Nucleon Structure and Quark-Gluon-Plasma: HERMES and ALICE/STAR


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Presentation transcript:

Nucleon Structure and Quark-Gluon-Plasma: HERMES and ALICE/STAR Thomas Peitzmann Utrecht University/NIKHEF T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Outline HERMES STAR ALICE fragmentation in nuclei elliptic flow jet physics ALICE silicon strip detector analysis preparations T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

NIKHEF Research programs HERA ~16 M€ per annum excluding investments LEP Outreach ATLAS & D0 GRID R&D NIKHEF Research programs Theory Antares ALICE & STAR LHCb & Babar 2005 T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

HERMES HERA/DESY investigate spin structure of the nucleon DIS with polarized leptons on polarized hydrogen target fragmentation in the nucleus lepto-production of hadrons off nuclei hardware contribution from NIKHEF: Lambda wheels T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

HERMES spin decomposition Analysis highlights: N spin decomposition hyperon production transversity PhDs: 10 completed 7 now @ institutes abroad +5 in preparation Publications: expect ~100 by 2007 T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Absorption/Energy Loss in Nuclei? production of hadrons in nuclei vs deuterium significant suppression of large z hadrons in heavy nuclei absorption? energy loss? T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Fragmentation in the Nucleus? ratio of di-hadron to single hadron for different nuclei very little dependence on mass of nucleus important reference measurement for heavy ion collisions T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

ALICE/STAR part of one FOM programme ALICE at LHC/CERN hardware contribution: silicon strip detector data taking from 2007 STAR at RHIC/BNL joined in 2002 data taking and analysis 7 PhD 4 STAR, 3 ALICE 45 publications STAR from 2002 up to now group will shift completely to ALICE in the near future T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

QCD phase diagram QCD predicts transition from hadronic phase to a quark-gluon-plasma Tc ≈ 160-170 MeV order of transition unknown (but much larger number of d.o.f.) deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration studied in high-energy heavy ion collisions T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

The focus of our group The properties of the QCD Equation of State above Tc dp/d calculable in lattice QCD observables: collective motion of low transverse momentum particles as function of mass The color density of hot and dense QCD matter induced soft gluon radiation by partons traversing the medium observables: medium modifications of jets and heavy particle production T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

The STAR Detector PMD Magnet Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Coils Central Trigger Barrel (CTB) ZCal Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Year 2000 Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) FTPC Endcap EM Cal FPD TOFp, TOFr FPD Year 2001+ PMD T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Elliptic flow T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Collective motion: velocity of sound P.F. Kolb and U. Heinz, in Quark Gluon Plasma, nucl-th/0305084 buildup of collective flow depends on the magnitude of the velocity of sound and the relative time spend in various phases sensitive to difference in equation of state (EoS) T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Self-quenching of elliptic flow P.F. Kolb and U. Heinz, in Quark Gluon Plasma, nucl-th/0305084 the driving force of elliptic flow (anisotropy of pressure gradient) dominates at “early” times elliptic flow “monitors” early collective (i.e. equilibrated) behaviour T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Measurement of elliptic flow asymmetry of number distribution of particles with respect to the reaction plane Fourier-decomposition: strong 2. order (v2) early result from STAR: strength of elliptic flow reaches predictions of ideal hydrodynamics at RHIC ideal hydrodynamics STAR charged hadrons

Identified particle flow hierarchy of momentum dependent flow for different hadrons onset of v2 shifts to larger pT for heavier particles consistent with ideal hydrodynamics magnitude of difference not consistent with hadron gas, but with QGP parallel talk by Bai Yuting T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Jets and jet quenching T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Parton energy loss: current understanding collisional energy loss original idea by Bjorken very small effect more important: induced gluon radiation interference leads to non-linearity dominant feature: energy loss determined by density of color charges parameterized by transport coefficient T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Measuring jets in AA? how to find this in here? p+p dijet+X Au+Au ??? two observables: - high pT single hadron distributions - dihadron distributions (STAR@RHIC) T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Inclusive Hadron Suppression nuclear modification factor suppression requires initial density 30x larger than cold nuclear matter compare to HERMES results very close to maximum suppression provides only lower bound on density Eskola et al., hep-ph/0406319 T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Surface emission ? large energy loss: opaque core Eskola et al., hep-ph/0406319 large energy loss: opaque core emissions from surface inclusive measurements insensitive above certain density more information from correlation measurements? T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Dihadrons in heavy ion collisions near-side correlation unchanged away-side peak suppressed in central Au+Au consistent with surface emission distributions in d+Au similar to p+p suppression is final state effect more intuitive hint for “jet” suppression, but quantitatively much more difficult T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Emergence of away-side peak Equivalent to year 2 analysis STAR Preliminary Au+Au, 0-5% pT(trig) pT(assoc) > 2 GeV/c High statistics year 4 dataset allows increase in Q2 Emergence of the away side peak with increased trigger pT T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

8 < pT(trig) < 15 GeV/c Emergence of dijets 8 < pT(trig) < 15 GeV/c pT(assoc)>6 GeV STAR Preliminary Start off with 2 assoc, then move to 6 assoc increase associated pT threshold also: clear jet-like peaks seen on near and away side in central Au+Au collisions! yields info on upper and lower limit of density! T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Where does the energy go? mean pT of away-side associated hadrons = remaining jet fragments? Leading hadrons Medium significant softening of associated hadrons! T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

The perfect fluid at RHIC, the wQGP at the LHC? wQGP = weakly-interacting plasma less flow at higher energies? beware: remember the predictions for RHIC! T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Elliptic flow at LHC energies from ideal hydrodynamics From Heinz, Kolb, Sollfrank Whatever the outcome will be, elliptic flow is a day-one measurement at the LHC with very likely similar impact as at RHIC T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

ALICE: the dedicated HI experiment Solenoid magnet 0.5 T Cosmic rays trigger ALICE: the dedicated HI experiment Forward detectors: PMD FMD, T0, V0, ZDC Specialized detectors: HMPID PHOS Central tracking system: ITS TPC TRD TOF MUON Spectrometer: absorbers tracking stations trigger chambers dipole T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

The Alice ITS FE module Support and cooling Endcap FEROM SSD DAQ Strong contribution to outer layers (SSD) project leader SSD (6 labs) Main vertex 15 µm in central PbPb Vertex charm, strange decays 50 µm Δp/p (pT>1 GeV, with TPC) 14%->3% Particle ID (dE/dx) FE module Support and cooling Endcap FEROM SSD DAQ T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

SSD: the first real ladder! T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

NIKHEF/UU ALICE hardware activities (SSD) Design of SSD support (with Turin) Design ladder frames (with St. Petersburg) Design of SSD cooling system (with CERN) Design of front-end modules (with Kharkov and Strasbourg) Design ladder cabling (with Kharkov) Design SSD cabling (industrial production) Design and production of front-end module test equipment Design and production of EndCap electronics Design and production of read-out modules Ladder assembly (with Nantes) Final SSD assembly Bottom line: ITS project on schedule and NIKHEF SSD contribution will finish on time (2006) T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

ALICE group: current manpower Utrecht and NIKHEF Amsterdam Amsterdam manpower: Staff physicist: 3 PhD students: 2 Utrecht manpower: Staff physicist: 4 Post-doc: 1 PhD students: 5 Students: 2 Amsterdam infrastructure: Mechanical and electronics workshop Ladder assembly room Utrecht infrastructure: Faculty mechanical and electronics workshop Mechanical and electronic workshop of the SAP department (4 fte) Assembly room T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

ALICE group: current physics activities Have strong role in STAR EMC analysis 1 fte staff, 1 post-doc, 3 PhD's (until 2009) and 2 students Had a leading role in correlation analysis with the reaction plane in STAR Effort is scaled down to 1 PhD (until 2007) and 0.2 fte staff Have a coordinating role in correlation analysis with the reaction plane in ALICE (Physics Performance Report) Effort 4 fte staff and 2 PhD Will increase further with 3 PhD’s and 1 post-doc T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005

Summary important nuclear physics contributions from NIKHEF HERMES with nuclear physics program in parallel to spin ALICE/STAR nuclear physics at the highest energies rich physics harvest from STAR elliptic flow jet quenching ALICE well under way for data taking in 2007 strong Dutch contribution to SSD prepare physics analysis elliptic flow as day-one topic T. Peitzmann, NUPECC Groningen, Nov. 18, 2005