March 29, OASIS: After 10 years, Where are We Going? Don Watkins - BPA
March 29, OASIS: –Propose a New Definition: The architecture, systems and protocols in an interconnection that provide electronic connectivity for all transmission related business and information that supports that business –Not: A system provided by a transmission provider for pro- forma transmission products and supporting information. (This is the first bite of the elephant. It will spawn much more.) A defining moment
March 29, A Scope Picture Transmission Scheduling Pre-schedules Same day Real-Time Operations Manage schedules DSM Curtailments Transmission Rights and Market systems Obtain T rights Rights tracking Energy Buy / Sell Buy Sell Settlement & Billing Reconciliation Settlements Billing & Accounting Electronic Funds Transfer A continuum from cradle to grave
March 29, The Value Proposition Dissimilar markets require specialized interfaces at the seams sometimes reducing function. Emergency Reliability actions across seams are often awkward and difficult. Non-standardized interfaces result in higher development and maintenance costs, lower quality, lower efficiencies (Todays interfaces are largely manual or specialized.) The absence of standardized electronic infrastructure makes implementing new methodologies exceptionally difficult. Dont have electronic infrastructure needed to support future methodologies needed to manage the system and loads. (The train has started) We substantially lag other similar needs industries.
March 29, My test of success I can electronically accomplish required power system adjustments (the generators or loads respond) to return to reliable operation within 15 minutes of initiation. (I am an operator – thats my driver.)
March 29, A Collection of Realities We all need to track our internal and external business N. America will continue to have substantial business seams. TLRs and other congestion management methods across seams arent sufficient. (an 8/14/2003 conversation) We do not have the same concepts or definitions of actors, transactions, or terms and their characteristics. We all have issues with migration to new systems from legacy systems. We have the building blocks for standardized electronic connectivity with e-tags, CIM, CME, ICCP, XML, etc. (The technologies we need already exist.)
March 29, What do we need? One Stop Shopping Seamless cradle to grave flow of complete transaction information Standardized electronic infrastructure with appropriate reference sources (Effective, Flexible, Complete Electronic Connectivity)
March 29, The Mountain Ahead (or the Pebble in your shoe) Legacy Integration Migration Terms (reference DBs) Sheer magnitude
March 29, The Forest Management Issue Its not the technology- It is the business means to accomplish it. (For large efforts even good things dont happen without a sufficient driver.)
March 29, The Essential Resources Is this too big to hope it will happen with non-funded traditional coordination forums of volunteer resources? Need: Disinterested guidance (Business/Process experts) Broad forum (industry, users, vendors) Dollars for production by experts and facilitators/aggregators Stakeholder participation
March 29, OK, Wheres the Map? Set up, fund and staff an effort to : 1.Develop a clear charter: What are we trying to accomplish? Not? Who cares? What dependencies? Who is responsible for what and when? 2.Define business processes (present and likely future) that need to be accommodated. 3.Develop adequate, robust, ultra secure accommodating architecture. 4.Designate protocol environment. 5.Designate reference infrastructure and its operability 6.Develop migration principles and strategy 7.Ongoing O&M 8.Provide for extensive development and production interoperability testing 9.Parallel review with NAESB standards as appropriate and ready 10.Integrate into specifications
March 29, The Elephant How do you eat and elephant? It seems that it is time to be what we need to be, providing the infrastructure and interoperability needed to meet ever expanding critical needs with ever increasing difficulties and demands in meeting them.