A short overview of nuclear facilities and activities at LNS M. Lattuada.


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Presentation transcript:

A short overview of nuclear facilities and activities at LNS M. Lattuada

CONTENTS: Beam production facilities Biggest detection facilities Nuclear research activities

Physics research: Nuclear physics (experimental and theoretical) Nuclear and sub-nuclear astrophysics Interdisciplinary and technological research: Accelerators and ion sources Informatics Plasma physics Biophysics - Radiobiology Cultural heritage Ion beam therapy Physics research: Nuclear physics (experimental and theoretical) Nuclear and sub-nuclear astrophysics Interdisciplinary and technological research: Accelerators and ion sources Informatics Plasma physics Biophysics - Radiobiology Cultural heritage Ion beam therapy LNS staff: ~ 120 ( ~ 35 physicists and engineers) Researchers from other institutions: ~ 20 Fellows, Post-doc, … : ~ 40 Graduate/undergraduate students: ~ 40 USERS (participants in at least one experiment at LNS in the last 3 years): 545 (180 from abroad)


The LNS Tandem accelerator Stable beams at LNS

The LNS K800 Superconducting Cyclotron can accelerate ions up to 80 MeV/amu Stable beams at LNS

First beam: 8 Li ( 13 C beam + graphite target) Last experiment: primary beam 100 W - > average intensity 7· 10 4 pps) Bottleneck: CEC efficiency ~3 % There is still room for improvement … Radioactive beams at LNS

Production Target Final Focus Fragment Separator Radioactive beams at LNS

The basic idea is to identify one-by-one each single ion Charge and mass (Z,A) Position (x,y) Energy E Tagging Technique Secondary Target (ΔE,ToF) (x,y) (A,Z), E Secondary Ion Si- Strip 2424 Tagged Ion Radioactive beams at LNS 20 Ne+ 9 Be

SOLE Superconducting Solenoid MEDEA 180 BaF 2 detectors MACISTE 8 gas plastic position sensitive detectors 6 0 Detection systems at LNS

Si CsI(Tl) PSD in CsI(Tl) Z,A for ligth ions ΔE(Si)-ToF A - identification for particles stopped in Silicon HI p d t 3 He Li Be ~300 μm 3-12 cm 1192 ΔE(Si)-E(CsI) Z,A for ligth ions (Z<10) ΔE(Si)-E(CsI) Z - identification PSD in Silicon Z - identification for particles stopped in Silicon Detection systems at LNS

Main parameters Maximum magnetic rigidity 1.8 T· m Solid angle51 msr Momentum acceptance ± 10 % Momentum resolution 1/540 0 Mass resolution1/300 Detection systems at LNS

Targets: 27 Al, 19 F, 27 Al, 12 C, WO 3, 28 Si Nuclei investigated: 19 O, 27 Mg for spectroscopy and 12 C, 16 O, 28 Al to measure the strength of Fermi (0 + ), GT (1 + ) and SD(0 -,1 -,2 - ) transitions 52 MeV beam energy 7 Be ejectiles detected by MAGNEX spectrometer Angular setting Data Analysis under way December July 2008 First MAGNEX experiments: ( 7 Li, 7 Be) CEX reaction Tandem experiments at LNS

High resolution spectroscopy of light neutron rich nuclei via multineutron transfer using tandem 18 O beam 12,13 C( 18 O, 15,16,17 O) to study the 13,14,15,16 C nuclei at E inc = 84 MeV Next: the use of a 14 C target will extend the exoticity of the nuclei that can be studied ( 16,17 C) Multineutron transfer induced by 18 O tandem beams Tandem experiments at LNS

13 C target 50 μg/cm 2 thick Average energy resolution ~ 250 keV (FWHM) Angular resolution in the CM reference ~1.5 (FWHM) New collective states between 10 and 15 MeV? 10, , The 13 C( 18 O, 16 O) 15 C reaction (2009 experiments) Tandem experiments at LNS

The trojan horse method for resonant reactions: the AGB case In the Trojan Horse Method (THM) the cross section of an astrophysically relevant reaction A(x,c)c, can be measured by measuring the three body A(b,cc)s cross section, where b can be described as x+s: b A x s c c In the case of a resonant two body reaction the resonance parameters, and in particular the strength, can be extracted through a modified R-Matrix procedure With a proper choice of the detection configuration, the cross section of the 2-body reaction at sub-Coulomb energy can be deduced from the 3-body one at energy above the barrier. Upper vertex: direct b breakup into x+s Tandem experiments at LNS Lower vertex: virtual A(x,c)c reaction

