Chapter 11 - Genetics Chp. 11 – 4 Applied Genetics.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 11 - Genetics Chp. 11 – 4 Applied Genetics

I. Applied Genetics A. using ones knowledge of genetics to affect heredity 1. transfer genes from one organism to another to give it as a desired trait a. hardier & better tasting crops b. stronger immunity system

II. Mutation A. a change in genes or chromosome’s appearance or number of that causes a new trait to be inherited B. Hugo de Vries 1. looked at primroses 2. saw mutations within the plants C. Occurs on all body cells (skin cells, sex cells etc.) 1. if on sex cells, will pass onto the offspring a. deformation b. 12 toes instead if 10 c. no growth - dwarfism d. color blindness

D. Changes 1. changes trait a. Green eyes instead of blue b. Extra finger or limb 2. harmful a. Low RBC b. Low WBC c. Low platelet/plasma count 3. helpful a. blend with environment b. better tasting

E. types 1. deletion a. when one chromosome is removed b. ex: A B C D E F G  A B C F G 2. insertion a. when one chromosome is repeated b. ex: A B C D E F G  A B A B C D E F G 3. inversion a. when chromosomes are changed/swapped b. ex: A B C D E F G  A D C B F E G H

4. translocation a. when blending chromosomes into one b. Ex: ABCDEFGH WXYZ  WXABCEFGHYZ 5. point mutation or substitution a. when only one letter changes in the frame b. Ex: aug aag uuu ggg  aug aag uug ggg 6. Frame shift mutation a. when a letter moves from one frame to another moving all others up b. Ex: aug aag uuu ggg  aug aa guuu ggg

The study of passing genes is known as 1.Mutation 2.Chromosomes 3.Fertilization 4.Heredity

A change in a gene is 1.chromosomal deformation 2.mutation 3.genetic engineering 4.a new trait

What scientist discovered mutations? 1.De Fries 2.De Hugo 3.Primrose 4.Mendel

What plant did Hugo de Fries use to study mutations? 1.Roses 2.Pea plants 3.primroses 4.Pine trees

Where do mutations occur? 1.Blood 2.Heart 3.Plants 4.Chromosomes

Which is not a harmful trait? 1.Low red blood cells 2.Low white blood cells 3.12 toes 4.Low platelet count

Which is not a helpful trait? 1.Better immune system 2.Better tasting 3.Ability to blend with environment 4.Having an extra limb

Which is not a type of a mutation? 1.Deletion 2.Insertion 3.Translocation 4.Swap out 5.Inversion

III. Selective Breeding A. the process of selecting traits and breeding organisms for certain desired traits to show B. done for useful mutations 1. longer legs in sheep 2. race horses

C. Two types 1. hybridization a. also known as outbreeding b. crossing 2 genetically different but related species of organisms c. crosses known to be hybrids d. examples 1. mule = mare and jack donkey

2. inbreeding a. the cross of 2 organisms that have the same or similar set of genes b. prevents organisms from extinction c. problems 1 - reduces the offspring’s chances of inheriting new genes 2 - causes offspring to always be similar 3 - organisms are susceptible to certain diseases 4 - organisms not able to handle environmental changes

IV.Genetic Engineering A. Process which genes or pieces of DNA are transferred into another organism B. Examples 1. Medicine a. test for diseases b. treat disease 1 - growth hormone 2 - insulin 2. agriculture a. ice-minus 1 - slows ice formation on plants b. improving plant resistance toward disease drought or insects

V.Cloning A. The process in which one is created from a single cell of the same group creating an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another 1. uses a cell from an adult organism to grow a new one 2. ex: first cloned sheep in 1997 in Europe B. Very controversial 1. comes down morales/ethics 2. illegal in US

The selection of genes to get a desired trait is known as 1.Cloning 2.Selective breeding 3.Fertilization 4.Mutation

What is another word for hybridization? 1.Inbreeding 2.Outbreeding 3.Sidebreeding 4.No breeding

What’s the main difference between inbreeding & hybridization? 1.There is no difference 2.Inbreeding is with the same group; hybridization is different groups 3.Inbreeding is with different groups; hybridization is with the same group

Why do we inbreed? 1.Better genes 2.Prevents disease 3.Prevents extinction 4.More breeds develop

Process where pieces of genes are transferred into another organism is known as 1.Selective breeding 2.Outbreeding 3.Cloning 4.Genetic engineering

What is the process where we use an adult gene to create new organism? 1.Genetic engineering 2.Selective breeding 3.Inbreeding 4.Cloning

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