A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
Instrumentation is defined as the art science of measurement and control of process variables within a production or manufacturing area. Instruments attached to a control system may provide signals used to operate relays. These devices control a desired output variable, and provide either remote or automated control capabilities. These are often referred to as final control elements when controlled remotely or by a control system. A Transmitter is a device that produces an output signal, often in the form of current signal, although many other options using voltage, frequency pressure, or Ethernet are possible. This signal can be used for informational purposes, or it can be sent to a PLC, DCS or other type controller, where it can be interpreted into readable values and used to control other devices and processes in the system. Control instrumentation plays a significant role in both gathering information from the field and changing the field parameters, and as such are a key part of control loops. What is Controls and instrumentation ? A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
CL-PLC:Programmable Logic Controller Trainer CL-PID: PID Control Circuit Trainer Products offered by Akademika A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
CL- PLC 13 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs Supply voltage : VAC Display : LCD (backlight) 4line x 16 characters Font Size 5X7mm Digital input: 13 Digital input, PNP type Digital output – Relay : Digital output (Relay Type) EXPERIMENTS Day light tower, Traffic light control, Four-phase stepper motor control (physical control), Automatic liquid mixing device, Assembly line control, Water level control tower, Manipulator control, LED digital control A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
CL- PLC : Programmable Logic Controller Trainer
A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product CL-PID Flexible and modular design Supports Non-Linear Unit and Operational Amplifier Unit EXPERIMENTS Control system simulation of typical links Study of second order transient response Study of third order transient response Frequency characteristics of typical link in the test experiment Study of dynamic PID controller Study of linear control system calibration A typical simulation of non-linear behaviour Pole placement state feedback control simulation
A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product CL- PID : PID Control Circuit Trainer1
AKADEMIKA LAB SOLUTIONS EL-107, MIDC,T.T.C. Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai Tel. : /82/83 Fax : Website : A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product