EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Towards a new I3 proposal of the European nuclear structure community At the NuPECC meeting in Muenchen on June 2007 Alex Mueller informed NuPECC that many LoIs have been submitted, much more than can be accommodated in an I3 application 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research Activities 23 LoI for Network Activities Advisory Group was established: Brian Fulton, Graziano Fortuna, Paul-Henri Heenen, Victor Zamfir and Alex Mueller
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Towards a new I3 proposal of the European nuclear structure community Organisation Committee of Joint EURONS-EURISOL meeting asked the community and funding agencies to suggest names of the Chairperson/Coordinator and members of Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of new I3 ENSA (European Nuclear Science and its Applications) Compromise between efficiency and representation: Angela Bracco, Peter Butler, Jacek Dobaczewski, Muhsin Harakeh (Coordinator), Rauno Julin, Wolfram Korten, Marek Lewitowicz, Christoph Scheidenberger, Victor Zamfir
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Time table towards FP7 29 February 2008Deadline for submission 30 January 2008I3 proposal ready for submission 14 December 2007Complete proposal draft ready 30 November 2007Individual activity proposals ready (with the I3 Coordinator) 30 NovemberCall published 13 NovemberSelection process completed (activities selected, activity coordinators, I3 coordinator, budgets fixed) 11 OctoberMeeting of SSC at Schiphol; first selection 3 OctoberMeeting with EC representatives in Brussels SeptemberHelsinki town meeting Scientific Steering Committee, Writing Group, PCC-2, GA-2,.....
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Helsinki PCC-2/GA-2 PCC-2 – what will it be? TNA-1JRA-1NA-1 TNA-2JRA-2NA TNA-n JRA-5 or 6NA-m ~7...9~8...10~6...8 S ~ 25 activities PCC-2 ~ 25 activity coordinators + 1 project-coordinator + 1(2?) deputy-coordinator ( ~ 17 JRA and NA coordinators) GA-2 ~ institutes Helsinki proposals: 33 JRA and NA activities suggested and presented in Helsinki
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Helsinki PCC-2/GA-2 Step 1: selection 33 proposals 15 JRAs and NAs who: Scientific Steering Committee (~ people) when: by 13 th of October Tough Choices to be made. Step 2: writing a) 15 individual proposals for JRAs, NAs (and of course TNAs) - goals - participants - budget calculation who: activity leaders when: by 30 November b) combine and "integrate" (I3 !) individual proposals, add "glue", global budget negotiations who: Writing Committee (~ PCC-2 members (incl. proj.coordinator), maybe complemented by some SSC members) when: mid of December Step 3: harmonising, streamlining, formal aspects a) numbering schemes, tables, participant short names, gender issues, legal information, etc. b) registration at EC, fill A2 forms, upload via EPSS (el. prop. subm. service) who: Writing Committee + MANET-2 when: mid December – end January Step 4: Submission to EC, 25 February 2008 Scientific Steering Committee Writing Committee Activity leaders Templates + guidelines! Co-ordinator and MANET-2 Co-ordinator
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki SSC – Scientific Steering Committee Select activities suitable for the next European nuclear structure I3-proposal in FP7 Shape structure and scope of the class of activities Follow NuPECC recommendation: SSC should use as their criteria for selecting JRAs the following: (1) clear focus on improving performance or adding new capabilities to the TNA facilities (2) benefit a number of the facilities (3) have fairly wide support, capitalising on the expertise of a number of groups. Start: as soon as possible End
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Meeting in Brussels on 3 rd October: Call on 30 November 2007; submission on 29 February 2008 Tough competition; budget M; large community 15 M No recommendation on budget sharing TNA, JRA, NA DAF difficult as TNA. Try JRA or NA Interdisciplinarity works positively ICT facilities as TNA in ENSA I3 are not advantageous
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Meeting at Schiphol on 11 th October 2007: Project is 4 years; budget Less or equa1 to that of 11 October. Tough competition; budget M; large community 15 M TNA M JRA ~ 7 M JRA ~ 7 M NA ~ 1-2 M ~7 TNAs, ~ 10 JRAs, ~7 NAs
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Transnational Access Facilities in I3 ENSA (13 7) N-TNA1 (GSI) N-TNA2 (GANIL) N-TNA3 (JYU-JYFL) N-TNA4 (INFN-LNL&LNS) N-TNA5 (KVI) N-TNA6 (CERN-ISOLDE) N-TNA7 (ALTO).
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Joint Research Activities in ENSA (Generic titles) (38 11) N-JRA1 Beam generation and ISOL target techniques N-JRA2 Ion sources N-JRA3 Low-energy beam preparation, manipulation and spectroscopy N-JRA4 Detection materials and applications N-JRA5 Silicon detection systems N-JRA6 Neutron detection N-JRA7 Generic Monte Carlo simulations N-JRA8 Electronics and software N-JRA9 Particle identification and tracking detection systems N-JRA10 Theory N-JRA11 DAF
EURONSTown Meeting Septrmber 2007, Helsinki Network Activities in ENSA Network Activities in ENSA (23 7) N-NA1 Management N-NA1 Management N-NA2 ECOS N-NA2 ECOS N-NA3 Gamma detection N-NA3 Gamma detection N-NA4 Experimental techniques for nuclear electromagnetic moments N-NA4 Experimental techniques for nuclear electromagnetic moments N-NA5 European ISOL network N-NA5 European ISOL network N-NA6 Nuclear astrophysics N-NA6 Nuclear astrophysics N-NA7 Theory N-NA7 Theory