The High Intensity Stable Ion Beams Working Group HISIB-WG Marie-Helene Moscatello (GANIL) Annamaria Porcellato (Legnaro) Uli Ratzinger (GSI) Faical Azaiez (IPN-Orsay) Giacomo DeAngelis (Legnaro) Sigurd Hofmann (GSI) Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (Liverpool) Rauno Julin (JYFL) ECOS: European COnsortium of Stable (beams)
--The Science with high intensity stable ion beams 1st meeting (Paris, june 2004) : discussion of the group tasks and of the Work distribution --The Science with high intensity stable ion beams --Beam intensity limitations and technical developments for various types of research lines! N=Z nuclei (in–beam spectroscopy and decay studies) : G. DeAngelis SHE search : S. Hofmann Super heavy nuclei (in-beam spectroscopy and decay studies) : R. D. Herzberg Neutron-deficient nuclei (in-beam spectroscopy and decay studies) : R. Julin Exotic shapes and decay modes in nuclei : F. Azaiez Neutron rich nuclei using DIC reactions : F. Azaiez & G. DeAngelis --Status and future developments of existing facilities LEGNARO : A. Porcellato GANIL : M. H. Moscatello GSI : S. Hofmann&U. Ratzinger JYVASKYLA : R. Julin
Report to NuPECC at the Frascati meeting Beyond Z=112 (FE reactions) Neutron rich nuclei at intermediate spins (DI reactions) Neutron Deficient nuclei (FE reactionsR) -In-beam studies -Production: ground state properties and decay studies
identified two categories of experiments: Categories 1: ‘Studies at the target’ Beam intensity limitations due to electronics and data acquisition: up to 100pnA Categories 2: ‘Studies at the focal plan (of a spectrometer)’ Beam intensity limitations due to target technology: up to 10 to 100pmA
2nd meeting (Legnaro, Oct 2004) : Discussion of the work progress -Report and discussions on the physics and the experimental issues -Discussion on the specifications of a dedicated facility -Report and discussions on the status and future developments of existing facilities
The performance and requirements for the proposed high intensity stable beam facility: The stable beam facility will be designed to meet the science needs and have capabilities beyond those presently available in Europe. -It should be able to accelerate all stable elements with a maximum energy ranging from 50MeV protons to 10MeV uranium and with beam intensities of more than 100pmA for the heaviest beams. -The accelerator should provide CW operation, excellent energy resolution, low transverse emittance,and flexible beam timing. A super-conducting linear accelerator in conjunction with a high performance ECR source is a good solution that meets all requirements for the needed high intensity stable beam facility.
Existing facilities and their future upgrade (in Europe)
JYFL-Jyväskylä Beams - E > 5 MeV /nucleon Heavy and light ions available >1pμA p, He, B, C, N, O, Ar >100 pnA F, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, Ca, Fe, Cr, Ni,Cu, Zn, Kr >10 pnA Ti, Mn, Ge, Sr, Zr, Ru, Xe ECR developments for intensity upgrade A second cyclotron will be built and installed
Near future switching from a Tandem to a q+ injector (PIAVE) LEGNARO Near future switching from a Tandem to a q+ injector (PIAVE) MORE CURRENT HEAVIER MASSES
GANIL : Available stable beams CSS1 beams: from 12C (4 to 13.5 A.MeV) to 238U (4 to 8 A.MeV) intensities: several pA for light ions and < 1 pA for A > 40 possibility of simultaneous beams from SME and HE(using a stripper) CIME beams: from He to Xe (2 to 25 A.MeV depending on q/A) Intensities: up to 80pnA (safety limitation!) **with a direct beam line (DBL) from CIME to the G1 and G2
GANIL LINAG: the driver of Spiral2 Spiral2: q/A=1/3 ions 1mA (Ar) from 0.75 to 14.5 A.MeV able to accelerate 5mA D+ beam up to 20 A.MeV lower intensities avalaible (Cr, Ni,…) 2nd step: q/A=1/6 ions 1mA (Xe) from 0.75 to 6.5 MeV/A
Particle Current in the GSI-Unilac (routine operation) Isotope Ion Source [pµA] Experiment [pµA] 40Ca7+ 3.6 0.5 48Ca7+ 2.0 54Cr7+ 1.7 0.9 58Fe8+ 1.1 70Zn10+ 1.6 0.6 Ion Source HLI Alvarez Transport line
The UNILAC-upgrade at GSI New RFQ-structure: gain of the duty factor higher injection energy increased acceptance Additional 28 GHz-ion-source: intensity gain of factor two higher charge states for increased duty factor 6 intensity-gain factor x10
Guide lines for the document: -Certainly shorter! 3rd meeting (Jyvaskyla, march 2004) : -discussion of the first draft document -discussion of the conclusions and recommendations Today : - report and discussions on the first draft (mainly the conclusions) of the working group! Guide lines for the document: -Certainly shorter! -Nuclear astrophysics? -The case of Dubna? -The conclusions!
For the 1st category: The in-beam studies are envisaged to take advantage of the existing stable beam facilities at Jyväskylä and Legnaro. JYFL is currently capable of providing up to 100pnA of several of the stable beam species and is actively pushing the necessary ion source R&D to extend the list of available beams. LNL is soon expected to reach this level of beam intensities also for very heavy nuclear beams (up tp U) once PIAVE will routinely replace the tandem as the injector for the ALPI linear accelerator The recommendation of the committee is to ensure a strong support from both the nuclear physics community and the funding agencies for these two facilities not only for their accelerator system development but also for the instrumentation and experimental infrastructure that are needed to host dedicated research programs.
An important recommendation: is the development of appropriate instrumentation that needs to keep step with the increasing beam currents. The in-beam spectroscopy (at the target) presents its own set of challenges: Cope with one to two order of magnitude counting rates and data acquisition (higher detector segmentation, digital electronics, time stamping and Triggerless data acquisition)
For the 2nd category The UNILAC upgrade will provide one order of magnitude greater beam intensities than today. This is a major improvement which will greatly enhance the program to search and study super heavy elements. The realisation of this up-grade is considered highly important and the committee lends it its full support.
LINAG, the SPIRAL2 driver is another attractive possibility as it fully matches the specification of the needed high intensity stable ion beam facility, a significant amount of beam time is foreseen to be used for the production of high intensity light and medium mass stable ion beams This project is recommended as a first step to the desired facility. It is an important proof of feasibility and test bunch for all technical issues related to very high intensity heavy ion beams.
It is clear that the use of the upgraded UNILAC and the very intense light and medium beams from LINAG is an attractive short-medium range perspective for the community from the point of view of the physics opportunities and also from the point of view of the possibilities of testing and improving instruments and methods. The long term goal for a new dedicated high intensity stable ions facility in Europe is considered to be one of the important issues to be discussed and considered in the next Long Range Plan of the nuclear physics community.
In order to be ready for this new project it is also highly important that research and development on the various related keys issues such as target, spectrometers and ion sources, are initiated and organised at the European in synergy with future RNB projects.