UNCT Planning Process in post crisis context DOCO training November 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

UNCT Planning Process in post crisis context DOCO training November 2008

Focus on building national partners capacity to lead recovery and development efforts: – Gradual shift from humanitarian phase (strategies, coordination structures) – Restore state capacity to design, implement and monitor recovery and development programmes –> specific projects on capacity building – Ensure broad participation from other national actors – Support national leadership in aid coordination: – Support national assessment (PCNA) and the development of national plans (i.e. PRSP, peace consolidation strategies, etc.) – Align UNCT planning frameworks with national plans and priorities – In situations where peace support mission is established, ensure alignment between UNCT planning and mission planning UNCT post crisis planning: focus

Early Recovery … … 24 … 30. MONTH Conflict or Natural Disaster Donor Conference Planning and programmatic tools CHAP/CAP UN ER response Strategic Ass. IPBS UN TRANS. STRATEGY PCNA-TRF iPRSP/PRSP Review of priorities towards peace building (PBC) UNDAF Peace AgreementFundingMechanisms and flows Humanitarian Phase CAP CHF CERF PBFPBF Development MDTFs Bilateral funding Etc.

I. Identifying Needs II. Planning the national response III. Financing and Implementing Post Conflict / Natural Disaster Needs Assessment (e.g. PCNA / PDNA) Identification of priorities, costs, indicators (TRF) Interim / early recovery strategies Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Integrated Peacebuilding Strategies (for PBC countries), Compacts Donor Conferences / Round Tables Financing options: MDTF, bilateral channels, etc. Coordination and monitoring mechanisms National Planning Process in Post Crisis

National Plans (IPBS, interim PRSP, PRSP, etc. ) Priority 1Priority 2Priority 3Priority 4Priority 5 UNDAF / Transition Strategy WB CASBilateral Country Programs Priority 1 Priority 3 Priority 5 Other partners Links with international planning instruments

UNCT post crisis planning. Various Options: UNDAF, Transition strategy. Programmatic value: Focus the UN. External / political value: Position the UN. Internal value: Organize the UN. Role of the RC Office / SP: Coordinate & mobilize capacities; Ask hard questions; Sell the product, design funding strategy

. UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) articulates UNCT contribution to national recovery/development plan. Usually, a 3-5 year planning framework (aligned with national timeframe). Signed by Government. Alignment between Agency country programme documents (CPD for ExComm) and UNDAF UNCT post crisis planning process (1)

. UNDAF developed 9-15 months before year of implementation. Agency CPD prepared 6 months before year of implementation; submitted to Board in June or September. Preparation of UNDAF includes: - Needs assessment (internal or based on national assessment) - Analysis of comparative advantages - Consultation with government and partners - Support / training/ QSA from HQ UNCT post crisis planning process (2)

. UNDAF preparation led by RC and RC office (strategic planner / coordination officer). In many crisis affected country, UNDAF suspended, use of UNCT transition strategies. UNCT transition strategies: - Shorter timeframe - No requirement for government signature - Based on same analytical principle as UNDAF UNCT post crisis planning process (3)

National Priority: One or more priorities or goals from the national development framework, that relate to the MD/MDGs or other internationally agreed treaty obligations and development goals / Expressed as a measurable, achievable, sustainable change in the lives of people UNDAF Outcome: makes contribution to National Priority (requires at least 2 agencies) Typically, it is expressed as institutional or behavioural change at national or sub-national levels, to be achieved by the end of the UNDAF cycle CP /Sub-outcome 1OutputsRole of PartnersResource targets The institutional or behavioural changes expected from agency cooperation; the sum of agency outcomes in this column, together with the contributions of other partners, should be sufficient to achieve the UNDAF outcome The specific products, services, or changes in processes resulting from agency cooperation; the sum of outputs should achieve the sub outcome Describes the role and contributions of partners for achievement of results Indicative estimates of the agency resources to be made available for cooperation, broken down by regular and other resources. Coordination Mechanisms and Programme Modalities: The coordination mechanisms needed among UN agencies and partners to ensure the achievement of results, including joint programmes. Planning Logframe

ResultsIndicators (baseline & targets) Means of verification Collection Methods (frequency) Responsibilit ies Risks & Assumptions Sub-outcome 1 Output 1.1 Output 1.2 M&E Framework

. Government consultation / endorsement. 5 cross cutting principles: HRBA, Gender, RBM, environmental sustainability and capacity development. Limited planning capacity (for RBM, HRBA, M&E). Limited capacity for portfolio / impact analysis. Weak link with funding strategy. Alignment / coherence with mission and humanitarian planning UNCT Planning : critical issues