European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy The first five years and beyond Presentation by Ms Jenny Hopkins European Commission Directorate-General Employment and Social Affairs
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy The framework Guidelines National Action Plans Joint Employment Report
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Employability Entrepreneurship Adaptability Equal Opportunities Four themes
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Employment Rates by 2010: Overall70% Female60% Older workers (54-65)50% European targets
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Total number of jobs - up 10 million Labour force- up 5 million Unemployment- down 4 million Unemployment rate- from 10% to 7% Youth unempl- down by 5% Long-term unempl- down by 1/3 Results
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Unemployment + bottlenecks Ageing workforce New technologies Working life more complex Globalisation leading to more change Increasing importance of human capital Changing context
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Three overarching objectives: Full employment Quality and productivity at work Cohesion and an inclusive labour market
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy 1. Active and preventive measures 2. Making work pay 3. Fostering entrepreneurship 4. Transforming undeclared work 5.Promoting active ageing 6. Immigration 7. Promoting adaptability 8. Investment in human capital - life-long learning strategies 9. Gender equality 10.Supporting integration and combating discrimination 11. Addressing regional disparities 11 Priorities
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Two necessities: Efficient delivery of policies Better governance Implementation
European Commission Employment & Social Affairs Employment & European Social Fund The European Employment Strategy Before accession: Joint Assessment Papers On accession: Structural Funds assistance After accession: EES National Action Plans New Member States