NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, Researchers Engineers, Technicians, Administrative IN2P3INSUSPMSPISTICSCSDVSHS Nuclear Particle Universe Physics Maths Eng.Computers Chemistry Bio. Humanities Personnel: Budget: 2,2 G CNRS
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 CNRS Priorities Life Sciences Computer sciences Nanotechnologies Environment Interdisciplinarity CNRS
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 IN2P3 Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Astroparticle Physics (interdisciplinary) Nuclear Energy (interdisciplinary)
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 IN2P3/CNRS CNRS Uni.
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 Probe the nature of the confinement of quarks and gluons First priority to the achievement of the construction of the ALICE detector (LHC) Experimental program pursued at RHIC (STAR, PHENIX)50 FTE Probe the quark-gluon structure of nucleons and nuclei (Three groups - JLAB-CEBAF)25 FTE Probe the structure and the dynamics of nuclei. Nature of the nucleonic matter Limits of nuclear stability. The heaviest bound elements Formation of elements in the universe GANIL(Caen) with its dedicated Radioactive Ion Beam Facility ( SPIRAL, SPIRAL II project) ORSAY Tandem (+ALTO) GSI, LEGNARO, JYVASKYLA, ISOLDE, VIVITRON shut-down (december 2003) 115 FTE NUCLEAR PHYSICS Nuclear wastes Innovative solutions for nuclear energy 55 FTE Theory 46 FTE
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 NUCLEAR PHYSICS 290 permanent scientists 221 physicists (experimentalists), 46 theorists, 23 radiochemists
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 TPC PHOS Muon arm TOF TRD HMPID PMD ITS Construction of the ALICE detector RHIC : Participation to STAR (SSD project) (2 labs) and PHENIX ( electronics of dimuon arm)( 4 labs) ….. First experiments at the LHC ALICE (CERN) IN2P3 5 laboratories - Dimuon arm - Internal tracking system (ITS) Investment: 6.6 M Nature of the confinement of quarks and gluons Déconfinement of elementary constituant of nucleons and nuclei Equation of state of nuclear matter - Quark-gluon plasma
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 Hadronic physics Understanding of the structure of nucleons and light nuclei Confinement of quarks et gluons in hadrons Strong interaction (QCD) Structure modifications of hadrons in nuclear matter TJNAF: ( G0, Deep VCS), GRAAL (ESRF), MAMI (PVA4, parity violation) HADES:Properties of mesons in nuclear matter Ongoing discussions on the future programs HADES G0
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 Some key facts: New limits of stability (37Ne) Discovery of 48Ni 2p radioactivity New deformations Nuclear molecules New magicity New detectors (EXOGAM, VAMOS) R&D for SPIRAL2: ALTO R&D future detectors: AGATA - Origin of nuclear binding - Limits of nuclear stability - Heavy and super-heavy elements - Formation of elements in the universe (nucléosynthesis) SPIRAL Structure and the dynamics of nuclei. Nature of the nucleonic matter KEEP THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVITY OF GANIL SPIRAL2 project SPIRAL2 project experiments with SPIRAL I SPIRAL II, a priority stated by NuPECC 100M (full cost) - cofinanced by Region (33%) SPIRAL II, a priority stated by NuPECC 100M (full cost) - cofinanced by Region (33%) design study and discussion with design study and discussion with potential partners. Decision expected mid-2004 potential partners. Decision expected mid Construction Complementarity with GSI On a longer term: EURISOL project Complementarity with GSI On a longer term: EURISOL project
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 SPIRAL II project Driver SC Linac: 40MeV, 5mA d et 14.5 AMeV, 1pmA heavy-ions d->n 12 C converter UC x target Post-acceleration in CIME Energy < 6 AMeV >10 13 fissions/sec. Multi-beams (up to 5) Into operation: 2008
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 AGATA : Advanced GAmma Tracking Array A new generation gamma spectrometer High detection sensitivity: 100 to 1000 higher than EUROBALL The detector – 180 hexagonal coaxial detectors each segmented in 36 (6x6) – 7000 channels – Digital electronics 14 bits, 100 MHz ADCs low noise, large stability – Large on line computing power pulse shape analysis gamma tracking Physics case Towards the spectroscopy of heavy and superheavy nuclei Nuclei very far from stability Exotic shapes of nuclei European collaboration Large R&D collaboration 10 countries, 40 laboratories 400 researchers concerned Main potential sites:GSI and GANIL French contribution to the R&D phase(CEA-IN2P3-GANIL): 1.25 M
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 Frequency :2,99855 GHzrepetition frequency: 100 Hz Energy :50 MeV pulse duration : 2 ns-2µs Mean current:10 µAEmittance : 6 50 MeV 132 Sn ~ ions/µC 78 Zn ~ ions/µC 50 MeV RF section UCx target e-gun On line separator PARRNe2 PARRNe2 Operation: early 2005
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 Driver : proton Linac 1 GeV; 5mA 4Targets: direct beam on target : 100 KW; With converter : 4 MW Post accelerator HI Linac 100 AMeV Experimental halls: Low energy (AkeV) Astrophysics (1 AMeV) Structure (10 AMeV) Reactions (100 AMeV) Sources : ECRIS RILIS (laser) The EURISOL Project European Isotope Separation On-Line Radioactive Ion Beam Facility Design study (6ème PCRD) G.Fortuna (Legnaro) Y.Blumenfeld (IPN Orsay) P.Butler (Isolde) Coordinating Institution :GANIL SPIRAL-II : a first step to the high power direction (300kW) LINAG, the SPIRAL-II accelerator, could be part of the post accelerator of EURISOL EURISOL and GSI are complementary facilities
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 Pluridisciplinary Program PACE Back-end of electronuclear cycle Answer to the law passed in 1991 which defines main research orientations on the management of nuclear wastes (evaluation to be done in 2006) : o Separation and transmutation o Storage in deep geological sites o Conditioning and surface storage IN2P3 focused on transmutation of nuclear wastes and innovative systems for the future of nuclear Energy - Experimental validation of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) - Active participation to R&D European programs (MEGAPIE, n-TOF, MUSE, PDS-XADS…) - High intensity accelerator developments (IPHI) - Deeply involved in the preparation of an ambitious project for the 6th european program aiming at the future construction of a demonstrator (IP EUROTRANS) - Study of innovative systems for Nuclear Energy based on the Thorium cycle Innovative scenarios, focused on the concept of a molten salt reactor (one of the choice of Generation IV) Collaboration with CEA, EDF, FRAMATOMEIN2P3 55 FTE
NuPECC meeting, Orsay, March 12, 2004 International Collaborations Bilateral agreements with: Spain, Netherlands, Tchec. Republic Poland, Romania, GSI Regular meetings with INFN, EPSRC, DOE 6th FP: (EURONS), HP EUROTRANS, Molten salt reactors Under discussion: Cross-participation in GSI and SPIRAL2 projects LEA Legnaro-GANIL GDRE with Poland (Radioactive beams) (GDRE on nuclear astrophysics)