©2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only and may not be used for commercial intent. Ethiopia
Ethiopia is in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia is ¾ the size of Alaska. Ethiopia has grasslands and mountains. The lowlands get very hot, up to 120 degrees. The highlands are cool, about degrees. It rains from June to September in Ethiopia.
Flag of Ethiopia
PEOPLE GROUPS: Oromo (35%), Amara (27%), Somalie (6%), Tigraway (6%), other CAPITAL CITY: Addis Ababa (3.4 million) POPULATION: 85 million LANGUAGES: Amarigna (32%), Oromigna (31%), Tigrigna (6%), other Ethiopia QUICK FACTS
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD FACTS: Currently 2 missionaries work in Ethiopia with 54 churches, 54 pastors, and over 50,000 church members. One Bible school is training 83 students. RELIGIONS: Ethiopian Orthodox (44%), Islam (34%), Protestant (19%), traditional religions Ethiopia QUICK FACTS