NuPECC Meeting October , 2010 Athens Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD Directors Report
Present composition of ECT*s Scientific Board Since M. Anselmino (U of Torino) 26/09/08 B. Balantekin (U of Wisconsin)09/01/10 J.-J. Gaardhøje (U of Copenhagen)09/01/10 P. Haensel (NCA Center Warszaw)19/01/08 S. Hands (Swansea University)19/01/08 K. Heyde (U of Gent)10/01/09 J-Y. Ollitrault (CEA Saclay)10/01/09 G. Rosner (NuPECC, U of Glasgow)10/01/09 A. Schwenk (EMMI and TU Darmstadt)02/10/10 Chairman
Scientific activities at ECT* Workshops in 2010
Scientific activities at ECT* Workshops in Approved at the meeting of the Scientific Board on Oct 02, 2010 (i.e. same # of Workshops as in 2010)
ECT* Doctoral Training Programme 2010 April 12 – June 11 Programme coordinators: Hans Feldmeier (GSI Darmstadt), Hendrik Schatz (Michigan State University), Jeff Tostevin (University of Surrey) Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics with Radioactive Ion Beams Student coordinator and advisor: Georges Ripka (Saclay and ECT*) Topics, lecturers and time table of lectures ECT* website From 35 applications 18 full time (+8 part time) students have been selected. DTP has been a great success
ECT* Doctoral Training Programme 2011 April 11 – June 17 Programme coordinators: Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin), Christina Volpe (INPO, Orsay), Christian Weinheimer (University of Münster) Neutrinos in Nuclear–,Particle–and Astrophysics Student coordinator and advisor: Georges Ripka (Saclay and ECT*) Topics, lecturers and time table as well as deadline for application ECT* website Posters will be distributed in November 2010
Aurora School on High Performance Computing September 20 – October 01 Coordinator F. Pederiva (University of Trento) Organizing Committee Francesco Di Renzo (University of Parma and INFN) Winfried Leidemann (University of Trento and INFN) Luigi Scorzato (ECT*) Paolo Verrocchio (University of Trento) Main Speakers and Topics Constantia M. Alexandrou (University of Cyprus) : Introduction to Lattice QCD Nir Barnea (Hebrew University) : Few Body Methods in Nuclear Physics Andrea Pelisetto (University of Rome, INFN) : Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Physics and Critical Phenomena Kevin E. Schmidt (Arizona State University) : Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclear Physics Roberto Alfieri (University of Parma and INFN) : AURORA: Architecture, Software and Applications Fabio Schifano (University of Ferrara and INFN) : AURORA: Architecture, Software and Applications Number of Students: 26
Scientific personnel in 2010 D. Binosi(Senior Postdoc, QUITE / ECT*, until Dec 31) Tenure track (stabilizzazione) requested M. Cristoforetti(Junior Postdoc, AURORA / ECT*, from Apr 01) C. Fernandez Ramirez(Junior Postdoc, ECT*, until Feb 28, 2011) Univ. Madrid L. Fortunato(Junior Postdoc, ECT*) B. Long(Junior Postdoc, ECT*, until Oct 19) L. Scorzato(Senior Postdoc, AURORA / ECT*) D. Triantafyllopoulos(Senior RA, ECT*) M. Alvioli(Junior Postdoc, ECT* / HP2, from Sept 01) S. Melis(Junior Postdoc, ECT*/TMD from Oct 01) L. Muñoz(Junior Postdoc, successor of B. Long, from Oct 01) L. Sartori (Junior Postdoc, AURORA / ECT* at Ferrara, from Apr 22 – Sep 24) Industry F. Pozzati(Junior Postdoc, AURORA / ECT* at Ferrara, from May 01)
Staff Susan Driessen / Assistant to the Director: returned from maternity leave on June 23, 2010 Silvia Tomasi / Temporary replacement for SD FBK Mauro Meneghini: no driver anymore Gian Maria Ziglio: Co.Co.Pro. expires at the end of 2010 Ines Campo: requested part-time employment (38h 30h) Cristina Costa: will retire December 31, 2010
