Larissa Austin and Emily Burggraf
Our Concerns: 1.
Our Goals
Our project directly relates to:... to provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities.
In 2006, teens nationwide spent $179 billion… … more than what some Third World countries spent…
Pay yourself first.
Decide where to put your money.
Where to find money to save?
Slash the incidentals.
Keep a careful record of all of your expenditures. Month One
Comparison Shop.
Consider making investment purchases.
Think it through.
Plan ahead.
College Tips
Buy used dorm furnishings. Take advantage of free services. Trim your rent. Share those DVDs. Use your parents health insurance.
Gas Food Entertainment Put yourself on an envelope budget.
Save those pennies!
Never buy a new textbook. Shop like a senior. Make your cell phone your ONLY phone. Dont go crazy with the meal plan. Use credit cards wisely.
Youth Group Encore Class 7 th hour