Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 1 Coordination of national and regional programmes Introduction to the ERA-NET scheme European Commission Research DG
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 2 – the creation of an "internal market" in research (free movement of knowledge, researchers and technology) – the restructuring of the European research fabric (improved coordination of national research activities and policies) – the development of a European research policy (taking into account other EU and national policies) European Research Area - Combining three concepts : Combining three concepts *: * * COM(2002) 565 final, THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA : PROVIDING NEW MOMENTUM
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 3 Objectives To step up the cooperation and coordination of national or regional research activities through networking of programmes including their mutual opening and the development and implementation of joint activities. Programmes should be understood as entire research and innovation programmes, or parts of such programmes, or similar initiatives having the following characteristics: be strategically planned be carried out at national or regional level either be financed and managed directly by national or regional public bodies, or by structures closely related to or mandated by public authorities (e.g. agencies).
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 4 Participants Legal entities, from at least 3 MS or AS of which at least two are MS or candidate AS, with the following characteristics: public bodies responsible for financing or managing research activities carried out at national or regional level other national or regional organisations that finance or manage such research activities bodies operating at European level that include as part of their mission the pan-European coordination of nationally-funded research A sole participant, being a grouping of public bodies (EEIG or any similar structures) In addition to the minimum number of participants other legal entities (e.g. charities) managing such research programmes, may participate. The partnership can be gradually increased. The Partnership composition allows as eligible participants:
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 5 ERA-NET may include the following activities to foster coordination and cooperation between programmes: 1 - Systematic exchange of information & best practices 2 - Common strategic issues 3 - Development of joint activities 4 - Implementation of transnational research activities Activities A step by step approach….but ambitious
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 6 Information exchange between programme managers on: (possible examples) Actual running projects in the respective programmes National or regional research priorities Existing evaluation practices Programme management practices Systematic exchange of 1 - Systematic exchange of information and best practices
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET Common strategic issues Identification and analysis of: (possible examples) Research activities that could lead to multinational schemes between ERA-NET partners Practical networking activities and mutual opening mechanisms Administrative or legal barriers that hinder transnational cooperation New opportunities and gaps in research and stimulation of new interdisciplinary work Common evaluation systems
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET Development of joint activities Concrete joint activities could cover: (possible examples) a posteriori clustering of research projects Development of multinational evaluation procedures Schemes for joint training activities Mutual opening of facilities or laboratories Common programme monitoring and evaluation Personnel exchange at programme manager level Specific co-operation agreements or arrangements Action plan to implement a joint strategy
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET Implementation of transnational research activities Implementation of transnational research activities could include: (possible examples) Common or joint calls for proposals Setting up of a joint work programme Transnational evaluation and dissemination Funding of research activities based on a joint programme of transnational research activities
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 10 Ambitions of the selected ERA-NETs Coordination Actions steps 1&2 step 3 joint activities step 4 joint/common call step 4 develop a joint programme others
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 11 Ambitions of the running ERA-NET CAs An ambitious 4 step approach is normally proposed Early pilot actions for joint calls are mentioned Some propose even additional activities: - training - shared equipment/investments - links to other initiatives (Cost, Eureka, TPs) A few investigate or prepare for an Article 169
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 12 ERA-NET partnership: a key to success –role and commitment (impact) of each partner –clear added value for nat. programmes & Community –partners are programme owners such as ministries and research councils, in some cases programme management organizations or coordination bodies –structuring effect and strategic vision of the consortium –substantial resources for awareness and dissemination activities –establishment of a joint coordination platform (secretariat or joint programme office) for potential joint programmes
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 13 ERA-NET: Summary New innovative scheme under FP6: Networking of programmes Ambitious goals: Joint calls and joint programmes Public programmes, parts thereof or similar initiatives Exclusively for public authorities and implementing agencies Beyond FP6 priorities and implemented bottom up Open call 148 Mio. - Only for Coordination NO research
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 14 Coordination Actions Activities related to networking and mutual opening of national or regional programmes are eligible for financial support. These activities may cover the indicated steps for coordination and cooperation and the overall coordination of the networking activities. No research activities will be financed by ERA-NET (CA). Financial aspects and duration: 3 M max. funding for : all eligible networking costs (100%) indirect costs (20% of direct costs minus subcontracts) consortium management (100% up to max. 7% of the EU contribution) 5 years max.
