NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 1 Progress Update of (ENSAR)European Nuclear Science and Applications Research Muhsin N. Harakeh KVI & GANIL NuPECC Paris, France, March 2011
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 2 ENSAR = Integrating Activity (IA) of European Nuclear Scientists Major subfields of Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Structure Nuclear Astrophysics Applications of Nuclear Science. Purpose is optimised ensemble: Networking Activities Transnational Access Joint Research Activities Ensure qualitative and quantitative improvement of the access to the seven infrastructures, and advanced technology for the new large-scale projects & applications.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 3 1 st IA Call in FP7 ENSAR rank 45 / th of 12 on reserve These were put on the reserve list.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 4 In the 2 nd Integrating Activities Call (July 2009) INFRA : Research Infrastructures for Nuclear Physics. A project under this topic should aim at integrating the key research infrastructures in Europe for studying the properties of exotic nuclei, and turning advances in nuclear physics experimentation into new applications. Targeted call - better chances; budget 10 M Submitted proposal: Large community 10 M for 4 years TNA 4.52 M JRA 4.01 M NA 1.47 M 7 TNAs, 7 JRAs, 6 NAs (Total Budget ~ 10 M) Number of participants = 29
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 5 Partners of GANIL GSI LNL-INFN LNS-INFN JYL RUG-KVI CERN-ISOLDE ALTO-CNRS TUW ULB KUL CEA INRNE-BAS RBI NPI TUD NCSRD ATOMKI-HAS ECT* UWAR IFJ-PAN FFCUL IFIN-HH USC CIEMAT UCM PSI UNIBAS JOGU UNIMAN 29 beneficiaries 7 TNA Facilities 18 countries 53 associated partners 18 countries 53 associated partners
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 6 Transnational Access Facilities in IA ENSAR TNA1 (Access to GANIL) TNA2 (Access to GSI) TNA3 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS) TNA4 (Access to JYU-JYFL) TNA5 (Access to KVI) TNA6 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE) TNA7 (Access to ALTO)
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 7 ENSAR Research Infrastructures (ENRI): GANIL, GSI, LNL/LNS, JYFL, KVI, ISOLDE-CERN and IPNO-ALTO agree to make efforts to maintain the collaboration within research fields of common interest both fundamental and applied and to submit an application for Integrating Activity. Accelerator facilities Offer a broad and high-quality palette of stable and exotic ion beams and unique equipment. Experiments in nuclear (astro)physics Nuclear structure of very exotic nuclei. Nuclear astrophysics with exotic and stable beams Nuclear theory Collaborations between theorists and experimentalists of ENRI laboratories already exist, but will be strengthened through agreement.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 8 Expensive, technically advanced experimental equipment technically advanced and expensive, but mobile, equipment that could be used at the different laboratories. Coordination A facility coordination group (FCG) has been set up through ENSAR, consisting of directors, chairmen of the local Programme Advisory Committees (PACs) and coordinator of ENSAR. Reviews working procedures of various PACs and participates in the definition and improvement of the criteria for access. Makes recommendations on common policies. Further aspects of the collaboration: Exchange of technical expertise especially in accelerator technology areas, in radiobiology, hadron therapy and other applications. Collaboration in education and training.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 9 Network Activities in ENSAR (2 nd Call) NA01 FISCO (FInancial & Scientific COordination) M. N. Harakeh NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) F. Azaiez NA03 EURISOL NET (EURopean ISOL NETwork) Y. Blumenfeld NA04 ATHENA (Advanced THeory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) K. Sonnabend NA05 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) S. Lenzi NA06 EFINION (European Forum for Innovative applications of Nuclear ION beams and tools) S. Harissopulos
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 10 Joint Research Activities in ENSAR (2 nd Call) The JRAs deal with all aspects of experimental activities from sources and targets, to detectors, to simulations of experimental set- ups, data analysis and a development of adequate theoretical tools. JRA01 ARES (Advanced Research on Ecr ion Sources) G. Ciavola JRA02 ActILab (Actinide ISOL target R&D Laboratory) T. Stora JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, MAnipulation & Spectroscopy) A. Jokinen JRA04 INDESYS (INnovative solutions for nuclear physics DEtector SYStems: From basic R&D to applications for the society) D. Cortina Gil JRA05 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki JRA06 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) D. Balabanski JRA07 THEXO (THeoretical tools in support of infrastructures) P.-H. Heenen
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 11
