1 Web 2.0 Library 2.0 Librarian 2.0 Presented for EINIRAS – 9 October 2007 byby Ran Hock Online Strategies
2 First -- What is Web 2.0, really? Why should I care? Will it just go away?
3 Manifestations of Web 2.0 –Wikis –Mashups –Blogs –RSS –Streaming audio/video (really Web 1.0) –Tagging –Instant Messaging (really Web 1.0) –Social Networks –Web-based software –Widgets –Ajax and API’s
5 Web 2.0 Is: Internet communication and productivity tools that are: User-Centered Collaborative Social Interactive Content-rich Multi-media-rich De-centralized (control)
6 Web 2.0 Is Not a fad, not a movement, not a cause It is simply a description of what is happening.
7 Web 2.0 Also Concerns “The Long Tail” Chris Anderson (Wired Magazine) – demand for high-sales items, such as the best-selling books, is far exceeded by the total demand for lower popularity items. Web 2.0 allows that long tail to be effectively addressed as never before. Libraries have usually had a “long tail” of clients (infrequent and non-users) and “stock”
8 Fairly Obvious Web 2.0 Opportunities in the Library IM interaction between librarians and users Personalized OPAC/ILS interface, with suggested readings (automatic), sharing, bookmarks, user ratings, user recommendations, discussions, etc. Taggable databases, content, (including OPACs) Mashups of multiple databases and media Interactive, media-rich tutorials Bibliographic instruction broadened to information tools instruction
9 Fairly Obvious Web 2.0 Opportunities in the Library E-content Library blogs, RSS feeds, wikis Librarian/user wikis Organization of Web 2.0 manifestations (wikis, blogs, mashups, etc.) Re-birth of “bibliographies” – dynamic, user-centered, user-generated, user- edited.
10 Fairly Obvious Web 2.0 Opportunities in the Library Extension of the library’s role of a meeting place – Content-rich virtual spaces More interactive library websites
11 What It Means for Librarians Web 2.0 For Librarians – The Librarian as User Web 2.0 For Library Users
12 What It Means for Librarians Web 2.0 is only a threat if we (librarians and other information workers) ignore and don’t become a part of it. Are we to be seen as up-to-date, savvy, and innovative? The “2.0” part may be a fad, but the essence is not.
13 Librarian 2.0 Web 2.0 brings up issues we should be addressing anyway: How “user-centered” are we, how user- centered do we want to be, how user- centered should we be. How collaborative do we want to be, can we be, should we be? The librarian as “facilitator” Web 2.0 (Library 2.0) provides a reason to re- examine library services!
14 The Interesting Intersection of Librarianship and Web 2.0 User-centered - We like to think so Collaborative - Emphatically Social - Most of us Interactive - basically Content-rich - Emphatically Facing Decentralization of Authority/Control – Yes
15 Doing It Can we? Should we? Do we want to?
16 Probably the Most Important Point of All A library can become a Web 2.0 Library at virtually no cost, no risk. If it is successful, it can indeed take time It can be done in pieces There is no long-term commitment – Throw out or change what doesn’t work, with no embarrassment
17 Challenges Understanding the technologies Understanding our younger and our more progressive users Separating fads from substance Accepting and participating in change but not change for change’s sake
18 Important Question Providing Web 2.0 for Library / Library users (esp. for blogs, wikis, tagging, etc.) Will they use it and participate (do they care and have the time)? If it provides relevant, timely “answers” they will come
19 The Long Tail of Users The new rule 2.0 tools and approaches are a means of getting to the long tail, reaching new and under-utilizing users Blogs, RSS and wikis can address general and niche user groups.
20 If You Decide to Web 2.0-ize the Library It’s easy – if you have a little time and a little encouragement. New skills required are minimal –it’s getting easier by the day Some resources for getting started painlessly and quickly are at onstrat.com/web2 onstrat.com/web2
21 The Collaboration Side As librarians and information professionals, we pride ourselves on collaboration and sharing Web 2.0 collaboration extends not just to users but to others in organizations (e.g., IT people, archivists) and to vendors. Vendors want (or should want) to be Web 2.0- friendly. You don’t need to know AJAX, but it may be helpful to know someone who does.
22 Library 2.0 Here and There Is it catching on more quickly in the US and Canada? If so, why?
23 “Theories” on That Americans are used to and don’t mind embarrassing themselves, are more susceptible to fads. Americans are more boastful, “evangelical”, and public, while our cousins are more reserved, traditional, and private Simply an epidemiological issue Intrapreneurship and going beyond the “job description” is encouraged in libraries
24 Summary There is little reason not to do it There are lots of reasons to do it It is valuable to users and to us as professionals
25 Ran Hock Online Strategies Vienna, VA, USA Company site: Books site: