Women of Our World 2005 Indicators of Womens Status and Progress Around the World
The Data and Estimates Provide Information On: Basic demographics Reproductive health, including family planning, maternal health, and HIV/AIDS Education, work, and political participation, and trends over time in each of these areas
Proportions of Younger and Older Women, Selected World Regions Percent of female population Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005
Births per Woman (Total Fertility Rate), Trends in Selected Regions Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005
Adolescent Childbearing Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005 Percent of women ages giving birth in one year
Maternal Deaths and Lifetime Risk of Dying from Maternal Causes No. maternal deaths Lifetime risk 1 in: More developed countries2,5002,800 Less developed countries527,00061 Sub-Saharan Africa247,00016 South-central Asia207,00046 South-east Asia25, Latin America & Caribbean22, Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA
Trends in Births Attended by Skilled Personnel* Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; Demographic and Health Surveys Percent * Defined to include a doctor, nurse, or midwife. **Surveys dates are 1999 and 2003.
Percent of HIV-infected Adults Who are Women Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; UNAIDS
Girls and Boys Secondary School Enrollments, Latest Year Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; UNESCO Enrollments as a percent of the applicable age group
Girls Enrollments in Secondary School as Percentage of Boys Enrollments Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; UNESCO Girls per 100 boys
Trends in Womens Share of Non-farm Wage Earners, Selected Regions Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; International Labour Organization Percent of paid, non-farm workforce
Womens Share of Seats in National Parliaments Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; Inter-Parliamentary Union Percent of seats in single or lower chamber
Increases in Womens Share of Parliamentary Seats, Selected Regions Source: PRB, Women of Our World 2005; Inter-Parliamentary Union Percent of seats in single or lower chamber