Pathways to Partnerships, Linking Education to Employment May 19, 2009 By Phil Pepper, Ph.D. Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (601)
2 Mississippi Population Growth, Loss 0.0% to 0.9% 1.0% to 9.9% 10% and Above U.S. Average 13.2% MS Average 10.5% Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census
3 Mississippi Nonfarm Employment 1,159.3 May 00 1,107.2 Jun 03 1,119.1 Mar 09 1,159.3 Dec 07
4 A Lost Decade? Annual Average Growth by Decade - Employment
5 A Lost Decade? Annual Average Growth by Decade- Income
6 US Job Losses Since Beginning of the Recession
7 Mississippi Average Fall Enrollment by Grade, Average Number of Births 6 Years Prior to 1 st Grade 42,353 Average Number of Traditional Graduates 23,722 On average, for the last 10 school years, about 41,700 students entered 9 th grade, yet only 26,000 enrolled in the 12 th grade. Even less graduated with a traditional H.S. diploma. What happens each year to lose those 15,700+ students? Source: Annual Reports of the State Superintendent of Public Education
8 Workforce Participation by Educational Attainment Mississippians Years of Age, 2005 Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey
9 Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment Mississippians Years of Age, 2005 Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey
10 Source: Current Population Survey, March 2006.
11 Mississippi Male Incarceration Rates by Educational Attainment Source: Calculated for 2000 Census and US Department of Justice Data
12 Median Annual Earnings by Educational Attainment Mississippians Years of Age, 2005 Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey
13 Investing in Education Source: Calculations by IHL based on Appropriations data for 2005