1 NuPECC meeting, 18 Nov. 2005 Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut Groningen November.


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Presentation transcript:

1 NuPECC meeting, 18 Nov Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut Groningen November 18, 2005

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Bound-state energies with GFMC Courtesy S. Pieper, Argonne (+3NF)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Study of the nucleon-nucleon interaction beyond the elastic scattering –Real-photon bremsstrahlung –Virtual-photon bremsstrahlung Study of three-body systems –Hadronic probes (three-body force effects) & –Electromagnetic probes & Study of strangeness in proton and deuteron Few-body activities at KVI

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Binding Energies in 3 H & 4 He

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Three-Body Forces in Nature

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Three-Body Forces in Nature

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects N N N Three-body forces in Nuclear physics

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects A three-body force is a force that does not exist in a system of two objects but appears in a system of three objects (three-body system like in Euler's three-body problem) or more. In physics, an intuitive example of a three-body force is the case of charged, metallic spheres: the charge distribution at the surface of two spheres placed close to each other will be modified, and thus the total force felt by a third sphere cannot be described by the sum of the forces from the two other spheres taken individually. The fundamental strong interaction seems to exhibits such behaviours. In particle physics, the interactions between the three quarks that compose baryons can be described in a diquark model which is equivalent to the hypothesis of a three-body force. There is growing evidence in the field of nuclear physics that three-body forces exist among the nucleons inside atomic nuclei (three-nucleon force). Three-body forces and Wikipedia As an analogy, if we identify bodies with human beings and forces with emotions, jealousy is a good example of three-body force: it is not felt as long as only two persons are acting, but it can show up as soon as a third person enters into the scene. Retrieved from "

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Total nd Cross sections High precision data from Los Alamos W.P. Abfalterer et al., PRL 81, 57 (1998) nd scattering np scattering Only 2NF

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Nd elastic scattering cross sections H. Witala et al. PRL 81, 1183 (1998) E n lab = 12 MeV E n lab = 65 MeV E n lab = 140 MeV E n lab = 200 MeV 3NF only 2NF only Total

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects AGOR Facility Detectors SALAD BINA 2004-??? BBS PB

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections (theory –data)/data K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections (theory –data)/data K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects pd elastic scattering cross sections Hanover Approach of dynamical delta (theory –data)/data K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Effect of 3NF as a function of Energy Ermisch et al., PRC71, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Spin-Transfer Coefficients Preliminary E d = 180 MeV

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects The break-up channel St. Kistryn, PRC 68, (2003); & PRC 72, (2005)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects The break-up channel 2NF+3NF – 2NF 2NF+3NF Bochum-Cracow Group (2NF=CDB, 3NF=TM) E p = 190 MeV

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects The new 4 detector, BINA KVI beam ~3 meters Big Instrument for Nuclear-polarization Analysis (BINA)

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects The new 4 detector, BINA 150 phoswich Scintillators =Target chamber Forward scintillators (E-wall) Thin scintillators for particle identification Wire chambers + analyzer

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects The new 4 detector, BINA

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Summary & Outlook The search for 3BF effects is taking place at several laboratories. At KVI, we have set up a comprehensive program to study the three-body systems. The situation for the three-body systems is like the situation of NN of some 30 years ago! The four-body systems is virgin territory at this moment and needs desperate attention.

Few-body physics: Three-body force effects Acknowledgements H.R. Amir Ahmadi, J.C.S. Bacelar, R. Benard, A.M. van den Berg, R. Castelijns, M. Eslami-Kalantari, R. Bieber, K. Ermisch, E. Van Garderen, V.M. Hannen, M.N. Harakeh, M. de Huu, H. Huisman, M. Kis, H. Löhner, H. Mardanpour, A. Mehmandoost, J.G. Messchendorp, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, A. Ramazani, S. Schadmand, S. Shende, M. Volkerts, S.Y. van der Werf, H. Wörtche + KVI theory group + Cracow Experimental Group + Theoretical support from Bochum-Cracow + Hannover group + TAPS collaboration