28 th February 2008 Innovations in Online PBL: A Virtual World Case Study Presented by Emily Conradi, e-Projects Manager
Virtual Worlds Multi-user virtual worlds – MUVEs Virtual presence – or avatar e.g. OpenSim, ActiveWorlds, Croquet, Second Life ‘...have 3D isometric/third-person graphics, are accessed over the Internet, allow for some dozens of simultaneous users to interact, and represent a persistent virtual world.’ (wikipedia, 2008)
Second Life Created by Linden Labs Built and ‘owned’ by residents Free to access Quick and easy to learn Users can chat or use voice tools Strong active educator community Supports and integrates with other technologies
Why use SL in education? Immersive and engaging 3D space Contextual Communication Collaboration Learning artefacts Safe environment
Examples of Education in SL Dissemination
SL Medical Library e.g. Remember Me Alzheimer’s Exhibit on InfoIsland
Examples of Education in SL Dissemination Models or displays
Genome Island Texas Wesleyan University
Examples of Education in SL Dissemination Models or displays Role play
Examples of Education in SL Dissemination Models or displays Role play Simulations
UC Davis’ Virtual Hallucinations
PREVIEW Project Problem-based Learning in Virtual Interactive Educational Worlds
Background Problem-based learning courses Students in work placement o At a distance; o Time poor; o Loses collaborative element. Investigate new ways to deliver PBL
Virtual Patients
From Virtual Patients to Virtual Worlds Context Realism Immersive environment Collaboration Student led
Aims Deliver PBL in Second Life; Develop eight interactive PBL scenarios; User-guided development and evaluation; Develop guidelines and best-practice on delivering PBL in virtual worlds.
Scenario Building
Evaluation Key questions: o Does this environment engage? o Do the learners have an identity? o Promote collaboration? o What are the tutors experiences? o What are the ‘costs’ of using SL for this method of teaching?