The 15 N(p, ) 12 C reaction The 15 N(p, ) 12 C, 18 O(p, ) 15 N and 17 O(p, ) 14 N reactions are crucial to investigate N and O isotopic ratios in AGB stars and constrain their evolution Recommended value for S(0): 73 5 MeVb La Cognata et al. PRC 80 (2009) Low energy direct data show a large spread: extrapolation to energies of astrophysical importance is critical The THM allows to extend the measurement to zero energy: no extrapolation no electron screening Tandem experiments at LNS

The 18 O(p, ) 15 N reaction First time observation of the 20 keV resonance in the 18 O+p interaction Absolute values of the strengths obtained by normalizing to the known resonance at 144 keV (eV) present work (eV) NACRE 20 keV keV1.8 ± ± In case of a narrow resonance the reaction rate is determined by the resonance strengths La Cognata et al. PRL 101 (2008) La Cognata et al. ApJ 708 (2010) 796 Tandem experiments at LNS

Structure effects in collisions induced by halo nuclei Elastic scattering 9,10,11 Be+ 64 cm =24.5MeV Experiments performed at LNS and ISOLDE Similar elastic scattering angular distribution measured for 9,10 Be+ 64 Zn. 11 Be+ 64 Zn scattering exhibits a strong suppression of the elastic cross section at small angles absorption occurring at large distances due to 11 Be halo structure. No effect observed for the weakly bound 9 Be Reaction cross section 9 Be)=1.1b, 10 Be) 1.2b 9 Be)=1.1b, 10 Be) 1.2b 11 Be) 2.7b 11 Be) 2.7b 11 Be+ 64 Zn 10 Be+ 64 Zn 9 Be+ 64 Zn 9 Be+ 64 Zn 11 Be+ 64 Zn 10 Be+ 64 Zn 9 Be+ 64 Zn 9 Be+ 64 Zn 11 Be+ 64 Zn break-up/transfer angular distribution 1.1b 1.1b The large break-up cross section partially due to break-up/transfer events ( rec / bu-tr 0.4) Tandem experiments at LNS

Be BC Li Time-scale measurement of IMF products Dynamical fission in 112,124 Sn+ 58,64 Ni at 35 MeV/A and 197 Au+ 197 Au at 15 MeV/A neutron enrichment of IMF emitted from the neck CHIMERA results CS experiments at LNS PRL 101 (2008) PRC 71(2005)044602

8 He Study of nuclei at the drip line with FRIBs fragmentation beams 15 B 11 Li The 4 detector allows kinematical coincidence to extract angular distributions for elastic and inelastic processes using radioactive beams 40 Ca + 12 C 3 coincidences CHIMERA: very recent results CS experiments at LNS 12 B+d elastic scattering Bose condensate 3 correlations to measure the size of the emitter

The first EXCYT experiments were designed for low intensity beam BIGBANGBIGBANG: 4 He( 8 Li,n) integrated cross section (~ 10 2 mb) RCSRCS: measurement of 8 Li + 28 Si total reaction cross section using an active 28 Si target RSMRSM: 8 Li + 4 He scattering excitation function in a single run, with the resonant scattering method on thick gas target EXCYT experiments at LNS

Start ToF EXCYT experiments at LNS Useful in experiments with low intensity beams: excitation function measured in a single run. Scattering cross section measured at 180 o c. m. angle BUT … … angular and energy resolution change with energy … accurate knowledge of stopping power is needed Useful in experiments with low intensity beams: excitation function measured in a single run. Scattering cross section measured at 180 o c. m. angle BUT … … angular and energy resolution change with energy … accurate knowledge of stopping power is needed Resonant elastic scattering on thick helium target to look for 8 Li- configurations of 12 B Resonant elastic scattering on thick helium target to look for 8 Li- configurations of 12 B 8 Li* 8 Li EE t1t1 t2t2 Stop ToF 4 He gas Calculated ToF vs E ToF discriminates elastic events from inelastic scattering events

Inelastic counts Elastic ToF counts EXCYT experiments at LNS E(MeV ) 1 nsec resolution E exc ~ 1 MeV Preliminary

The 6.15 MeV state populated by Coulomb excitation (E1 transition) on Pb target Full detection and identification of decay products Two-proton decay: the 18 Ne case FRIBs experiments at LNS Energy, angle and relative momentum correlations 18 Ne beam produced at 35 MeV/u by 20 Ne projectile fragmentation Two-proton radioactivity predicted in the 60s (Goldansky) Two particle correlations in nuclei Role of the pairing

(669)% direct three-body (32)% virtual sequential (317)% 2 He decay G. Raciti, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, (2008) Hunting for pp decay FRIBs experiments at LNS 208 Pb 18 Ne 18 Ne* 16 O 2 He 208 Pb 18 Ne 18 Ne* 16 O

Work in progress New EXCYT beams ( 15 O ?) FRIBs: front-end and tagging detector : high rate capability improvement of CS extraction line transport and acceptance New chamber for SERSE (under construction) improved intensity (good for EXCYT and FRIBs) Coupling of EDEN with MAGNEX ?

