Access Part II Accessing Health Information Through the Internet
Population and health resources Websites Periodicals (Journals, Newsletters) News Alerts Discussion Groups Conferences Online Learning
Websites Bibliographic Databases Directories of Population Organizations General News Health Population Policy Population and Health Statistics
Bibliographic database POPLINE D atabase on reproductive health providing more than 300,000 citations with abstracts to scientific articles, reports, books, and unpublished reports in the fields of population, family planning, and related health issues. POPLINE has links to free, fulltext documents; the ability to limit your search to peer-reviewed journal articles; and many abstracts in French and Spanish.
POPLINE (cont.)
Netlinks Netlinks is a database of electronic resources (web sites, databases, listservs, etc.) related to international health and development. It is updated monthly. Directory of population organizations
Netlinks (cont.)
Health Managers Electronic Resource Center (MSH) Provides a wealth of useful resources for health managers Leadership Development Managing Information Electronic Learning Communications
Managers electronic resource center (cont.)
Population and health statistics Population Reference Bureau Provides information about the population dimensions of social, economic, and political issues. Provides timely and objective information on international population trends and their implications.
PRB major activities Publish, disseminate, and promote print and electronic material. Collaborate with organizations to develop and implement strategies for communicating with policymakers. Conduct training on policy communications and Internet use. Collaborate with journalists to expand the coverage of population, health, and environment subjects.
PRB website
PRB DataFinder
PRB DataFinder (cont.)
PRB Library
PRB for Educators
Population and health resources Websites Periodicals (Journals, Newsletters) News Alerts Discussion Groups Conferences Online Learning
Periodicals (journals and newsletters) Adolescents AIDS Demographics Development Education Environment Family Planning/ Contraceptives General News Geography Health Labor Migration Organizations Policy Population Issues Population Software Refugees Regions Reproductive Health Surveys Women
Journals Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) Launched by the UN and WHO to provide free or nearly free access to major journals in biomedical and social sciences. Institutions in countries with a GNP per capita below US $3000 are eligible for free or nearly free access. Over 2000 journals from 28 publishers are accessible.
Journals health The Lancet Can view online articles if registered, registration is free.
The Lancet
Newsletters regions AIDS Action, Asia-Pacific Edition International newsletter on HIV/AIDS prevention and care
AIDS Action Asia-Pacific Edition
Electronic news alerts Adolescent Forum The Drum Beat HNPFlash (World Bank) Kaiser Daily Health Reports The Pop Reporter UN Wire (UN Foundation) Weekly Epidemiological Record (WHO)
Discussion groups COMMUNITY-HEALTH-L (MSH) DemoNetAsia HealthDev (SEA-AIDS) PROCAARE Repronet-L Related to conferences
North Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness training/index.html The NCCPHP offers a series of free short Internet-based trainings on public health preparedness, focusing on such topics as sampling, surveillance, community assessment, outbreak investigation, epidemiology methods, and emerging and re- emerging disease agents. Online learning
North Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness
Review Websites Periodicals (Journals, Newsletters) News Alerts Discussion Groups Online Learning