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 12 NA06: EFINION European Forum for Innovative applications of Nuclear ION beams and tools EFINION has the objective to strengthen and coordinate scientific activity with special emphasis on further strengthening multidisciplinary and application-oriented activities at stable and radioactive ion beam facilities. This will be in the fields of radiobiology, medical imaging, space applications and solid-state physics, etc. An outreach activity will be initiated to disseminate ENSAR applications to the public. Document existing nuclear physics applications that are widely used in every-day life and review recent achievements. Demonstrate those activities running at ENSAR laboratories with potential of providing solutions to a variety of problems of societal impact. Identify synergies within ENSAR and between ENSAR and end-users.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 13 ENSAR scored 14/15 in the evaluation (March 2010). The report was very positive. but with one remark: The larger partners in the consortium requesting the largest budget should cover a higher percentage of the costs through their own resources. Furthermore, the EC cut the total budget to 8 M, and added the following two conditions: The allocation of available funds within the project should take into account in particular the interest of the user community. and The project should aim at a higher visibility of the opportunities and services offered by the TA facilities also to scientists from outside of the traditional user communities.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 14 Taking these recommendations into account and after consultation with the user community, the ENSAR Steering Committee decided on 23 April 2010 to enforce the following cuts: TNAs: a 12% cut should be realised totally at the cost of, i.e. reduction of, unit cost leaving the minimum number of hours of beam time and the travel and subsistence for users the same. The total budget for AGATA within the three concerned TNAs should be cut by 20%. ( EC request 3.97 M) JRAs: were proportionally cut by 27%. It was left to the JRA work-package leaders to realise this cut in the way they find best for their community. However, it was strongly advised to cut tasks completely, if feasible. ( EC request 2.93 M) The NAs were cut by 30% (except FISCO which has to stay at 7% of the total budget thus applying a 20% cut). Here also, it was strongly advised to cut tasks completely, if feasible. ( EC request 1.10 M)
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 15 ENSAR Organisation Coordinator: M. N. Harakeh (KVI/GANIL/GSI) Deputy Coordinator: M. Lewitowicz (GANIL) Project Manager: K. Turzó (GANIL) Financial/administrative: V. Vandevoorde/S. Dubromel Managing institution: GANIL 29 Partners 15 NA01 FISCO Meetings: 2 /year Meetings: 1 /year Meetings: 1 /year
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 16 ENSAR Timeline Negotiation with EC opened on 26 March First negotiation meeting with EC on 18 May Negotiations ended on target date, i.e. 11 June ENSAR started on 1 September ENRI Agreement signed on 6 September 2010 Grant Contract signed on 3 December EC first instalment received on 13 December Consortium Agreement signed on 22 December End of the ENSAR project August 31,
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 17 First ENSAR Project Coordination Committee (PCC) meeting was held at GANIL, Caen, France on November 3 rd, Discussed progress and elected PCC executive Board. Silvia Lenzi Sotirios Harissopulos Dolores Cortina-Gil Dimiter Balabanski Rauno Julin Yorick Blumenfeld Network Activities Joint Research Activities Transnational Access Activities
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 18 TNAs: ALTO, GANIL, GSI, INFN, ISOLDE, JYFL Presented their facilities and the equipment and beams they can offer. GANIL & ISOLDE already offered access in 2010 on basis of experiments approved earlier. GSI, INFN_LNL-LNS, JYFL & ALTO scheduled experiments in beginning of JRAs: ARES, EWIRA, INDESYS, PREMAS, SiNuRSE, THEXO NAs: ATHENA, ECOS, EFINION, EGAN, EURISOL- NET, FISCO
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 19 JRAs and NAs Presented modified Work Packages (WP) after the cuts. Discussed strategies to achieve the milestones and deliverables of the different tasks. Some reported already on some progress in running the activity. A few discussed the meetings/workshops they have held or have planned. Hiring of post-docs had not started by the time of the meeting. Problem many institutions could not spend money before contract is signed. WP leaders requested to inform about Steering Committee and to appoint a deputy WP Leader.
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 20 Second ENSAR PCC and first General Assembly (GA) meeting will be held at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany on May Discuss progress of activities with presentations; stress hiring of fixed-term personnel (post-docs) Elect Chair of GA
NuPECC, March 2011, Paris, France 21 Thank you for your attention