Covering All Kids in Wisconsin
More than 9 in 10 children in Wisconsin have health insurance
Uninsured Children in Wisconsin (1999 – 2006) Source: WCCF Analysis of DHFS Family Health Survey Data
Health Insurance for Children in Wisconsin (2006) Uninsured 6% Private Insurance / Employer- Sponsored 75% Public Insurance (MA or BadgerCare) 18%
BadgerCare Plus Covers all kids, regardless of income Covers parents to 200% of FPL & pregnant women to 300% Consolidates and streamlines the various categories of coverage Removes many barriers to participation CMS approved it on Nov. 27 – because the state didnt seek FFP beyond 250%.
6 Pregnant Women Children Parents Caretaker Relatives 300% 200% 185% 150% 100% 44% BadgerCare Plus Expansion Current BadgerCare Current Medicaid & Healthy Start No Income Limit BadgerCare Plus Covered Populations Youth Exiting Out-of-home Care No Income Limit FPL Self-Employed/Farmers
Wisconsins Uninsured Children (2006) Source: WCCF analysis of 2006 Family Health Survey Wisconsin has 98,000 uninsured children. 32% Not Income Eligible for BadgerCare 68% Income Eligible for BadgerCare
Barriers to BadgerCare Participation Source: WCCF analysis of DHFS data & LFB projections
Barriers to BadgerCare Participation Source: WCCF analysis of DHFS data & LFB projections
What Kids Will We Miss? Non-citizens (including legal immigrants in the US less than 5 years) Kids (and parents) in families with income over 150% of poverty who cannot afford to pay 20% of the premium (and other cost-sharing) for employer-sponsored coverage. Families who dont realize they are eligible (However, eliminating the income cap allows WI to use a clear outreach message that should help us reach more low income families.)