Module 1: Overview UNDG Joint Funding Mechanisms Joint Programmes & Multi-Donor Trust Funds Spring 2011
By the end of this presentation you will be familiar with: What is joint programming and joint funding? Why is joint programming important? Joint funding mechanisms and characteristics Joint Programmes MDTFs Bi-lateral Cash Transfers Key considerations when selecting an appropriate funding mechanism 2
Source: MDTF Office, as of 31 December 2010 CONTEXT: Development Humanitarian Crisis Transition SCOPE: Country Specific Regional Global MDTF Office Annual Transfers to UN Organizations 3
Growth in funding from MDTFs/JPs Since 2004, there has been a significant growth in funding received by agencies from MDTFs and JPs. Here are a few examples based on MDTFs/JPs administered by the UNDP MDTF Office: Agency Funding received in 2004 ($m) Funding received in 2010 ($m) Cumulative (# MDTFs/JPs) ILO$0.3$20$64 (23) IOM$0.7 (2006)$19$67 (15) UNESCO$15$30$134 (25) UNFPA$13$38$132 (34) UNICEF$56$150$642 (40) UNDP$176$212$895 (54) WFP$7$61$235 (24) WHO$15$30$134 (25) All Agencies$484$1,066$4,307 (57) 4
What is Joint Programming? Joint Programming is a collective effort through which UN Organizations and national partners work together to: effectively and efficiently achieve MDGs, other international commitments and national priorities prepare, implement, monitor and evaluate the activities achieve common results 5
UN coherence and coordination Supports inclusion of resident/non-resident UN Organizations as equal partners, reducing fragmentation, utilization of comparative advantages Increases national ownership and aligns with national priorities Benefits governments through a full range of mandates, expertise and experience of UN Organizations Demonstrates that the UN Delivers as One through common work plans, budgeting, resource mobilization, implementation & reporting Collectively supports mobilization towards funding gaps in UNDAF CBF Joint funding enables you to... 6
What is Joint Funding? Two UNDG Joint Funding Mechanisms: Joint Programme – a set of activities contained in a common work plan and related budget, involving two or more UN Organizations and (sub-) national partners. The work plan and budget form part of a joint programme document, which also details roles and responsibilities of partners in coordinating and managing the joint activities. The joint programme document is signed by all participating organizations and (sub-)national partners. Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) – a multi-agency funding mechanism designed to receive contributions from one or more donors that are co-mingled, and held in trust by an Administrative Agent, to respond to the realities of specific country, regional or global situation. It operates on principles of joint programming and has common governance arrangements. 7
Joint Funding Mechanisms Joint UN Country Team programme priorities may be supported through one or a combination of funding modalities: 1.Joint Programmes Pooled Fund Management using a Managing Agent Pass-Through Fund Management using an Administrative Agent Parallel Fund Management 2. Multi-Donor Trust Funds using Administrative Agent Country-level (including Delivering as One/One UN Funds) Global-level 3.Bilateral UN contributions (cash transfers) 8
Enhance coherence and efficiency at country/global levels through: Facilitate coherent and consolidated reporting Enhance capacity to allocate resources strategically Mobilize resources jointly (with harmonized cost-recovery) Draw on comparative strengths of UN organizations, including non-resident agencies Respond to increased demand from donors to work jointly (Paris Declaration/Accra) Joint Programmes & MDTFs enable you to: Strengthen national ownership (country-level Strengthen programming support of specific thematic objectives shared by multiple UN Organizations (global) 9
UNDAF Funding Streams UNDAF Joint Resource Mobilization for Joint Funding Joint Programme (multi-agency) Multi-Donor Trust Fund (multi-agency) Coordinated Resource Mobilization (agency specific) Core Funding (agency specific) 10
Key Considerations for Selecting Joint Funding Mechanisms What is the scope/strategic focus of common results? How many UN Organizations are likely to be involved? Are the programmatic needs short or long-term? What resources are available and what is the funding gap? What are donor interest(s) and is this adequate to fill gap? Will multi-year funding be available? Will the UN Organizations equally support joint resource mobilization? 11
Joint Assessment Joint Strategic Planning Common Budgetary Framework Joint Resource Mobilization Joint Implementatio n Joint Monitoring & Evaluation Aligning Programmatic Priorities with Joint Funding Options Decision Point Programming priorities should drive the selection of a funding mechanism(s). Country Analysis Strategic Planning UNDAF Results Matrix M&E Roadmap UNDAF Action Plan 12
Detailed Presentation on Joint Funding Mechanisms The next session (Module Two) will provide more details on the following topics: Joint Programming Funding Mechanisms Joint Programmes Multi-Donor Trust Funds (incl. various types of MDTFs) Bilateral Cash Transfers How to select an appropriate joint funding mechanism Key steps in establishing JPs and MDTFs Key advice and considerations related to Joint Funding Dos & Donts: earmarking, lead agency, inclusive/equal partnerships, establishment, thresholds, governance, etc. 13
Available Resources The UNDG Joint Funding sub-committee is the central place for training, guidance and support to UNCTs on joint funding mechanisms. Below is a list of available online resources: o UNDG Guidance Note on Joint Programming (2003)Guidance Note on Joint Programming o UNDG Guidance Note on establishing, managing and closing MDTFs (2011) o UNDG Protocol on the Administrative Agent for Multi Donor Trust Funds and Joint Programmes, and One UN Funds (2008)Protocol on the Administrative Agent for Multi Donor Trust Funds and Joint Programmes, and One UN Funds o UNDG web-site: o UNDP MDTF Office GATEWAY: repository of information on all MDTFs/JPs administered by UNDP as AA 14
Unite and Deliver Thank you