EURISOL Peter Butler University of Liverpool


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Presentation transcript:

EURISOL Peter Butler University of Liverpool on behalf of the EURISOL Project Office

What is EURISOL? Multi-user capabilities Up to 150 AMeV for 132Sn 235U 3 x 100 kW targets (REX-ISOLDE, SPIRAL ~ few kW HIE-ISOLDE ~ 10kW, TRIUMF ~ 50 kW) 1 x 4 MW converter (fission) target (SPIRAL-2 ~ 200kW, SPES ~ 100 kW) 3 x post-accelerators: 150 A.MeV 132Sn for secondary fragmentation 1-5 A.MeV Coulomb barrier nuclear physics ~ 1 MeV nuclear astrophysics ~ keV ground states, solid-state physics, etc. Cost: 1.3B€ 3 235U LINAC: H, D, He and A/q=2 ions up to 1 A GeV

SOME OUTPUT FROM DESIGN STUDY 2005-2009 (~400 person-yrs, ~ 33M€) Driver linac cavity development @ IPN Orsay Driver requires half-wave resonators and spoke resonators 2 prototypes of 3-spoke cavity at =0.15 and =0.35 fabricated and successfully tested at 4.2 K Spoke cavity tuner 3

EURISOL Target Building DESIGN STUDY High-dose irradiation tests of materials for 100 kW targets carried out at PSI and TRIUMF Innovative method of beam stripping by Lorenz stripping of H-

Liquid Hg converter concepts DESIGN STUDY LOOP Curtain Prototypes tested at the IPUL Hg laboratory, Riga

Multi Mega Watt Target Layout DESIGN STUDY 6 x “MAFF”-type individual UC target-and-moderator units new type of high-density UC compound tested on-line at PNPI, Gatchina

Beam Merging and ion source DESIGN STUDY Prototype ARC-ECR built at Jyvaskyla Also: prototype RFQ coolers at ISOLDE and ORSAY Tests of EBIS, ECR at ISOLDE, LNL, GSI and BNL

Design of the post-accelerator DESIGN STUDY SPIRAL-2 philosophy : Smooth beam dynamics Modular solution and simple cryostats, Separated vacuum Warm focussing (easier for alignment), Possibility to insert diagnostics Ease of tuning Main technical requirements: Only 2-gap cavities (high q/A acceptance) Max. accelerating fields 7.8 MV/m Nominal operation for A/Q between 4 and 8 8

Comparison of yields: Kr

Secondary fragmentation of 132Sn beam at GSI DESIGN STUDY Secondary fragmentation of 132Sn beam at GSI D. Loureiro et al. Zakopane proceedings (2008) 10

Expected reach of EURISOL fragmentation of 132Sn heaviest stable 115 116 109 110 103 104 New Pd 125 r-process & drip-line New Pd 125 r-process & drip-line 1 10-2 10-5 10-7 10-9 10-11 COFRA Karlsruher Nulidkarte 2006 132Sn: GSI present: 103/s FAIR, FRIB: 108/s EURISOL: 1012/s

Timescale for EURISOL EU FP6 EURISOL Design Study (~30M€) completed 2009 2010-2012 : Transition period; contacts with funding agencies and political bodies ~2012 : Application to be included in the ESFRI list (support from NuPECC & LRP necessary) Call for EU funded preparatory phase EURISOL Preparatory Phase Preparation of TDR Construction ~2025 : First Beam

The Transition Period (2010-2013) The EURISOL project office (Y Blumenfeld chair, P Butler, A Facco, M Lewitowicz) setting up the EURISOL collaboration: (MOU in preparation) The EURISOL User Group (A. Bonaccorso chair ) The EURISOL Network in ENSAR (100 k€; Y. Blumenfeld leader) Requests to NuPNET for R&D through national funding agencies

Potential candidates to host CERN LNL Legnaro 1. LINAC4 – 2013 10 kW direct target 2. Decision on SPL Potential candidates to host EURISOL GANIL + other sites? 1. Post-accelerator for SPIRAL-2 150 MeV/u 2. Phased approach to full EURISOL

Timeline for European ISOL RIB facilities 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Existing ISOL facilities REX-ISOLDE, SPIRAL, EXCYT, ALTO, JYFL, … Construction+ commissioning HIE-ISOLDE SPES SPIRAL2 2nd generation ISOL facilities RIBs from 2nd generation ISOL facilities ESFRI List EURISOL Collaboration MoU EURISOL Preparatory Phase Construction + Commissioning TDR RIB Adapted from M. Lewitowicz


EURISOL post-accelerated beam intensities Combination of single-stage target, double-stage target and two-step method Kr Sn

Liquid Hg converters Coaxial Guided Stream Windowless Transverse Mercury Film

Beam Preparation