(Sherry) A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep
earthquake crack lie in ruins rescue... destroy useless survivor shelter
Skim to find the structure: signs( ) damage rescue Part 1: para ____ Part 2: para ____ Part 3: para ____ in the order of ____________ time
3:42 1/3 8x ,000 75% 150,000 10, data everything...shake nation... feel crack... cut across city...lie in ruins factories, buildings, home... be gone soldiers... help...dig out...bury miners...rescue people... killed/ injured Why are data used?
1. Steam 2. dirt 3. BricksBricks 4. damsdams 5. track, steel 6. trapped 7. electricity damage
Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. simile personification English rhetoric ( ) A night the earth didnt sleep The building shook like... People ran out of the room like...
shocked (para2) hopeless (para3) ignorant (para1) relieved hopeful (para4 ) feelings
What is the writing style of this passage? documentary writing( )
Describe the video by using vivid verbs, accurate figures, simple sentences and rhetoric. Add your feelings if possible. A Moment The Earth Felt Angry Practice in documentary writing:
Homework: 1. Polish your passage in groups. 2. Further thinking: Whats the purpose of writing this passage? Why is the Tangshan Earthquake the most deadly one in the 20th century? What can you do to help survivors?
The earth seldom sleeps! tsunami typhoon/ hurricane volcano