Visiting Scientists at the ECT* in 2010 Until October 02, 9 short-term visitors at ECT*: Peter Levai (Hungary), Marco Grossi (INFN Parma), Jean-Paul Blaizot (France), Andrea Beraudo (INFN Torino), A. Sternbeck (Univ. Regensburg), A. Saltarelli (Univ. Camerino), S. Das Gupta (Univ. Camerino), L. Theussl (RCQI, Bratislava) and S. Karshenboim (MPQ Garching) 533 scientists participated in the Workshop, DTP and AuroraSchool programme so far and spent up to 14 days at ECT*. Visitors (1-6 weeks) in 2010: Mauricio Porto Pato (Brasil), Laura Muñoz (Spain), Victor Flambaum (Australia), Andrei Derevianko (USA), Avraham Gal (Israel), Vadim Lensky (UK), Andreas Schaefer (Germany) Long term visitor: Georges Ripka (April 01 – June 30)
Distribution of Visitors at ECT* in 2009
Status of the AURORA project AURORA is a High-Performance computing (HPC) project for science and engineering administered scientifically by ECT* Joint effort between PAT / INFN / FBK-ECT* / U of Trento / FEM / ATreP / DEI PADUA and industrial partners EUROTECH and INTEL
Start up of AURORA Letter of Sep. 21 to about 60 potential users and 10 officials (PAT, FBK, INFN, UNITN, …) Dear colleagues, this is to inform you that the first installation of the machine has been completed. AURORA is situated in a special room in the North building of FBK within the premises of the planned Laboratorio Interdisciplinare per le Scienze Computationali (LISC). As of today 32 boards are operational corresponding to a peak power of 5 Teraflops. This is already the first part of the AURORA prototype which will within the next months reach a computing power of about 20 Teraflops aimed for the first phase of AURORA. Since available computing power is now much higher than the one of the testing boards some of you have already used for benchmark computations until now, we strongly encourage you to adapt your codes to the newly installed system at LISC for real calculations. For instructions and help Dr. Marco Cristoforetti and Dr. Luigi Scorzato at the ECT* are available. With this High Performance Computing (HPC) installation an important milestone of the AuroraScience project has been achieved. It is of upmost importance now that the machine is used for real applications. The results are a prerequisite for the continuation of the project into the second phase (100 Teraflops). Thank you for your work. We are looking forward to many exciting scientific results. Best wishes, Achim Richter Luigi Scorzato
Roadmap for AuroraScience Collaboration Report writing about the results of the 1 st phase is in progress submitted by the end of Oct Report is the basis of the application for the funding of the 2 nd phase (starting hopefully August 01, 2011) Call for AuroraScience proposals and define the procedure for selecting proposals and assigning time to run them on AURORA
Budget and Status of Funding Estimate for 2010 FBK / PAT + Outside funds (European Funding Agencies, HP 2, QUITE, AURORA, …) In k + ? In k k2.186 Mio [In 2009: 534 k +618 k =1.152 Mio] [In 2008: 736 k+539 k=1.275 Mio]
Budget and Status of Funding
FP7 / Hadron Physics2 and Hadron Physics3 HP2 project has been prolonged until 31/12/2011 First Periodic Report of the HP2 project covering 18 months from 01/01/2009 until 30/06/2010 has been submitted to the office of the HP2 Project Coordinator, Carlo Guaraldo / Frascati. A new Proposal for HP3 ( ) built on upgrading of excellence of the presently running HP2 project has been submitted to the office of the HP Project Coordinator, Carlo Guaraldo / Frascati, at the end of August At the HP2 Collaboration Committee Meeting and the HP3 Kick-off Meeting on September in Paris I have presented a report on Transnational Access to ECT* in the period 01/01/09 – 30/06/10 and have given an outlook upon HP3. Total amount allocated to HP2from 01/01/09 – 31/12/11: Amount spent for workshops, Scientific Board and travel from 01/01/09 – 30/06/10: Remaining amountfor 01/07/10 – 31/12/11:
European Nuclear Science and Applications Research ENSAR Funded EU-FP7 project for the period Sep 01, 2010 – Aug 31, 2014 and coordinated by Mushin Harakek / KVI Groningen ECT* is a member of the JRA07 THEXO (Theoretical tools in support of infrastructures) with Paul-Henri Heenen / ULB being the spokesperson ECT* will obtain 51.9 k for Workshops Will attend a THEXO coordination meeting on October 26, 2010 in Brussels