Progress Report Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/121
1 st Birthday Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/122 Signing of the FAIR Convention by representatives of the founding countries Finland, France, Germany, India, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia and Sweden in Wiesbaden on 4/10/2010
OrgChart FAIR Company Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/123 BFC FAIR Council Management Board Research APPA CBM NuSTAR PANDA Expert Cttee Experiments Project Office Experiments Technical Division Technical Services In-Kind Coordination Technical Follow-up Project Office Techn. Division Site & Buildings M&E Eng. Automation, IT M&E Eng. Power, Mat. M&E Eng. Thermo, Refrig. M&E Eng. Liqu., Gases Constr. Eng. Building, Geo. Constr. Managem. Eng. Reporting Project Office Site & Buildings Project Office Site & Buildings M&E Advisor Civil Eng. Advisor Admin. Internal Services Controlling Finance Purchasing Personnel Staff Office Legal Advisor Council Issues Secretariat Internal Auditing AFC Scientific Council IKRB MAC
OrgChart FAIR-GSI Collaboration Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/124
Modularised Start Version Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/125 APPA CBM/HADES NuSTAR PANDA Experiments M1: APPA M1: CBM/HADES M2: NuSTAR M3: PANDA M0 M1 M2 M3
Costs MSV Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/126 Accelerators and personnel (including Super-FRS)502 M Civil construction (excluding site related costs)400 M FAIR contribution to experimental end stations *78 M FAIR GmbH personnel & running until 2018 (>8 years)47 M Grand Total MSV, Modules M in 2005 (inflation escalation until 2018: ca. +50%) * Total experimental end stations (excluding Super-FRS): ca. 210 M (2005) = 315 M (2018)
Timeline Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/ Building permits Site preparation Civil construction contracts Building of accelerator & detector components Completion of civil construction work Installation & commissioning of accelerators and detectors Start Data taking
Civil Construction Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/128
Applications & Permits 09 / 1110 / 1111 / 1112 / 1101 / 12 Clearing permit Building application Application for afforestation Permit for site roads Application for water rights /23.11 Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/129
First Post Drilling 31/8/2011 Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1210
Clearing Construction Site 6/12/2011 Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1211
Further Preparatory Work 01 / 1202 / 1203 / 1204 / 12 Stripping of topsoil (area tree felling) Site roads (Messeler Parkstr.) Site roads (southern traffic link) Site roads (northern traffic link) Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1212
Planning Activities 01 / 1202 / 1203 / 1204 / 12 Checking and approval of Lph 3 Checking of cost calculations (analysis of differences to ZBau) Technical route planning (Lph 5) Statics / layout drawings (Lph 5) Announcement of logistics Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1213
Compact & cost effective Fast cycling superconducting magnets dB/dt ~ 4T/s Accelerators Ordered for SIS100 from Babcock Noell in Jan (German in-kind contribution, BMBF grant to GSI) Many other parts of SIS100 and CR in preparation (in- kind or tender) HESR ready to go out for tender (BMBF grant offered to FZ Jülich) IKRB meeting at FAIR on 28/3/12 MAC meeting at FZ Jülich on 2/4/12 Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1214
MSV Experiments Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1215
APPA Board of APPA Collaborations established Spokesman and Deputy elected Layout of APPA hall finalised Options explored for experiments at – HESR – ESR Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1216 APPA
CBM HADES detector upgraded Collaboration with Dubna (NICA) being considered Finishing R&D work Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1217 CBM
NuSTAR Hall LEB being considered by Collaboration – search for funds outside of MSV budget HESR being considered Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1218 NuSTAR Super- FRS
PANDA R&D being finished Remaining TDRs being finalised FZ Jülich being prepared Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1219 PANDA
Timeline Experiments Finish R&D phase2012 – Deliver prototypes of all essential parts Submit complete sets of TDRs2012 – Take decisions on alternative technical solutions Co-ordinate with2012 – Civil construction requirements & accelerator setup schedule Identify critical pathways, submit risk management plan2012 – Timelines, milestones, deliverables Secure funding, negotiate MoUs between Collaborations, Funding Agencies and FAIR2012/13 (Europe-wide) tendering2013 Build detectors Commission detectors2017 Initial period of data taking Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1220
Commissioning & Operation Commissioning MSV, Modules 0-3 – Top priority: Module 0 – SIS100 – Sequence of experiments depends on Civil construction Progress in – Prototyping & building of accelerators (storage rings) – Prototyping & building of production targets (RIB & anti-proton targets) – Prototyping & setting up of large-scale experimental equipment Funding (majority from outwith FAIR MSV budget) Operation MSV, Modules 0-3 – Signing of agreement on financing the FAIR operation budget three years after project has started (autumn 2013 at the latest) Development of model for fair share of costs for operating FAIR Explore – Contributions from participating countries that are not shareholders – Set up common collaboration funds for running the experiments (cf. DESY & CERN) Modules 4 & 5, Phase B – Secure funding for civil construction, accelerators and experiments of Modules 4 & 5 – Continue R&D, in particular for SIS300, HESR Electron Cooler and NESR Electron Ring Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1221
FAIR Open Space Planning Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1222
Thank you very much Günther RosnerNuPECC, Milano, 9/3/1223