1 IDEA 2004 SPP Indicators Related to Transition: How We Collect the Data & What We Have Learned Ginger Blalock Summer Transition Meeting June 11, 2007 Adapted from PPT by Sue Gronewold
2 Recent Transition Requirements IDEA 2004 – Transition strengthened: Changed minimum age to 16 (no effect in N.M.) (not a strength!) Summary of Performance required upon exit Measurable post-school goals and transition services (SPP Indicator 13) Postschool outcomes surveys (SPP Indicator 14)
3 IDEA 2004 Purpose: A free appropriate public education... designed to meet students unique needs and prepare students for further learning, employment, and independent living – measurable postschool goals Shift in emphasis to: Outcomes Results
4 Expectations: Students with disabilities will complete high school. Students are prepared for adult life whether that be employment, further education/training, and/or independent living. Students will successfully transition into adult life and systems.
5 Regulations Addressed IDEA Transition Requirements Pathways to the Diploma High Stakes Testing Next Step Plans
6 Accountability Process Also Changed OSEP now requires all states to collect data on 20 State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators which measure both compliance with IDEA regulations and performance on improving student achievement and outcomes. These are reported each year in the Annual Performance Report (APR).
7 4 Transition-Related Indicators Indicator 1 – graduation rate of students with IEPs on standard pathways Indicator 2 – dropout rate of students with IEPs, compared to peers Indicator 13 – writing measurable postschool goals and measurable transition services/annual goals to reach those L-T goals, within the IEP Indicator 14 – postschool outcomes one year after exit, in further learning and employment
8 New Mexico Statutes & Regulations (1999) Established pathways to the diploma for students with disabilities Established that graduation plans must be a part of all IEPs Established New Mexico High School Competency Exam as high stakes exit exam
9 SPP Indicator #1 – Graduation Rate How measured? ADS/STARS – every schools designee inputs data quarterly & end of year (EOY) This year added new field for pathway to the diploma Compares # of seniors on 40 th day to those who earn a diploma Compares # of seniors with IEPs who earn a diploma on standard pathway with peers without IEPs Schools report to district, which reports to PED after EOY
10 Standard Pathway State Average 53% State total % graduates = 86% State Average 49% State total % graduates = 73% State Average 58% State total % grads = 84%
11 The NMPED will meet the SPP Indicator One as measured by an increase in the percent of youth graduating from high with a regular diploma (standard pathway).
12 Career Readiness Pathway State Average = 26% State total % graduates = 86% State Average = 20% State total % graduates = 73% State Average = 21%
13 Ability Pathway State Average = 6% State total % graduates = 86% State Average = 4% State total % graduates = 73% State Average = 3%
14 SPP Indicator # 2 Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school data:.69% rate
15 The NMPED will meet SPP Indicator Two as measured by a decrease in the percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.
16 Graduation Plans Must be a part of all IEPs Beginning at the 8 th grade IEP When a student returns to school after an extended absence Subsequent times when evaluations warrant the need to modify Include projected date of graduation Address if student is on target or not; if not, must describe strategies to return to target
17 Indicator 13 – Measurable Postschool Goals & Transition Services to Reach Them Refer to goals after high school in the 2 big areas at minimum (further learning, employment) Activities/strategies to reach goals must be measurable while the student is still in school. Annual goals also lead to postschool goals.
18 How collected in NM? One-third of LEAs, state-supported schools, and charter schools annually Imbedded within Transition Outcomes Project IEP review process Last year (05-06), all of Item 12 reported for grades 8-12; average = 54.2% This year (06-07) will report ages 16+; same for will involve data collection in every district/school each year
19 IEP Process for Transition Services OLeary 5-Step Process Revised by N.M. PED Postschool Goals (Vision) Present Levels Course of Study Transition Services Needs Annual Goals Short Term Objectives/ Benchmarks Measurable Post-School Goals Results from Transition Assessments
20 What have we learned? Forms need improvement & clarity (IEP, Transition Requirements Checklist) Many districts have made great strides in key areas (student involvement, courses of study) All districts still have weak areas (agency collaboration, annual goals tied to postschool goals) Many districts still dont understand the intent of the transition requirements (not those represented at this meeting!) PLCs can provide a building, local, or regional structure for targeted improvement based on your data Ongoing training & TA is a must!