Hungarian research activities in high energy heavy ion collisions --- Progress report, Péter Lévai KFKI RMKI, Budapest NUPECC meeting Debrecen, 24 June 2005
Main research aims: Equation of state for nuclear matter in wide T and density region Subnuclear degrees of freedom (q,g) their collective behaviour (QGP,QAP,…) Hadron properties in hot dense matter mass, width, cross sections Exotic particle production pentaquark, strangelets, … Astrophysical aspects nuclear reactions in matter at finite T
Human resources in Hungary: MTA RMKI, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest Dept. of Particle Physics (14) Dept. of Theoretical Physics (6) ELTE, Eötvös Loránd University Dept. of Atomic Physics (7) Dept. of Theoretical Physics (2) PhD School on High Energy Phys. (6) DE, Debrecen University Dept. of Experimental Physics (5) Dept. of Theoretical Physics (2) PhD School on High Energy Phys. (3) MTA ATOMKI, Debrecen (3) Sum: 45-50
Accelerators in use: Hungarian accelerators are low energy equip.: RMKI – Van den Graaf acc. ATOMKI – Van den Graaf acc. However: Excellent for radiation tests of detector parts Hungary is member of the CERN in Geneva Virtual Research Institute for High Energy Particle and Nuclear Physics Hungarian teams are working in/on different accelerators: BNL RHIC, MSU NSCL, GSI SIS, GSI FAIR
Accelerators in use: 1.NSCL, East Lansing, USA E_beam = A MeV 2. GSI SIS, Darmstadt, Germany E_beam = AMeV 3. CERN SPS, Geneva, Switzerland E_beam = 20 – 158 AGeV [s 1/2 = 4 – 20 AGeV] 4. BNL RHIC, Brookhaven, USA s 1/2 = 20 – 200 AGeV Accelerators under construction: 1.GSI/FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany E_beam = 2 – 40 AGeV [s 1/2 = 0.5 – 6 AGeV] 2. CERN LHC, Geneva, Switzerland s 1/2 = 200 – 5500 AGeV
NSCL project: Coulomb dissociation of neutron reach nucleus b E v n v fr V E(k, ) ~ dinamics nuclear physics r – processes in astrophysics Neutron capture of isotops with short life time (inverz reaction)
The MONA detector at NSCL with the whole detector setup: Eötvös University: Kiss Á., Horváth Á., Deák F. MTA RMKI: Seres Z.
The MONA detector at NSCL:
The phase structure of the nuclear/quark matter
GSI/SIS project: nuclear matter in high density, high temperature state E_beam = 0.5 – 1.5 AGeV FOPI Collaboration: Fodor Z, Kecskemeti J., Seres Z. (exp.) Wolf Gy. (theory)
The phase structure of the nuclear/quark matter
The critical endpoint - lattice results (Z. Fodor, S. Katz)
Trajectories (3 fluid hydro) Hadron gas EOS V.Toneev, Y. Ivanov et al. nucl-th/
SIS 100 Tm SIS 300 Tm Structure of Nuclei far from Stability cooled antiproton beam: Hadron Spectroscopy Compressed Baryonic Matter The future Facility for Antiproton an Ion Research (FAIR) Ion and Laser Induced Plasmas: High Energy Density in Matter low-energy antiproton beam: antihydrogen Primary beams: /s 238 U AGeV 4·10 13 /s Protons 90 GeV /s U 35 AGeV (Ni 45 AGeV) Secondary beams: rare isotopes 1-2 AGeV antiprotons up to 30 GeV
Mapping the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion collisions Critical endpoint: Lattice-QCD shows it. Can we see it in real experiments ? SIS100/300 ?
CBM physics topics and observables Color superconductivity precursor effects ? In-medium modifications of hadrons onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high B measure:,, e + e - open charm (D mesons) Strangeness in matter (strange matter?) enhanced strangeness production ? measure: K,,,, Indications for deconfinement at high B anomalous charmonium suppression ? measure: J/, D Critical point event-by-event fluctuations
Experimental challenges 10 7 Au+Au reactions/sec (beam intensities up to 10 9 ions/sec, 1 % interaction target) determination of (displaced) vertices with high resolution ( 30 m) identification of electrons and hadrons Central Au+Au collision at 25 AGeV: URQMD + GEANT4 160 p K + 13 K -
The CBM Experiment Radiation hard Silicon (pixel/strip) Tracking System in a magnetic dipole field Electron detectors: RICH & TRD & ECAL: pion suppression better 10 4 Hadron identification: TOF-RPC Measurement of photons, π, η, and muons: electromagn. calorimeter (ECAL) High speed data acquisition and trigger system
The phase structure of the nuclear/quark matter
First hint of the QGP at CERN SPS NA49 data analysis continues NA49
BNL RHIC accelerator: Au+Au at s 1/2 = AGeV
RHIC PHENIX Detector T. Csörgő,... Á. Kiss,... P. Raics,...
The LHC at CERN: Hungarian Participation in the ALICE and CMS heavy ion projects
ALICE Data-Acquisition System HLT Farm H-RORC FEP D-RORC LDC D-RORC LDC DIU SIU Event Building Network Readout Electronics Detector D-RORC LDC DIU SIU Readout Electronics Detector DIU SIU DIU SIU Source Interface Unit Duplex, multimode optical fiber Destination Interface Unit DAQ Readout Receiver Card Local Data Concentrator Detector Data Link GDC Global Data Collector 123 DDLs 262 DDLs 10 DDLs
HMPID LAYOUT muon arm side teams involved in the project: Bari, CERN, INR-Moscow, RBI-Zagreb RMKI : Letter of Intent array of seven RICH detectors (each ~1.5 x 1.7 m 2 ) 1 < p < 3 GeV/c -K 2 < p < 5 GeV/c protons PID RANGE
VHMPID: TWO STAGES TIC CaF 2 window C 4 F 10 CF 4 Window less !
C 4 F 10 3< p <9 N Π,N K+p 9< p <16 N Π+K,N p p> 16 N Π+K+p CF 4 5< p <16 N Π,N K+p 16< p <30 N Π+K,N p p > 30 N Π+K+p 9<p<16 N Π, N K, Np 16<p<30 N Π+K, Np + Identification - Identification Indirect identification Cross-checked
Hungarian Participation in the CMS Heavy Ion Project – F. Sikler, D. Barna, D. Varga, …
Particle identification at CMS in Pb+Pb collisions
RMKI LHC GRID for computing:
Summary: Accelerators in a wide energy region until Active Hungarian participation in construction and data analysis Very important to find: - Continuous funding - IT background in Hungary - Young students to continue