©2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only and may not be used for commercial intent. Vietnam
Vietnam is in Southeast Asia. It is a long, skinny country. Vietnam is about the size of our state of New Mexico. In the north are mountains and thick forests. Many people farm in the center of the country. In the south, farmers plant rice. The weather is hot and humid and very rainy.
Flag of Vietnam
PEOPLE GROUPS: Kinh (also called Viet, 86%), Chinese (2%), Thai (1.7%), and more than 50 mountain tribes Vietnam QUICK FACTS CAPITAL CITY: Hanoi (more than 6 million) POPULATION: About 90 million LANGUAGES: Vietnamese (official), English, some French, Chinese, and tribal languages
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD FACTS: Over 300 AG churches with 21,000 members. Over 200 pastors Two Bible schools train about 75 students. Vietnam QUICK FACTS RELIGIONS: Buddhism is the main religion, but many people say they are Buddhists but do not really follow the religion. About 7% are Roman Catholic. Others follow the Chinese religion of Taoism. Mountain tribes worship various spirits.