W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples 100705 Examples: Reservations that are dotted show Capacity Available to Resell or Transfer. MWs in Gray are.


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Presentation transcript:

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Examples: Reservations that are dotted show Capacity Available to Resell or Transfer. MWs in Gray are no longer available to Resell or Transfer. Requests that are cross- hatched are outside the bounds of the Parent Reservation or are invalid. R05006D Resale and Transfer Examples Appendix Capacity Available to Resell or Transfer Capacity Not Available to Resell or Transfer

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Example 1 – Capacity Available for Resale against Parent ARef# 1000 would be 60 MW for Day one and 30 MW for Day two. See Standards _____ Day 1Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 60 MW - 30 MW MW - Confirmed Resale ARef# 1001 Confirmed Redirect ARef# 1002 Pending Redirect ARef# 1004 Confirmed Redirect ARef#1003 Pending Tag ID# 101 Implemented Tag ID# 100 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Firm or Non- Firm Parent ARef# 1000 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title:Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards Example 1: Parent Reservation: Daily Example 1: Capacity Available to Resale on Parent Reservation (dotted area) after Various events

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Parent ARef# 2000 Outage Example 2 – The Capacity Available to Resale is reduced by the outage. The Capacity Available to Redirect against Parent ARef# 2000 would be 100 MWs for days 1,2 and 4 and 60 MW for Day 3. See Standards ______. Example 2: Capacity Available to Resale on Parent Reservation Not Affected by Outage RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title:Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Example 3 – If the TP does not block request #3001 from being made, the TP would have the right to nullify Request 3001 because the time period is invalid (i.e. extends past the time period of the Parent Reservation). The Capacity Available to Resell on the Parent Reservation remains at 100 MW for the duration of the reservation. See Standards ________ Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Parent ARef# 3000 Invalid Redirect ARef# 3001 Example 3: Resale Request with Invalid Time Period RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title:Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Example 4 –Where the capacity sold for Resale exceeds the Capacity Available to Redirect of the Parent, if the TP has not blocked the request, the TP may nullify ARef# 400I. The Customer must submit a new Resale request. See Standards ________________. Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Parent ARef# 4000 Confirmed Resale ARef# 4001 Example 4: Resale with Capacity Requested exceeding Capacity Available to Resale on Parent Reservation. Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Parent ARef# 4000 Resale ARef# 4001 Nullified by TP Example 4a: Resale with Optional Nullification. RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Example 4b – In this scenario, the TP blocked the Resale Request ARef# The Capacity Available to Resell on Parent Reservation ARef# 4000 remains 100 MW for all four days. The TP could also allow the request but block confirmation of Request 4001 See Standards ___________________. Day 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Firm Parent ARef# 4000 Denied Resale blocked by TP ARef# 4001 Example 4b: Resale with Optional Request blocked or Confirmation blocked. RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Parent ARef# 5000 Transfer ARef# 5001 Counteroffered and Confirmed at 100 MW Example 5 - With a Transfer where the capacity requested exceeds the capacity of the Parent, can the TP Counteroffer ARef# 5001 at 100 MW or Refuse??????. Assuming also that the customer confirmed the Counteroffer, the Capacity Available to Transfer on Parent Reservation ARef# 5000 would be 100 MW for the first two months and zero for months 3 and 4. See Standards __________________. Month 1Month 2Month 3 Month 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Firm or Non-Firm Parent ARef# 5000 Firm Transfer Request ARef# 5001 Example 5: Firm Transfer with Counteroffer Example 5: Transfer with Capacity Requested exceeding capacity of Parent Reservation. RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Example 7a – The TP will block or deny this Transfer request because the stop time of the Transfer does not coincide with the Stop time of the Parent reservation. See Standard Z.3.2 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed 4- Year Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 Denied 2-YearTransfer request ARef# 7001 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Confirmed Firm Parent Reservation 5000 Year 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Transfer ARef# 7001 Confirmed Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards Example 7b – The TP and Reseller may approve this Transfer request. The start time is within the Parent Reservation start and stop times and the stop time of the Transfer coincides with the stop time of the Parent Reservation. Rollover rights, if any exist, will convey to the Assignee for 60 MW. See Standards Z.1.5 and Z.3.2

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Year 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed 60 MW Redirect ARef# 7001 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards Example 7b – Only the MW available for scheduling may be Transferred in a Partial Transfer. The TP and Reseller may deny this Transfer request. The 50 MW request is greater than the 40 MW available for scheduling. See Standard Z.4.1 Year 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed 60 MW Redirect ARef# 7001 Confirmed Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 Refused 50 MW Transfer Request ARef# 7002

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Year 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed 60 MW Redirect ARef# 7001 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards Example 7b – Since this is a Full Transfer (all 100 MWs granted are Transferred) this Transfer request may be approved, even though some of the MWs being Transferred are not available for scheduling by the Reseller. See Standard Z.4.2. The Assignee must pay the TP for the full 100 MW. The owner of the Redirect ARef #7001 remains obligated to pay the Reseller (owner of the Parent Reservation). The amount available for Transfer or Resale on ARef# 7002 is the same as the amount that was available for Transfer or Resale on the Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 Year 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed 60 MW Redirect or Resale ARef# 7001 Confirmed Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 Confirmed 100 MW Transfer Request ARef# 7002

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Confirmed Firm Parent Reservation 5000 Example 7 – The Customer may have multiple Transfer requests pending against the same Capacity Available to Redirect. Once Request 7001 is Confirmed, ARef# 7002 may be Refused by the TP or Withdrawn by the Customer. The Capacity Available to Redirect is 40 MW for days 1 and 2. (The TP could also Counteroffer ARef# This scenario is not shown). See Standards ________________. Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 Accepted Transfer ARef# 7001 Accepted Transfer ARef# 7002 Year 1Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Confirmed Transfer ARef# 7001 Withdrawn Transfer ARef# 7002 Confirmed Parent Reservation ARef# 7000 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards

W. WeathersModeled after Redirect Examples Accepted Parent ARef# 8000 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 60 MW - 20 MW MW - Example 8 – The TP and the Reseller may Refuse this Transfer request because 1) The stop time of the requested Transfer does not coincide with the stop time of the Parent Reservation, 2) The Customer may only Resell or Transfer against capacity of a reservation that is in a Confirmed State, and 3) Only a Yearly or Monthly reservation may be Resold or Transferred and in this case the Parent Reservation is Daily. See Standards _____________ Refused Transfer request ARef# 8001 RECOMMENDATION TO NAESB WEQ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Requesters:Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Information Technology Subcommittee Request No.:R05006D Request Title: Proposed Resale and Transfer Standards