1 Ruđer Bošković Institute Zagreb, Bijenička 54 CROATIA Josip Ruđer Bošković Josip Ruđer Bošković (Dubrovnik, 18 May Milan, 13 Feb. 1787) Physicist, mathematician, astronomer, poet, philosopher, diplomat Theoria philosophiae naturalis published in Vienna 1758.
2 1950Founded by the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts 1955 Independent institute for nuclear energy and nuclear sciences, financed by the Yugoslav Federal Commission for Nuclear Energy First departments: Theoretical physics Molecular physics Nuclear physics Electronics 1952Chemistry 1954Biology Historical overview – RBI in collaboration with the University of Zagreb established the first postgraduate studies in this region
Institute was reorganized to 7 Departments and achieved the multidisciplinary character 1969 Center for Marine Research (Rovinj) 1990 Molecular Medicine and Molecular Genetics Departments: Theoretical physics Nuclear and Atomic Research Solid state Electronics Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Biology Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES) 1966financed by Federal and afterwards Croatian Council for Scientific Work; At present by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES)
4 RBI home made cyclotron-16 MeV deuterons; 8 MeV protons; 32 MeV -particles – production of short-lived radio pharma- ceuticals
5 Arial view of the RBI campus m 2 area for investigation and logistics 82 equipped laboratories Institute today
6 Organizationalstructure Organizational structure
7 Laboratory for nuclear reactions Laboratory for measurements of low-level radioactivity Laboratory for ion beam interactions - 6 MV EN Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator and a new 1 MV Tandetron accelerator Laboratory for radiation chemistry and dosimetry Laboratory for radioecology Heavy ion physics laboratory Liquid scintillation counter (LSC) Quantulus 1220 (Wallac Oy, Finland) 6.0 MV Tandem Van de Graaff 1.0 MV Tandetron IAEA contribution ~
8 RBI 10 years scientific performance – CC papers
9 Overview by branches Overview by age
10 EU projects 5 years ago:only 2 FP5 projects Present situation: FP6 21 projects contracted FP7 calls 45 project proposals submitted 4 projects accepted 4 projects accepted RBI scientific performance : RBI scientists - 5% of the total produce 22 % of the total Croatian scientific output (CC papers) RBI - concentration of advanced scientific equpment
11 Rudjer Innovations Ltd. – 2007 – RBIs Agency for commercialization of knowledge Spin-off companies: Biozyne – 2005; EU patent, potential anticancer drug Chirallica – 2006; chiral separations, chiral HPLC columns Rudjer Medikol Diagnostics -2007; hereditary breast cancer diagnostics Rudjer Medikol Cyclotron – 2007; production of radionuclides for PET diagnostics
12 Ivan Mestrovic: the statue of Rudjer Boskovic