- PANS - PANS PANSART Nuclear Science and Cultural Heritage: a travelling exhibition around Europe This exhibition will present applications of nuclear science to study objects of cultural heritage so as to bring new insight into their age, genesis, fabrication procedure, authenticity; to save these from damage of time; to know and to understand their history, the methods used by the artists or the craftsman so as to help for their restoration and conservation procedures. Different techniques will be presented: an XR Fluorescence apparatus, the model of an ion beam accelerator with its terminal set up and detection system for a non-invasive analysis of art by PIXE, PIGE etc, and a multimedia presentation for different dating methods Parallel events – Media invitations Students will be trained to run the exhibitions S. Harissopulos,
JYFL NIPNE ULB U Edinburgh NPI Rez ATOMKI Demokritos Soltan Inst. C2RMF -Louvre TU Dresden U Lisbon INFN/U Padua GRIS NuPECCEPS PANSart : 12 institutions + 1 SME (Gris-Padova) + NuPECC + EPS PANSart : 12 institutions + 1 SME (Gris-Padova) + NuPECC + EPS The structure of the project PANSART Coordinator: C. Leclercq-Willain, ULB Bruxelles Scientific and Technical (S-T) Committee: C. Leclercq-Willain, ULB Bruxelles I. Reiche, LC2RMF-Le Louvre, Paris S.Harissopulos, Demokritos, Athens A. Pascolini, INFN, Padua A. M. Eiro, Univ. Lisbon GRIS co SRL Architect Company, Padua The local organizers 12 different European institutions NuPECC and NPB-EPS -contribution to overall coordination- S. Harissopulos,
PANSart : Budget distribution PANSart : Budget distribution ULB *)C2RMF Louvre INFN Padova Univ. Lisbon NCSR Demo- kritos Each Exhibition (x 7) TOTAL Personnel … Direct … Indirect (7%) … TOTAL … *) BREAKDOWN for ULB coordination and travel expenses part time Secretary students jobs during exhibition Transportation 12 events reparation local organisation S. Harissopulos, Personnel costs = coordination + management Direct costs = coordination + exhibition