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 15 Open call for proposals (single step), open since Dec 2002 Last cut-off date: 4 October 2005 Indicative budget18.6 million Pre-proposal check:up to 14 September 2005 Instrument: ONLY Coordination Action (CA) For new proposals or project extensions Open to any field of science and technology Calls and Budget
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 16 Relevance to the objectives of the programme (3/5) Quality of the coordination (4/5) suitable governance at appropriate level Potential impact (3/5) participants are key actors in national systems foundation for a durable cooperation Quality of the consortium (3/5) Quality of the management (3/5) Mobilization of resources (3/5) Evaluation criteria (CA) Overall threshold (21/30)
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 17 ERA-NET - Lessons learned from previous cut-off dates (1) ERA-NET - Lessons learned from previous cut-off dates (1) So far the following lessons can be drawn on ERA-NET: Take up of all CREST opening up initiatives Large interest and participation from all 25 MS Participation at programme owner level is important NO funding for research is a limitation Limited regional participation Options for « strong » coordination towards Art. 169 Flexible instrument should follow the objectives
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 18 …continued: An excellent response through 195 proposals Overall success rate +/- 45% (healthy over-subscription) Strong participation from ministries, funding agencies and national research councils Wide distribution of submitted ERA-NETs across many fields of science and research Many fields are quite well covered ERA-NET - Lessons learned from previous cut-off dates (2) ERA-NET - Lessons learned from previous cut-off dates (2)
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 19 Coordination of non-Community programmes - actions will use the tools: ERA-NET ERA-NET PLUS Article 169 May cover subjects beyond the nine themes Addresses also complementarities with intergovernmental structures Outlook FP7
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 20 ERA-NET in FP7 Reinforcement of the ERA-NET scheme: Continuity of ERA-NET as the scheme providing a framework for the coordination of public research programmes (new topics) Broadening and deepening the scope of existing ERA-NETs (to broaden the partnership and scope of the ERA-NETs and deepen the activities towards mutual opening of programmes)
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 21 ERA-NET PLUS in FP7 New is the additional EU financial support to top up joint calls (to support research) Providing additional EU financial support to a common fund created between national programmes for the purpose of a joint call for proposals Topping up to be fixed at the appropriate level (e.g %) Transnational research as single condition to receive EU financial support to the common fund for those national programmes contributing
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 22 Article 169 in FP7 Integration of (parts of) national programmes into a joint programme Cooperation between Member States sharing common needs or interests Identification Art. 169 initiatives on the basis of clear criteria Article 169 In implementing the multiannual framework programme, the Community may make provision, in agreement with the Member States concerned, for participation in research and development programmes undertaken by several Member States, including participation in the structures created for the execution of those programmes Participation of the Community in research programmes jointly undertaken by Member States
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 23 Article 169 in FP 7 Criteria to select the initiatives Relevance of the initiative to EU objectives Clear objective and its relevance to FP7 European added value Critical mass and similarity of programmes involved Art. 169 as the most appropriate means to reach the objectives Identification of the initiatives on the basis of a series of criteria :
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 24 ERA-NET-PLUS vs Article 169 Legal basis: Objective: Implementation: MS role: Variable geometry: Commission role: ERA-NET-PLUS: Article 169: FP Art. 167 Art. 169 co-decision Single joint call at anJoint programme over agreed moment in timetime (several years) Call for proposals (COM)By MS after co-decision Funding commitmentJoint Implementation For a single callPartner MS over time Single top up (lump sum)Programme Shareholder
Support for the coordination of activities ERA-NET - 25 Infopack: NCPs: Website: Helpdesk: Evaluators: INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE