FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research * FP6 Proposals * Status and Recent Activities Walter F. Henning / GSI Darmstadt NuPECC, Lisbon, November 2004
FAIR - FP6 Proposals
FAIR Design Study Proposal Scope: Design of accelerators and experiments with secondary beams at FAIR PANDA experiment (Hadron physics with antiprotons) NUSTAR experiment (Physics with radioactive beams) HESR (High Energy Storage Ring for cooled antiprotons) CR (Collector Ring Complex – storage and cooler rings for RIB and antiprotons) SIS100 (Superconducting Synchrotron with 100 Tm) Participation: 33 Institutes in Europe, USA, Russia Budget: total budget ~ 22 Mio EC support 9 Mio Duration: 36 month Status: Evaluation passed successfully Start of contract negotiation with EC in August 2004 Submission of Contract Preparation Forms and "Description of Work" ( ) Preparation of Consortium Agreement Signing of contract with EC end 2004 / beginning 2005 Start of funding period Spring 2005
FAIR Construction Proposal Scope: Construction of SIS18 upgrade including experiments SIS18 upgrade (to 4 Hz and lower charge state intensity increase factor 100) R3B magnet (Spectrometer magnet of reaction studies with RIB) HADES upgrade for high intensities and pion beams Participation: 14 Institutes in Europe, USA, Russia Budget: total budget ~ 15 Mio EC support 15 Mio ? Duration: 48 month Status: Letter from EC in August 2004 Good evaluation result Funding depends on decision regarding 2. call Start of funding period in 2006 ?
Accelerator Physics and Technology for FAIR Main R&D challenges Superconducting, fast ramping synchrotron magnets High gradient, low frequency RF cavities Fast stochastic and electron cooling Novel lattice/collimation design: Beam optics studies Control of collective effects: Large scale simulation studies Ultra high vacuum for intense beams HESR e-cooler SIS 100 dipole magnet CR compressor cavity control of stripping losses Desorption test-stand Working point diagram: Stability of intense beams
FAIR - Status and Recent Activities
UNILAC SIS FRS ESR SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR The Future International Facility at GSI: FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research 100 m Existing Future Project
UNILAC SIS FRS ESR SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR The Future International Facility at GSI: FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research 100 m Existing Future Project Beams now: Z = 1 – 92 (protons to uranium) up to 2 GeV/nucleon Beam cooling Beams now: Z = 1 – 92 (protons to uranium) up to 2 GeV/nucleon Beam cooling Beams in the future: Intensity: 100 – 1000 fold Species: Z = -1 – 92 (anti-protons to uranium) Energies: up to GeV/u Precision: beam cooling Beams in the future: Intensity: 100 – 1000 fold Species: Z = -1 – 92 (anti-protons to uranium) Energies: up to GeV/u Precision: beam cooling
UNILAC SIS FRS ESR HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR SIS 300 SIS 100 GSI today PANDA El.Cooler Atom.Phys. CBM Plasma Phys. FLAIR Low En. Expt. High En. Expt. NESR Expts Antiproton Production Target SIS18 Upgrade Beamlines The FAIR Project Nuclear Structure Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics with Radioactive Ion-Beams Hadron Physics with Antiprotons Physics of Nuclear Matter with Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Plasma Physics with Highly Bunched Laser- and Ion-Beams Atomic Physics, Fundamental Symmetries and Applied Sciences Accelerator Physics
UNILAC SIS FRS ESR HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR SIS 300 SIS 100 GSI today PANDA El.Cooler Atom.Phys. CBM Plasma Phys. FLAIR Low En. Expt. High En. Expt. NESR Expts Antiproton Production Target SIS18 Upgrade Beamlines The FAIR Project Nuclear Structure Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics with Radioactive Ion-Beams (IFF; not ISOL EURISOL) Hadron Physics with Antiprotons (not rare K-decays; neutrinos J-PARC) Physics of Nuclear Matter with Relativistic Nuclear Collisions (High-density regime RHIC, LHC) Plasma Physics with Highly Bunched Laser- and Ion-Beams (Dense, strongly coupled plasma MCP) Atomic Physics, Fundamental Symmetries and Applied Sciences (Naked atoms; anti-matter EBIS, AD) Accelerator Physics (High-current synchrotrons and storage rings
FAIR - Recent Organizational Developments
FAIR - The 3-Stage Construction Scenario
SIS18 Upgrade 70 MW Connection Proton-Linac SIS100 Transfer Line SIS18-SIS100 High Energy Beam Lines RIB Prod.-Target, Super-FRS RIB High+Low Energy Branch Antiproton Prod.-Target CR-Complex HESR &. 4 MV e - –Cooling In NESR SIS300* 8 MV e - –Cooling e-A Collider SIS100/300 Tunnel, SIS Injection+Extraction+Transfer Transfer Buildings/Line Super-FRS, Auxiliary Bldgs., Transfer Tunnel to SIS18, Building APT, Super-FRS, CR-Complex RIB High+Low Energy Branch, HESR ( ground level), NESR, AP-cave, e-A Collider, PP-cave CBM-Cave, Pbar-Cave, Reinjection SIS100 Civil Construction Civil Construction 1 Civil Construction 3 Civil Construction 2 Civil Construction 4 I IV III V II 2,7x10 11 /s 238 U 28+ (200 MeV/u) 5x10 12 protons per puls 1x10 11 /s 238 U 28+ ( GeV/u) ->RIB (50% duty cycle) 2.5x10 13 p (1-30 GeV) 3-30 GeV pbar->fixed target 10.7 GeV/u 238 U -> HADES* 1x10 12 /s 238 U % duty cycle pbar cooled p (1-90 GeV) 35 GeV/u 238 U 92+ NESR physics plasma physics Experiment Potential General Planning Civil ConstructionProduction and Installation *SIS300 installation together with SIS Accuracy: 6 -8 months
Advanced Staging Scenario General strategy: Groundwork, supply systems and major buildings as early as financially possible (potential for smoothing financial profile?) Scientific facilities staged according to three physics programmes Contributions from outside mainly in-kind for scientific facilities (?)
Advanced Staging Scenario Three stages according to different fields of research: 1.Radioactive ('Rare Isotope') Beams for: Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics Atomic physics studies with highly charged/radioactive ions 2.Proton-Antiproton Physics QCD studies with proton and antiproton beams precision studies with antiprotons addressing fundamental symmetries and interactions 3.Final facility Full parallel operation of up to four research programs Full energy and luminosity for nuclear collisions program at CBM Precision QCD Studies at PANDA up to 15 GeV Plasma research (full gain factor in power density: ~400) Atomic reaction studies with fast beams
Stage 1 Civil Construction Ringtunnel for double ring synchrotron incl. technical buildings Buildings housing the SFRS, the CR and NESR plus nuclear structure and atomic physics experiments Office building Accelerator 2 x /puls U 28+ at 200 AMeV 4 x /puls U 73+ at 1000 AMeV 4 Hz up to 12 Tm; 1 Hz up to 18 Tm Bunch compression to 70 ns Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~100) Plasma physics at 'old' facility (gain factor in power density: ~200) Atomic physics studies with highly charged/radioactive ion beams
Stage 1 Civil Construction Ringtunnel for double ring synchrotron incl. technical buildings Buildings housing the SFRS, the CR and NESR plus nuclear structure and atomic physics experiments Office building Accelerator 2 x /puls U 28+ at 200 AMeV 4 x /puls U 73+ at 1000 AMeV 4 Hz up to 12 Tm; 1 Hz up to 18 Tm Bunch compression to 70 ns Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~100) Plasma physics at 'old' facility (gain factor in power density: ~200) Atomic physics studies with highly charged/radioactive ion beams
Stage 2 Civil Construction (completion) p linac building HESR building Buildings housing nuclear collision, plasma physics and atomic physics experiments Accelerator 1 x /puls U 28+ at 2,7 AGeV 1 x /puls U 73+ at 8,3 AGeV (Ne 10+ bis 14 AGeV) Bunch compression to 50 ns 2,5 x /puls protons up to 29 GeV up to antiprotons accumulated, stored and cooled in the HESR up to 15 GeV low (down to zero) energy antiprotons at NESR and HITRAP Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (full gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~ ) QCD studies with cooled high-energy antiprotons (and protons) Precision studies with antiprotons addressing fundamental symmetries and interactions HESR
Stage 2 Civil Construction (completion) p linac building HESR building Buildings housing nuclear collision, plasma physics and atomic physics experiments Accelerator 1 x /puls U 28+ at 2,7 AGeV 1 x /puls U 73+ at 8,3 AGeV (Ne 10+ bis 14 AGeV) Bunch compression to 50 ns 2,5 x /puls protons up to 29 GeV up to antiprotons accumulated, stored and cooled in the HESR up to 15 GeV low (down to zero) energy antiprotons at NESR and HITRAP Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (full gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~ ) QCD studies with cooled high-energy antiprotons (and protons) Precision studies with antiprotons addressing fundamental symmetries and interactions HESR
Stage 3 Accelerator 2 x 10 9 /puls U 92+ up to 34 AGeV Stretcher option with long extraction times from seconds up to minutes High energy e-cooling for HESR Research Full energy and luminosity for high- density nuclear matter program at CBM Precision QCD Studies at PANDA up to 15 GeV Plasma research (full gain factor in power density: ~2500) Atomic reaction studies with fast beams Full parallel operation of up to four research programs
Stage 3 Accelerator 2 x 10 9 /puls U 92+ up to 34 AGeV Stretcher option with long extraction times from seconds up to minutes High energy e-cooling for HESR Research Full energy and luminosity for high- density nuclear matter program at CBM Precision QCD Studies at PANDA up to 15 GeV Plasma research (full gain factor in power density: ~2500) Atomic reaction studies with fast beams Full parallel operation of up to four research programs
Some Considerations Concerning a Financial Plan
Cost Profile for Stages
International Coordination and Legal Structure of FAIR
International Committee Structure for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) International Steering Committee (ISC-FAIR) H. Schunck Working Group on Administrative and Financial Issues (AFI-FAIR) H-F. Wagner Working Group on Scientific and Technical Issues (STI-FAIR) S. Gales
International Committee Structure for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) International Steering Committee (ISC-FAIR) H. Schunck Working Group on Administrative and Financial Issues (AFI-FAIR) H-F. Wagner Working Group on Scientific and Technical Issues (STI-FAIR) S. Gales PAC / QCD R. Chiavassa PAC / NSTR R. Casten PAC / APPA D. Schwalm TAC / ACC Y. Cho LoI Submission (1800 authors): Jan. 15 & April 15, 2004 PAC Meeting: June 14-16, 2004
International Committee Structure for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) International Steering Committee (ISC-FAIR) H. Schunck Working Group on Administrative and Financial Issues (AFI-FAIR) H-F. Wagner Working Group on Scientific and Technical Issues (STI-FAIR) S. Gales Financial Plan & Cost Attribution Cost Estimates & Controlling
Contract Development Contract Negotiations Closing LoI's Proposals / TR's PAC's Technical Committee TDR's ~ Signing of MoU Phase I – Governed by MoU Phase II Governed by contracts MoU
The International Steering Committee for FAIR STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues Sidney Gales AFI Working Group Administrative and Funding Issues H.-F.Wagner ISC Internat. Steering Committee H.Schunck PAC QCD E.Chiavassa PAC NUSTAR R.Casten PAC APPA D.Schwalm TAC Yanglai Cho Observers: FAIR Project EU
FAIR Organisational Structure: EEIG FAIR Project EEIG Project Management France... Sweden UK Italy Resources, Finances, Manpower and Hardware Contributions Requests of the Project from the partners, GSI and external Spain Council EEIG (Representatives of Partners) Poland … GSI... Finland Russia Consort. Observer... Finland / France / Italy / Germany / Spain / Sweden / UK...Russia...Cons...
FAIR Organisational Structure: EEIG FAIR Project EEIG Project Management France... Sweden UK Italy Resources, Finances, Manpower and Hardware Contributions Requests of the Project from the partners, GSI and external Spain Council EEIG (Representatives of Partners) Poland … GSI... Finland Russia Consort. Observer... Research Accelerator Infrastructure ADR ADA ADI ADF ADFP DG Administration Future Project Finland / France / Italy / Germany / Spain / Sweden / UK...Russia...Cons...
FAIR Organisational Structure: GmbH FAIR Project GmbH Project Management France... Sweden UK Italy Resources, Finances, Manpower and Hardware Contributions Requests of the Project from the partners, GSI and external Spain Council (Representatives of Partners) Poland … GSI... Finland Russia Consort. Observer... Finland / France / Italy / Germany / Spain / Sweden / UK...Russia...Cons...
FAIR Organisational Structure: GmbH FAIR Project GmbH Project Management France... Sweden UK Italy Resources, Finances, Manpower and Hardware Contributions Requests of the Project from the partners, GSI and external Spain Council (Representatives of Partners) Poland … GSI... Finland Russia Consort. Observer... Finland / France / Italy / Germany / Spain / Sweden / UK...Russia...Cons... ?
International Steering Commitee Administration and Financial Issues WG Scientific and Technical Issues WG FAIR as a German Limited Liability Company with International Shareholders Fair Project Group Operations FAIR
International Steering Commitee Administration and Financial Issues WG Scientific and Technical Issues WG FAIR as a German Limited Liability Company with International Shareholders Articles of Association (Charter) Consortial Agreement (Memoranda of Understanding)
Host-Laboratory Activities
Legal and Regulatory Procedures for Construction Planning of FAIR
Radiation Safety Approval Procedure In February 2002, one year before the green light was obtained from the German government, GSI applied for the Construction of an International Facility for the Research with Ion and Proton Beams at the Hessian Ministry for Environment In December 2003, GSI received official letter with the first approval:....the planned facility will fulfill the requirements in accordance with the German radiation protection laws for the construction of the whole installation and the operation as outlined in the Conceptual Design Report.
FAIR - Two Brief Remarks on Physics Aspects
In-medium interactions – isospin effects (dipole res. sym.energy) strong fragmentation spreading width in n-rich nuclei ? new coherent modes (diff. proton- neutron deformation) Soft excitation modes : Pygmy Dipole Resonance Astrophysics implications In-medium interactions – isospin effects (dipole res. sym.energy) strong fragmentation spreading width in n-rich nuclei ? new coherent modes (diff. proton- neutron deformation) Soft excitation modes : Pygmy Dipole Resonance Astrophysics implications Giant resonances in exotic nuclei
1GeV/u U + H About 1000 nuclear residues identified A/Z-resolution ~10 -3 Production of exotic nuclear beams by fragmentation advantage: shortlived isotopes (T 1/2 < ms) accessible 132 Sn Land Collaboration P. Adrich et al., 2004