organizations in Viet Nam UN senior management at Headquarters Donor agencies (VN and HQ) Other key stakeholders in Viet Nam
Scope of the Evaluation: 5 Ones One Plan One Budget/One Plan Fund One Leader One Set of Management Practices One Green UN House +Other unique reform features Period: February 2006 – October 2009
Methodology Focus on process aspects of UN reform Key evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness and to some extent efficiency Assess how cross-cutting issues (gender, human rights, culture) are addressed in DAO Highly consultative and transparent approach Mix of methods/tools (triangulation of data) Adherence to international quality norms and standards for evaluation
Limitations of the Evaluation No coherent set of benchmarks (clear targets, baselines) from the start of DAO Difficult to assess progress in efficiency because methodology to measure reduction in transaction costs still under development Progress in DAO at country level to a large extent dependent on willingness to change rules/procedures at UN HQ and UN Agency HQs (as noted in UNEG Evaluability Study)
Institutional Arrangements Tripartite Working Committee as the Evaluation Management Group, including: - GoV (GACA, Chair MPI) - UN (Head of RCO + Eval Advisor, UN Regional Office) - Donors Secretariat: GoV, UN, Donors (tripartite) Evaluation Team: 1 int + 2 nat consultants Quality Assurance Panel: set up by UNEG
Evaluation Timeline 1.Finalise TOR (by 10 Nov 2009) 2.Recruit Evaluation Team (by 5 Dec 2009) 3.Inception report (by 20 Dec 2009) 4.Data collection (by 30 Jan 2010) 5.Presentation & validation of prelim findings during stakeholder consultation (by 1 Feb 2010) 6.Draft report (by 25 Feb 2010) 7.Final report (by 25 March 2010) 8.Publication/dissemination (by 15 Apr 2010) 9.Consolidated report for Ha Noi Conference
Evaluation Budget (draft) Budget ItemAmount (US$) 1. EMG/Secretariat2, Evaluation Team50, Report production (draft, final)15, Stakeholder meetings5,000 TOTAL72,000
Key Issues 1.Agree on evaluations to adhere to the highest quality standards while taking into account practical country specifics and maximising existing oversight mechanisms 2.Agree on common timeline to ensure at least draft evaluation reports by April 2010 as major inputs for the Ha Noi Conference 3.Agree on producing a consolidated report with the findings and recommendations of the 6 evaluations prior to Ha Noi Conference
Common Goals Collective Action Kigali, 20 October 2009