UNDG JOINT FUNDING APPROACHES Trends and Progress UNDG – Donor Meeting [New York – 11 February 2012]
Funding for UN Operational Activities
Increasing the Quality of Non-Core…
Annual Transfers to UN organizations Source: MPTF Office, as of 31 December 2012
MDTF Contributions (>200,000,000
Programme Drives Funding Joint Assessment Joint Strategic Planning Common Budgetary Framework Joint Resource Mobilization Implementation Joint Monitoring & Evaluation Country Analysis Programming priorities should drive the selection of a funding mechanism(s). Decision Point
Joint Funding Mechanisms 1.Joint Programmes – 3 ways to manage Pooled Fund (Managing Agent) Pass-Through Fund (Administrative Agent Parallel Fund Management 2.Multi-Donor Trust Funds (Admin. Agent) Country-level (incl. DAO/One UN Funds) Global-level
Multi-Donor Trust Funds Multi-agency, uses the pass-through mechanism Used in humanitarian, recover / transition and development contexts Can be used to finance individual agency projects and joint programmes Encourages multi-year un-earmarked contributions Supports a strategic UN programme, such as: - funding gaps in UNDAFs - global / country level thematic objective
MDTF Architecture Steering Committee Secretariat Administrative Agent (1%) Participating UN Organizations (7%) Implementing Partners Task Teams/ Program me Groups Donors
10 Type of MDTF Total Humanitarian28% 38%45%55%35% Transition58%13%17%30%20%38% Development14%59%45%25% 27% One Funds5%14%28%21%15%12% Total100% Trends in deposits for MDTFs
Types of MDTFs Global (thematic) MDTFs (12) -MDG Achievement Fund -UN Peacebuilding Fund -UN-REDD Programme Fund -Small global Fund s (9) Country-level MDTFs (41) -Common Humanitarian Funds (5 countries) -Transition and Recovery Funds (11 countries) -One UN Funds (20 countries) -Others (2 countries)
One Funds A country-level MDTF Resource mobilisation for UNDAF funding gap Uses standard legal documents (MOU and SAA) Government & UN leadership (co- chairing of Steering Comm.) One Programme report or One UN Fund report 20 COUNTRIES WITH ONE UN FUNDS 20 PARTICIPATING UN ORGANIZATIONS 25 CONTRIBUTING PARTNERS (DONORS) $702 MILLION FUNDS RECEIVED $628 MILLION FUNDS TRANSFERRED
Key challenges - MDTFs Key Challenges -Shift in focus of MDTF funding from development / transition to humanitarian -Few multi-year commitments (< 10 %), affecting predictability of funding -Capitalisation of many MDTFs is below expectations, need to look at thresholds -Difficulties of many One Funds to mobilise resources at country level -Flexibility of use of funding for UN Agencies