High energy astrophysics far cosmic accelerator (particle energy>10 17 eV) neutrinos electromagnetic radiation (radio, light, UV, X, gamma) protons interstellar radiation and matter Submarine Telescope for very high energy neutrinos. It will allow to explore regions and phenomena in the Universe never observed so far neutrino muon Cherenkov light Optical modules Neutrino observatory project at LNS

European framework Consortium of the Institutes that develops and supports the pilot projects in the Mediterranean Sea. Consists of Institutes from 10 European Countries (Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Romania, Spain, U.K.) Large European Research Infrastructure –Included in the first roadmap for the European RI of the ESFRI Design Study project –Approved under the 6 th FP –Conclusion in October 2009 with publication of the Technical Design Report Preparatory Phase project –Approved under the 7 th FP, started on March 1 st 2008 –Coordinated by INFN-LNS KM3NeT Neutrino observatory project at LNS

Phase1 project: a test site in Catania Double-shielded cable (2.330 m) Single shielded cable ( m) North branch m South branch m BU SN-1 Shore station An underwater infrastructure has been realized by the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud to test detector prototypes A seismic and environmental observatory of INGV has been installed and connected to the EO cable Project jointly funded by INFN and MIUR: Realization of shore and deep sea infrastructures Design and realization of a subsystem of the km3 including key elements of the detector Deployment and connection of a junction box and a fully instrumented detector module consisting in a four storey tower Study of the water properties and of the seabed morphology Neutrino observatory project at LNS

Phase2 project: a deep sea station at Capo Passero OBJECTIVES -Realization of an underwater infrastructure at a depth of 3500 m in the Capo Passero site -Test of the detector installation procedures at 3500 m -Installation of a 16 storey tower -Long term monitoring of the site PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE -Shore station in Portopalo di Capo Passero to host the power feeding and the data acquisition systems -100 km electro-optical cable connecting the underwater infrastructures with the shore station STATUS -The electro-optical cable (about 40 kW) has been deployed -A building located inside the harbor area of Portopalo has been renovated to host the shore station. -A 16 storey tower has been deployed last month to test the structure and the installation operations from the point of view of mechanics Neutrino observatory project at LNS

Through 47% % On target 8 Li 3+ Primary beam power 100watt CEC (10 keV) 8 Li - 2.8% Through platforms 8 Li - Through 2 nd stage Tandem entrance % % % LEBI1 8 Li + Production with the sliced target is at least 3 times the value found with the former cylinder target Tandem transmission can still be increased by improving beam optics and moreover it will be higher at larger terminal voltages With a primary beam of 200 Watt an intensity close to 2·10 5 pps can be obtained bottleneck Radioactive beams at LNS

Proton rich with 58 Ni+ 27 Al and 20 Ne+ 9 Be Neutron rich with 40 Ar+ 9 Be Light proton rich with 12 C+ 9 Be Production Results Radioactive beams at LNS 18 Ne, 17 F Production (May-June 2009) 300÷400 enA of primary 20 Ne beam 60 kHz of secondary beam on the tagging detector 5 kHz of 18 Ne and 3 kHz of 17 F


Search for cluster structures in n-rich B isotopes Theoretical calculations (AMD) predict the existence of Li-He structures in B isotopes. Kanada-Enyo & Horiuchi, PR C52(1995)647 Theoretical calculations (AMD) predict the existence of Li-He structures in B isotopes. Kanada-Enyo & Horiuchi, PR C52(1995)647 EXCYT experiments at LNS Aim of the experiment was to search for possible + 8 Li configurations of 12 B, by looking at resonances in the elastic scattering of the two components in inverse kinematics E beam ~30 MeV 10 MeV < E exc <20 MeV Aim of the experiment was to search for possible + 8 Li configurations of 12 B, by looking at resonances in the elastic scattering of the two components in inverse kinematics E beam ~30 MeV 10 MeV < E exc <20 MeV